Origin Of The Five Pointed Star
In ÏS-IO, a gentleman of the long ago met at the house uf Mr. Polley, in Bailey's Prairie, Brazorla County, old Governor Smitli. Mr Smith was provisional (rovernor oí the embyro llepublic, or State, or ïerritory of Texas. In conveisatimi about the Texas euablem, the tive pointed star, he gave ifcs Texas origin. He stated that while Provisional Governor, it becanae necessary to send some official documents to New Orleans. The gentleman who was to take tlie document, insisted that it should have soine kind of saai. The provisional goveruor had adopted none. Jus!. Uien some one observed a fivepoiuted In.isi button on the governci's old overcoat. It was Cfit off Instant! nd used ns a state seal. Arriving in New Orleans, the newapaper reporters, seing the Impresslon of the five-poirted brasa button on the wax, made it an eniblem for the Lone Star State. ■ - Moses Colt Tyler is said to have severed his connection with the Congregationalist and entered the Episcopalan church, preparatory to taking orders.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat