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Camp Meeting Notes

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Öunday was just such a day as t lie n;ple had buen praying for wlio contemplated visitiüg llic lake, and as uarly as ." o'clock a. m. they began going. The luornimí was cool and deligutful, bul the roads were fearfully dusty. The nurnber of persons at the lake al 12 o'clock was voriously estimatcd at from 0,000 lo Many brougul their luucheons with thern, aud a large number of those who did n t were well cared for at the Cliflon and Lake house?. At the former jotel over 700 persons look dinner. The Messrs. Sinilh Imd not coutemplated such rush, Imt the manoer in wliicU tbey provided for the liungry proved tlicm lo be equal to the emergancy. As the day was very warm, lcinonade was in great Iemand. There were sevmal lootlis runuing and pruprielor.s and elerks had their lands íull, and the way they set it up to tlie tliirsty was a caution. The crowd aiternaleil bul ween the otels aml tent where religious services were held. Kev. C. T. Allen, of Detroit, ireaelied a very eloquent diseourse in the morning to 1,000 persons. In the afternoou there was preachiug agaiu and tLe crowd was even greater. The reform club tent was pitclied in the Dliftou house picnic grounds, opposite the liltle Melbodist meeting house near Ihu bank of the lake. Chas. Boylan and Wm. Matlhcw.s sold tickets to the camp meeting. There was sorae "kicking" amoiiü; the unconverted ecause tbe sum of 5 cents admission was charged, but Edward Burlington üidley, who had boen appoihtcd special joliceman, stood ready lo throw the lirst Durson who attemptcd to créate a distuibanee iuto the lake. In fact he had been nistructed to nunerse thcm.and thosc who were awjuainted with the man kuew he would obey instructions. S. W. Slnu tlelT, of this township, Andrew Smith, of Northfleld, and Geo. Kenwiek, of New Hudson, were introduced to the ticket seller as Methodist clergymen, and asked to be admitted to the tent C. Uoylan was the persou uddressed, who informe,d the trio that all that was lacking to make a full hand was the presence of Isaac Wynkup and they would be admilted, but under the circumstances he was coinpelled to say "no." A ftshing party from this city who didn't have time to altend the meeting, pent the day on the cast side of the lake. About $100 was taken in from the sale of tickets to the Sunday meetings. The boy wbo hjd charge of Ihe tent were saüstied with tueir "bonanza."' A slight shower about 2 o'clock cooled the utniosphere .aud dampciied tlie elotbes of who happeued to be eujoying a ride on the lake. Aside from a large number of row boats, four sail boats dotted the lake. Carriages, buses, backs and wagons were in great demand Sunday, as everybody wanted to go to the lake. Those who didn't ride went on foot. One farmer from near Hamburg took bis iamily iti a wauon drawn by oxen. A young lady from this place caused quite a sensation by falling in a fit. Only one man managed to get upset in tbe lake. Tbe water was shallow where lie feil in and he floated asliore.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat