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DRAKE'S OYSTER DEPOT 2O East Huron St. öysters Always FreshandCheap. Pure WIncs and TJquors for mndlcinal pornoses. Choicest briuids of Clxars alwny g on han J FRED SÖRGU Dealer in PAINTS, OILSJAIISHES PSUBHSS, W1HDOW ÜLASS, And all l'ai'.iten' Supplies of thu Best Quaüty SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington Tst. ANN ARBOP. - MICMIGAN. RINSEY & SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington &t., Hare on hand a complete stock of rerytbiag in thu Grocery Line. They buy thelr Toas, CoíTees, and 8ugarH Ia largo amounts, and at CasIbL IPzc?cos And can sell at Low Figures. The large lnvoice of Teas they Buy and Sell, Is a good proof that in Quaüty and Price they Give Bargains. Thuy RoasU ther ovn Codees every week, ua) Huno but prime articlea aro used. Thelr Bakeryturns out excellent Bread, Cakes and Crackers. Cali and see them. JACKSÖFTlRlCLAY'Ca Manufacturere of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND-lDTlJ.Tlr TILE. All out Draln THe are made of Flre Clay, are cf unwtual Btrength and Uulit uriyht, whlch mfttrilly reduces tho breakage and expense of trïinsiortation. Tho ditchingfor thlsclassof tilingisleasexpen sive, as they do not requirn to bc laid below f rost, butonly deep enouh to escape the plow. Wbile this is more ocouoinical it also aids ïn obtaining betlr tall" or grade to the drain." A f uil assortment of all sizes, for sale la sm&ll qiiantltics, or car load lots-, at thfl FESDON LüiBEB TM JAS. TOLBERT. Agent. TüNlC IS A THOROUCH REMEDY In erery case of Halarial Kever or Kever and Ajrue, whilefor disorders of the Stomach, Torptdity of the Livi-r. Imlj,rstim aml listurbancea f tlif ininial f orces, wEtch debilítate, it has no equivalent, and can do substituto. It sbould not bo confoundfd witli trttiiiated compounds of chuap spirif s and essential oils, often &uld under tlie naine of Bitten. FOK SALE BY C. E. Holmes, ('ook hotel block. KENDALL'SSPAVINCURE. The most successful Remedyver discovered, as it is curlain in its Qffecta and does not blistci". Read Proof Below. PRESEVERANCE WILL TELL Stoughton, Mass., Mareh 16tb, 1880. B. J. KsmAU& '".. Qbmtb; In justice toyou mul uiysflf, í tliitik L OUght tO Iet you know that I have removed two Injiie spavins with "Kendall's Spavin C'un1." on.' vcry htr'a 0JWÍ dont know üow long thE spavin liad been tber. I have owned toe hrae teht months. It took me four months to take tin l&rge one iT and two tor the sniail one. l have usea ten bottles. Thehoreo ís entlrcly well, nt nl all stiíT. and no bunch to be sot'n i' feit. Thisis a wondi'rful iiedicino. It in a ncw thlwg hert1; luit il' it does for all what it has doue for me its Kale will bv. vi;ry ffreat. Keapectfully youra,Cft8, K. Pabkkb. Spavin Cühi is aure in ita effects, mild iu its AGtion M t dO08 not hlister, }'9t it ÍS penetratlng and powerfu] to reach overy dep ■eated puin r t remoTe any bony Rrowth or other eni&rgement such as spavins, apunta) curb, caUous, spiulns. swellings, any lamenea and all enlarffenicntsof the joints OC llmbs, r rheumatisin in man and for any pUrpdSQ for which a Uniioent is osd for man or heast. It is now known to tho lnst lininit-nt for man ever used. acttng mild mul vet oettatnin its efléota. Send addreasfor Dlustrated Circular whicU we tlünlc giv.s poatUve proof of its virtues. No remedy lias o.vor wt with sudi unqnaJlfiod succesa to our knowjedjie. for beast as well as man. Pricefl. perbotUe, oraix bottles for $5. All DruggtetB have it orcnn gel it for you, or it wiü bc sent to any address on receipt of prioe by the proprietore. 1H. B. J. KENDALL & CO., Énosburgb Kalls, Vermont. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ï. hTdöwhT VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR f Is a sure cure for Cough, Colds, Eg Whooping-Cough, and all Lung B Disease, vrheit taken in beatón. 1 People die of coutuiitioi snnpW 1 v because of neglect, when the limcly use of tMt remedy would have cured them ai once. 1'ifllj-oilC years ot constant use pruvet Uu, (act Ihat no cough remed l.a stood the test hkt JOotvwta' JbtiZir. Thee arc. toe mui iixib iei bottlo. F.r .-w, Wrywh, Dr. Baxter's Mandrake VVill cuil Jauudice, Dispepsia, Liver Con:ilai)t, Indigestión, and all deast-s arising from Bilüusness. Pnce 2$ ets. per bottle. PM S:.. K.rj.l,. UBHRl Ai JOUKSOJfa ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENTl for Jflan aml Itcust. The most perfect liniment ever H Scoinpounded. Pricr -5c. and 50c. I Var KiiT.vvvli'.iii.


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