Circuit Court Proceedings
D.E. Locke and Lafnyctte Burch vs. .Tüo. N. and Chas. Oross; motion for new tiïnl deiiied wilhcosts. Kxeculum slayed iiiii 1 the appliqation of Ue defendanis for time in w.hicb to flle and serve a bilí of exceptious shall have been deeided. Tlic Peojjle W. Win. Koalins; ; assault and l)itteiy. Anaigm-d ;unl plfaded not gullty. Andrcw Craig M. Danit-l Hall ; ordcrcd Ihal de f enden t have up to aud ïiicluding June 11 in whicli to serve a copy of the special motion for a further return of the jus tice of the peace, hcretoforc entered in this cause. J. Fred Oruf, who was charyetl withan assaült and buttery on bis btlter lialf, witli diew bis pica of not guilly and pleaded guilty last Friday. Ou payment of $15 costa lic was (ïiseharged from eustody.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat