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Senatorial Districts

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The new npportionment for state senators, ondee the census of 1880, was not linally passed until Wednesday night. Jt is known as senate file 223, and niak;s the following arrangement of (lititricts. Tlie changes affect about hall of tlie existing districts. The exact ratio is one senatorio 51,135 inhabitanls; but as no county can be divided in fbrruing á district unless itisentitled to more than one senator, accordingto the constitution, there ensiles great inequality. The difference between the largest and sniallest district is over 40,000; and while 15 have i surplus, 17 have a dcficiency in the true ratio: Dintrirts. Populution. 1. Tho 5tu, 7th, Ui, llth, and 13th w.inla of Detroit, and townshipa of Grosse Point, HamtraincMnd (Jreeufield, Way n aounty 71,939 2. The lst, 2d, 3d, 4th, titli, and Ktli wards of Detroit 85,174 3. The lOth and 12tli wards of Detroit,and all townsulps in Wayue county not included in the lst OMrict 6(J,:!i:i i. Couuty of Washtenaw 41.K4S 5. Monrop SSLfttS 6. Leuawee 48,34 7. Jackson 42.0JÏ1 8. Cal hou u 88,452 9. Brancti and Hillsdale 6O,W7 10. K.ilamazoo and St Josepli 60,968 11. Berrion and Case 58,788 12. Allegan and Vau Uuren 68,613 13. Barry and Eaton 5t,5l2 14. Clinton and Iughain 61.211 15. Oakland 41,537 lti. Lapeeiand Macomb 61,705 17. St. Clair 46,197 18, Huron and Sauilac 46,430 VI. enesee 3'.i,21S) 20. Livingston and Shiawassee 49,310 21. Ioni:i and Montcalni 67,020 22. Kent 73,252 23. MiHkeiron and Ottawa 5ÍI.YI I 24. Clare, Isabella, (ratiot, Midland 45,17'i 25. Saginaw 5(J,CW5 26. Lake, Masou, Newaygo, Oceana 39,681. 27. Manistce, Mecosta, Usceola, Wexforrt 4 (,098 28. Autriui, Banzie, Charlevoix, Etnmet, Urand Traverse, Knlknska, Leelanaw, Manito, nlissaukee 40,92! %&. Alcona, Alpena, Clieboygan, Crawford, (iladwln, Ioaco, Montifoinery, Oeremaw, Oscoda, Otsego, ï'resque Lile, Roscominou 36,50b 30. ISay nnd Tuscola 63,820 31. Chippewa, Djelta, Mackinac, Marquettt, MiiuoniiiiBe, Schoolcrart 53,913 32. Baratía, Hougliíon, Isle Royale,Keewenaw, Ontonagoü 31,167


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat