The Supervisors
The board of supervisors met Monday and was called to order by the clerk. On motion of M. P. Case, 1. N. S. Foster was elected temporary chairman, when an adjournment was taken until half past iwo o'clock. AFTEKNOON SESSION. On molion of Wm. Dancingburg the board proceeded to elect a permanent chairman. Messrs. Graves and Dancer were appointed tellers. The vote resulted as follows: Thos. D. Lane, 13; Jno. J. Robison, 12. Mr. Lane having been declared elected he assumed the duties of chairman. A motion by C. H. Richmond that a committee of flve be appointed on equalization was amended and carried that the board resolve itself into a committee of the whole on equalization. On motion of supervisor Foster the basis of equalization wasfixed at $30,000,000. A motion by M. S. Shutts that $85,000 be takeu from the second district of Ypsi lanti and be placed on the first district was voted down. On motion of supervisor Foster the board elected C. II. Kichmond as a delégate to represent this county before the state board of equaliza tion. The following is the vote: C. H. Richmond, 13; M. F. Case, 8; Lee Yost, 1: T. D. Lane, 1; blank, 1. The board is to be commended for concluding their labors in one day. Don't fail to altend the great hosiery sale at Joe T. Jacobs' mammoth clothing house, commencing Saturday, Juna 18, and continuing for one week. Nothing of the kind was ever seen in Ann Arbor before. The finest display of half hose ever made in the city.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat