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The Northern l'enntylvauiarailroad declares a seini-auiiiKil dividend of three i ivn I . Tlm t'xccss ot fiv b'T cent. bonds rotuniad ior coDtinuancewill reaoli at least $10,000,000. The employers of the New York and Brobklyn brewerlee iseoui to bc wimtinu tbeir point. The direetors of the I'ennsylvauia mürosd compnny have ratified the contract wlth tlm Wabasli, St. Louis and Pacific railioad comimiy, RDd Ibe Central milioad cimipany of New Jeney. Th New Hampshire sennle lia asked the Btte8uprinecort foran opinión asto the Iegiility of the eleotion, at tlie prestint sension, of a Buccessor to Senator Hollins, whotie term fxiiircB Marcti ■), likS. (ien. Sbevamn Lu hls epeecti at lh reunión of the arruy nf the Poioiuac l Hartford, made a very telliim response In Uw laseilioua publigbed by JenVrsoD Davisin his history of tlie iie aul (all of the confedemcy. Tbe OWo Republlcan conveiition met at Glevelaod BDd lenomujated Charles Poster tor {overnoi li aeclamatlou, aml wltu ureat enUiuKiasiii. Tlie adininiMiraliim was warmly ndoned, hut made do referenoo to tlie Conkliiii; perforiuauce. S.-uator überuian presided. The reunioa of the arniy ot the Potomao at H irtfonl, ConnM was a very Baocessfol afluir. Daniel Douglierty of Philailelphia delivered the oratlon. aflnr whlcfa Bpeechee were made by (lenend Sherman, Kecretary Lincoln, (JeneraU Uurnside, i'raukliu, Iibvuis, Hawley, Slocuin aDd Sickles, and Qorernot liiKlow ofConnect icut Geueral Devens was elected president of the society. A bamiuet in the eveiiingc.niclmlwl tliert"iiou. Tbe uext reunión will 1 held in Detroit. The tialloUntfforsenatoi-R in tlio Newïork lecislative joint coiiveiition shows no chance at uny moment. C.H. Husjtill, who has previnii-iy votad for Coukling, Baiil that he was COUTÜiCed that nine-tenlhs of his coDBtltoesta were opposod to him, and that he Bhoa!d (beretor voto for CornelL Conkliut; Kot üt votes out of 150, a Httle more than one-fifth f the total vote; l'latt got 29 votH out of 155, less ttiau one-fiftli of the totul. Depew and Kfrunn oach received 51 votfsfoi" the toDfcterm. (i. Tristom, the Chicago fasler, Iim fiuished 12 days of his faat, and is in a notahly better 1 condltioD than was Dr. Taunei at this stage of his trial, beiog fat, nuldy and gooil humored. EliB pulae is il. temperaluro 98 4 5, respiralion IS, weierht 177 i. Every ptepsraüon i complete for üio start of ilii) i'u couimlssioo trom Los Pinos Ageucy Col. for the (ïraiul River Country, t lócate ;i new reservatiou for the Utas. Chief Sapocon an au(! tlie otlier four Ulfs slM't(l toaccom' pany the cumiiüssion havo not roporleil, hut aro expected. If they aro not there when the start is uiade the coiuinission will proeeed without thcin. Wm. McQaeen, Gl years of age, was founil guilty of nianslaughler in tüe Ith ilegree in a SL Louis court V. F. Kennedy, defrated caudiiiale for mayor of Bradford, Pa tried to get the nlectiou set aside on the ground of fraud, but fatled. Banks, the St. Louis negro uiho killed his wife in Marcli, 1K8Ü, was sentenood to the penitentiary for life. He is 70 yoars old. Katiu Sliay died Thursday at Cleveland froin injuries received by jumping olï the rivci bridge, Wedaesday nijjlit, willi a suicidal iuteut. EdwardLoug, a yarn spinner of Philadelilf Ipliia, lias lici'ii beid for trial on a charge o! derraudiugtliegovernineiitby tbe mportalion of woolen ng from Baffalo. The executive council of tbe American bankera' assoclatiou bave made preliminary arranguHients for a Imulcws' conveution at Niágara Falls ou tbe lOth of August A NVilson, North Carolina, dispateh stat: Mauly K11ÍB and Wrigbt Newsom, courting tbe same girl in Wilson, N.C., quarreied, and Kllis sbotNewsoin dead. T. J. Bolton Jr., on trial the past fewdays at l'ort (ibaoi), Mississippi, for the murtler of ) .iiülass Clark last spring, was aciiuitted. His trial for the killing of L. M. Clark was postiiniiwl until tboni'XtttM'in. The wil! of tho lata E. J. M. Hale, of Haverhill, Mas?., makes bequests of f ÏUO.OOI) to the public library, $50,UOO for a city hospital aml $2U.(XK) to the American Hible society. There are other liberal bequests. Judge Harris of Perry county, Ark., and Editor Matthews of the Fourchee Valiey Times, were sought for and not fouud by a party of kluklux. Thurgilay, bwcause of the publication of prosecutions iuaujfurated by the judge. The affair will be investigated. Boys playlng iu tho outskirts of the villaje of St Heuri, Oanaaa, found s sniall box wblch they attsmpted to break opeu with stones. It exploded, injiniutr twoof them very seriously and slihily injuriiiK two otlicm. A st;irin,accoinpanie.l by rain and hail,slnick the Solomon Valloy in Kansas. At lleloit a great deal of glass was broken out .f Windows, luit the fury of Ihe eyclone was irreatcst at Dut me rury oí ine eyeione was greau'si ai i SiiloiiiDii City, where uearly all the glass was broken trom Uie nortli windovs aud a uuuiber , óf housen deetroyed, but 110 live weitt lost. ( Four miles iiorlliwist, ïeunis Morgan and ,. sister were inslantly killed aud thelr house . totally dwtroyed. At Heiiuingto, on the Valle road, twelve milos nortliwi-st of Soloinou City, a farmer nameii Protliitighntn, liis wife ' and uired haud wcre kil'wl aud tlie house completely deuiolislied. Iu tlie saine vieimty tlireu t stone farm houses were hlowu dowu, but tlm t inmatus wero iu tli cullars and escapod fatal injuries. A lare mimlier of liouses aud barns uioug tlie valley betweeu Solouion City aud ( Miuneauolin, B dlstonce of tweuty miles or , morís were lilown down, but furtuer l(cs ol life is not yet reportcd. Hailslones carne dowu ve] y lliiok. anil soinc vri' lafffei Uion waluuts ' and c- ui tainud in tb center smult pebblee. The balloUoe in tb New York legislature ■ for United Statea senutor coutiuues, witli puw eaiuing. i Jay (iimlil and party passed oyer ttoe Detroit i i. BaUer railroad and iirououuce ït good. Additional partbsulan ol tbe (ornado in ! aas, are that the storm extended lato Iijon ' couuty, and did great lamage to crops, ' inga, felices, etc., all over tbat part of the country. The town of AniericuH, near Etnporia, was alMms! totally dc-stroyed, nvwy building in it beiag uiore or lesa damaged. The Uuiti'ii l'r(byteriAii ctiurcb was literally torn to piecfs, aud the Methodist Obarob wius lilmvn ; off its foundation, and utmost tutally deetroy. ed. Stveüil homes in Rutporta were hlowu down, aud btaoaa an-i oLhar próperty tui.lly ilamaifed. TUe norlli woti eaat adiiition of the sta:."! Normal BCUool was uiiroofcil and tbe wall partly torn dowu. Th wbeat just reody for harvest, and otber crops everywhere in tlie track of tbe fttorm, wre elther blowu aw.iy or Maten luto the (;rouüil liy llie hail.ani mineas nuantiiy ot whkth t 1 1 duriug thestotm. BoatbMBt Missouri eullcivd severely froin the late storm. Iumieose hHllstuDrs fell ovor a liiiye arca f i-mniiiy and dul trreat damage to the crops and wiwlow ííbs.s. A watersuout brote ion littli' valley lu B.irry eounty", Ín Whlch is situated the lown f Sevuii Btar Spring, and livtore the poople eould reach tiio surroundiug bilis, a Loneut or water rusbed down, taklDK with it bousRS, tenis, houaehold goods, and animáis belonginc to thoee near the siiriuc. Awomau aud five oliildreu, a man, twowomen aul twocliildren wereswaptaway by the llood, bnt fortunately they all lodged iu the bushes, aud were rescued some hours after. The fire whicli desUoyed a seclion of Quebee Btarttnl. it is ttaid, in a house of ill ivpuir, whoso drunken or rowdy inmatea upsot au olí lamp, and theu pread fie llames to the Belghlioriug Ikhisoh and atables by tbrowingf the blaziug beds aud íurniture out of the window. Tbe dad-Iock ia the N. Y. legislature contiuues with little variation in the strength of factione. Theproceediutttt have been variad by a charge of atteuipted bnbery made by lepresentativee Bradley agaiust Senator tíesaious. Bradley avers that Sefcsiuus placed ic his hauds $2,01)0, to induce him to vote against Conkliny. Seisious denies it. A ronunitten of investifitiou was appiiniii andaworn statements have been made pro and con; hut the cominittee adiiiiirnpfl uitlwtiit. i'om t iltt incr tltnii luKiii-a Pitney, custodian of the treasury, lias refused to testify beforetueinveetijiatiutrcommittee and he maiutuins tliut thry cannot compel lum to testify uuder oatli. The líiound tliat be might tluis criininati' liiiuseK protects liiiu. He was willins; to answer questiona ir imt sworn. Aiiiiiiij; the items he üad eutered on his books us having purcbaeed was a uumber of boxes of eandles. No caudles are used iu the tieaury, and when asked about it Pitney frankly statéd lbat be never actually bougbt any candleB, but that "under orders" lie liad it ililíttrent time pmviiled uice lunches for sotne oHicials and lie covered the expense by chargini; it np to candles. Six bundred of the 7U0 clerks of the consiu biireau have voluutet-ivd to go on workiogi without w:t;eH, aud trust to coneress U vote thein tbeir proper pay at the next seesion. Mr. Campbell of Utah, wbo received the e"'eruor's certificato of election as delégate to co! gress froin that tcrritory, has boeu rejecteu from the list of meml)ers f the present house of reprcsentatives by Adains, the Democratie clerk of the laet house, to wliom helónos the work of uiaking up the ruil of the present. Adauis bas entered the name of Cannon, the four-wived Moruion eider, on the roll. Mr. Campbell has tlierofore brouebt suit in a Utah ciiurt to cstablish the fact that ('annon was neyer legally uaturalizftd as a citizeu Bi tli United Staten, and is slill a liritish subject. A fire at Broqklyn, N. Y., destroyed property to the value oT }!-w,0UO. The great storm iu the West reachid to Minnesota. At Hlue Earth ('1 y five iuches of water feil in 0110 liour. Trees were aptpoted and buildings demolished. Mr. and Mrs. Chalïee, HviDg in the town of Lura, wen killed by the blowing down of their house. The bain of L. J. Frestcriii same town was unroofed, burying his dangfater in the ruins. She was taken out in an uucouscious conditi.m and the injurie may prove fatatl. At Wvils J.ilin II. Vans had his house and barn blown to piceos. V. Robéis' barn was wrecked and lus daughter seriously injuml. The destruction of these buildings is complete [rom roof to foundation. The debris of MCb 9 scattered over acres of yrouiid. Iu inany iiiHtauces fragmenta i were foHiul a inilt■uvay from where tho buildings stond. Articles of househoM gioils wer nnashed and griiiiinl in atiims and Imliling and clothing whipped lato rasaaad shrads. Mr. Hosecrants, who liv8 noiihwest, aud Ufa John Harper, who lives BOrtttmst or Melvero, aie known to havn Ixitni fcIMad. Mr. Rosecrants, Mr. ('olyer, Miss Fraocls Colyer, Mrs. Calkins, Mrs. John Hirpi'r, Mr. Mart Neally, Mra. Devlin aru badly buit. The lionses And bttUdiDgs of tlie following persous, begindídk Dear Ollvet aod f olJo wlnft the track of the cjclimi, wcru tolally dcstinjcil: L. M. l'owi'li, Mr. Uruwn, Pbllfp1 Latta, David IHif (icld Mr. Rosecrants, H. M. Auston, John Col yr, (ieo. lirini'i', Jesse, Mr. ('alkinx, Mr. lialiam, John Hiirprr, Mr. Tompkiu, Mr. Devlin, J. R. Higgins, KobKit (illicrt, Jamen Marshall, James Varloy, and Mis. Martin Neally. The l'rbbj terian church at IJueiieiiia was destroyed. A correspouleut describing the BCenu near Oiiv;t, Ks., saysa lioiïi) was lifled out of the stable and carried overa liigli hill, and dashed npon thi-ground in a coru field a inile away. Cattle were lifted from tliu ground, carried Olto the air aud dashed to piectp. PoweU's fine orchard was totally destroyod, trees heiDg torn off tbe ground and twisted luto athousand fragments. Tbree negro childreu, kft at lióme ncar Oíivet, vm Dadly injiired, one haviug siiico diud and it issaid ihe otheis cannot Uve. Tlie Mutual Union, the proposed rival oí (ould's telegraphic monopoly, is airead) lo operation Imtweon New York and Boston aud the wires wiíl 1)6 up betweeu Ney York, Detroit, Chicago and interuieiiiat poiiits this fall_ Eitrhty Indiana of Sittlng Bull's band have receutly come into Fort Buford in a destitute cundilion. Ex-Seu-tor Thuruian declines the Deutocratic noinination fir QoTernoi of Ohlo, The curreney ot the country, coin and paper, now excwds l,:iiW,(H)0,i)0O, or about .f27. per capita of tlu populatiou. At Krie, l'a., Fathar Valoney, the exposed mlracle worker, who was arroeted on í charge of cibuiiiiin;; uioney under false pretenses, wa discharged. It wax hIjowii lliat he bad been pu'ul the mouey to effoct miraculous ciuo, bal could not be In ld, bocuuse, although he took the uiiiney, he (lid not solicit it. Iu tho f.uuoiis iniscogenation case whereiu a ('hinatnen aml a white woman were indicie t for intennarriage, the eereinony haviug been performed in Colonulo, tho couïïh declara the raarriago legal. A curiousoutgrowthof the case is that tho Cliinamen have ostracised 'hu bold groom, Lee Cliin, and claim that ho disgraccd their race by iu:irryiüg a white woman. The Cañarían I'acific railroad company has omployed (i,000 Cliinese laboréis, the North Pacific sevoval tbousaud, and 1,500 are wanted fir railroad(;rali)giuMexeo. The report of the treasury iovestigatiiig e, inmiittei', recumuieuds the iinmedinte dis(liarfje of l'itney, ciistodinu of the treasury, Norton, asöistant secretary, and of tho chiit clork,for having violated the law. The collectors of intornal revenae have boen iaformod that owini; to the appropriatiou fcr the curront fiscal year be nj; nearly exlmusted, guagere and storekeepers will only be paid to June L'oih at present. The expenditures on the Biooklyn bridge thus far are nearly f 18,000,000. The Oauadian farmerB complain of great drought, which threatens to destroy the whol hay erop. A boat containing five young men was carried over the dam in the Iowa river at Marslialltowu, Iowa, Monday niRht, nud two of the party were drowned. On Shock Hill, near Breckenridge, Col., four foet of carbonate has been stnick at a depth nf 100 feet in the Blye Jay lode, which assays 135 onuces of silver and fiveouncos of gold per ton.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat