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A great lied of marl ''as been fonml at He] mout, mi tlie (. R. & I H. H. LOrth of liraui Rapids, and it is propt d to make lime of i ou h large srale. Theie Te over JU acre i Mj deposlt, and it is uear the surface. It is proposod u huikl a Splrituallstand Lib milist colle ge at ( iiifriüic lake nenr Haïti ('roet A tramp has been sent to [oma orison ui: monUiB for stealiug a ride on the (irand Trun railroad from Chicago to Port Hurón. At the exhibitiou of Eobbins & Colviu's cir rus at Bay City a canvas pole feil and injured au dlii man namcd Burrows eomewhat seyere ly. Burrows sued the proprietors of tlie circu for 1,000, bet settled for f200 and expense and his doctoi'd bill. Negltct of nauitary regulations and bac drainage bave been the causes ef prevdlence o diphtheria at Ludiugtou from wliich hO death dave occurred since Jan. lsL The city bas l)ou thoroughly cli'aued upand the cases now existingare of a milder type. Supretne court.- In the case of the state treasuier vs. the auditor funeral (theMichigai SoMlhern tax case) the petitiou for mandaniu to coinpel the auditor geueral to assess tli back taxos under the general raiiroad law, wa, uot granted. In the case of the appeal from the Wayne circuit court the decisión was af firmt-d, wliich wlll oMlge the railroad com pany to pay the suni of $50,000 back taxes, am to pay aaditlonal taxes of about $'.1,000 pe year in future. Mr. Davis, of Marlette townshipwas sliotam Ulied by a lii'imit named Hay, who also lives in that towuship. Tlie men were (ïuarreling about some cattle when the atlray occurred. Senator John Strong of Monroe, Represen tative (ieorge H. Hopkins of Detroit, and Jo geph (reusel, Lausing correspondent of the Free Pre , who are about to take a tri Ihrough Kurope, are to be coinmissioned by the (ïovernor to represent Michigan interests ahruail, and to collet iuforniation upon the sysUMii Rsdmanagement of educatioual, char itahloand penal Instltatlons of the principa countries thty may visit, without expense to the state, and report the result of their obser vatiiiii.s and investigationB upen their return The oouimisRiou may bö expected to gatlie souie important material on the propose (luestious, and tbe report which they wil makc will uodouit be a valuable one. (rand llapids 6aloonista de not like to obey the liquor laws. Tliey cspecially object to ciosiug up on tne coming fourth et July. Spencer townsbip, Keut Co., has twelre case of sinall pox, and many of the inhabitants are thorousrlily frtghtóned. Strawberriea six inches in circumference groWD by J. W. Heluro of Adrián, were shown at the farmers' meeting lost week. The Detroit, Lansing aud Northern railroar Iwoe round trip tlcketa to Traverse City, Petos key, Mackinaw aud Other pleasure aud fishiuj, leaorts at veiy low ratea. There is ;■. yearly in orease of travel to northeru Michigan by summer tourists, not ouly ly citizens of our owu KtiUi, but also from the soulh. Albiou is to have a 75,000 bushei elevator, Jaokson county is to have a uew i 10,000 poor house. Couimissions to lw pest maaier were sen June 0, to Luinis S. Chamberliu, Canuons burgh, and June 7, to Edwin Abbey, Ketne. Little Albert FreiUig, aged about 8, while playiug bal! with a lot of companions near bis liome in Adriau, was struck by lightnius;. The electfic chartro descended on the lad's righ temple and passed down ttieside. burniug ol bis hair, scorching bis tlesh, teariug his clotbes to laUere, aud, it is said, hurliug the body some fi-nt in the air. Th gnmud on which uestoo wiK riven ly tbc concussion. Another little fuliow, named Charllè Mead, bad his aukie slightly iujured, but all the rest reuiaiued uu barnied. The srrief of the stricküu pareuU caunot be IHUnRly described, and scores o people bave tloeked to see tbe unfortunüte lad's remains. (irand Rapids prououncss the eleclric liülit i great iuiprovement over gas for street liglitiug. The commitiee at (rand Rapids to examiui applioants for admission to the naval acadein} ban beatówed the honor upou (ieo. V. Tenant of (rand iiapids. Tbe Koviiiuor bas appoiutod T. T. Lyou of Soutli Haven, J. (i. Ramsdell of Traverse City, W. K. Uibson of Jackson, Prof. W. J. Beal of Lansing, aud Evart H. Scott of Aun Albor, cominisáloners to represent this state at the extiibition of the American pomological society ; llioston next f all. (iov. Jeromeapproved all the bilis lett tohim by the legislatura except the Howell compilation bill aud the act oompellmg rallwny com vauieH ti) "plug" switch "irogs" eo nu to pre-nt men trein Ketting their feet fast therein. The Linsing Kuiulits Templar band oleáred $l,7H'.i 18 by ihe recent bami touiLaiueut. Nlles Republican: Tliat troublesomo pest of the farmer, the fp-RMOOpper, is doing tome ogriy work in tins viciuity. Three miles norlbwwt of tbe city. on tlie west side of the liver, they put in an appearance and iuoneuightslripped a ten acre dover field of every leaf. This wïis on th tarm of Wui. Pliile. On the east sideof the river, on the old Ford farm, they stripped thiee acres of oatl for Mr. hiuneil. Burton Jarrla examiced some if the boppers on this siiic of the river ajid fouud tbem to be iu color 8trongly incliued to red, and that they are sniall and bave very smal! wiugs. Two childrcD, dausbters of David Crawford, were struck by an express train on the bridge east of Aun Arbor. Hoxy, the eldett, aged about 10 years, was instantly killed ; the other, Ma, aged K years, was badly injured, her left leg and arm being broken. The arm was am■ putated. 1 be postoffice at Saville, Barry Co., bas been diecontiaued aud mail for that place is now sent to Hastings. The Tawan MUI property under mortgage of $] 10.K00 bas been 8old uncïer dtcree of the circuit court of lonco eounty at Tawas City, R. J: Wha'ry of Flint, being the purchaser, for the Hum or ï7J,8O0. All personal property to the JSast Tawas Salt anti Lamber Company, $40 . I.ands iu Tunóla comity and all remaining uoeoltl property was bid In by Warren of Bay City. Uue good effect of tuis Bale will be that titles niay now be perfected. Mr?. Etella Marshall has recovcred a verdict for $1,500 against James H. lirown, a Qcaad Kapids driiiist, for ptitlint; np the wroug medicine for ter by mlstake, by wblcS, she claims, her health was seriously iujuml. Peter Scbiérn, a farmer in comfortable circumetancis, reiliiitï iu the township of Kldridge, oceana Co., commiited suicide hy shooting. lioinnstic clilliculties. Mich:wi Monaghan, a prominent pnlltictan añil liad pawyer iu Kielz's mili, at Manistee, was killed in a most horrible manner. He was aselatlng neac the eder when the saw caught a place of eduing and threw it with siich force that it was dnven ciear UuouKh hia body.causiiiK instant deatli. Ttie board of supervisor?, of vvliicii Ii6 was a member, was in session at the couri house, and attended bis funoral in a body. ' The Kalauiazoo Times ha the followiue: Ten montbs ago Lansini; was startled by Ihe anniiuureiiient that Mary Benj imin, wire of Marvin Benjamlo, bad coinmitted suicide by taking poison. A post uiorteai exaniinatio revealed the presence of strjchume i:i her Htoinach. At tlivt exaininatiou her husbaud - aml Ailülinc ('orbin, a sister of th deceaseJ, tertified that . Mrs. B. hal diel f rom Btrychniue taken by hr owu liaud. Ttie womau's reluaius were buried, aud the matter had passed from public thought or coiiuuent, whcu the tiTiiliie siory of her takingulf is revealed- that sh" wart foully inurdered. A few inonths ago thu Bister marrit'd Albert Corey, a man of flagrant reputation aud chargeil with numerous crimes. They were well mated, aud to gethertravereed tho state, cominitting an untold nuinner of i;riuies. It seems that Mrs. Corey coofided to her husband the faot that Mary had been poisoned - ttiat she with her owu hands made and poisoued tho cake, Ihe i rating of which at dinner bad made a corpsof her eister bef ore night. Since Mr. Corej'.t arrest at Lanstng lie gavn bis wife away, and, on bis atlidavit, sb was arrested on charge or morder. We understaud that the dead voniau's husband was au accomplice, and tbat on ibat nightwiieTi bis wife laya corpse in bis house, he and the sister couducted themselves in a manner too shameful for reproductiou here. The above facts a reporter of the Times gleaned trom Corey, who is DOW in jail he.r uader a 90 d&ys sentenoe to the house of correaüoa. Má}. B. C. Watkius of Rockford, Kent Co., bas been appnlntëd by (i'.v. Jerowie va Warden otlonia Prlson, to Uikt. etfect July 1. He was a member of the Legialature in 1K75. and for reveral years a pecial agent in the ludían servic. The (.'.iiiwigo Times ays: It ia undentood that the Baltimoro& Ohlo and Ihe Wabns'j roads will coiniiience running cars fromChlcago to l'etroit on July 1. It is ciaimed tbat the route will be eight miles shoiter thau auy other. The junctiou with the Detroit & Hutier bnincli of tliu Wabath will be made at Auburn, J ti.'. Tbe Bntler hotel oocupied by J. Htssettand the dwelllug bousea of Lowis BoochR. Paul Helieck and Alexanuer Stevenson, at Zilwaukee, burned. Loss, $4,000; ouly partially insured. Mrs. Chandler has presentcd a life-size portrait of tbe late Zacbariah Cbandler to Hillsdale college. Mis. Fred Bailey, of Venice, Shiawaasee couuty, liung herself wliile insane. Tbe obelUlc, pedestal and pedestal blockof tbe monument to be erected iu Hiemory of the late Zicharlah Chandler have urrived at I)eüoit, aud will be jcected on the family burial lot in Klmwood ceinetery. In settling iip the celebratd Addis divorce i-aae at Grand Rapids Mr. Addis gets 933,100, of which f 5,7!t2 is cash and the rest real estáte, uotap, etc. Tbe prices paid for wool throiighout tbe state range from 32 to 38 cents; average 35 cents. A comptny has heen organized at Flint, to be tii'.wn as the Flint Otton & Woolen Manutacturing cotnpauy. It has $2B,UÜ0 capita). Contracta liare been made at K;nt Saginaw for a building and power for matting; the Maxim electrfc light. The light is fox general use in store?, houses, business oflices, etc. - in fact, any wheie that gas is now used. At Poipt HL Ignace a safe owned y J. 1). McDouald, a contractor on the Marquette A Mnckinaw raihoad, was broken open and robbed. The safe contained aeveral thousanil dollars, hut the thievesonly got $1,SUO. Tbs Miller Bros.' mül at Mukegon burned; Iobb $2i),ü00, with f ti,UOO ineurauce. Mr. James Uarry, a married man 35 yMTS old, is reported to bare died at Jackson from the old-fashioncd Aniatic cholera. The new policies for life insurauce issued last year in the state numbered 2,901, representinK f 5,5H7,7H of inBurance. Preniiuius received, $1,052,705; claims paui, $42t),7K8; loases actuall; iacurred, $448.(537. The niiniber of policins in force in Micliigau is 20,868; iusuranccovered, $39,441,212. A fire at Northville desUoyed the mili, bending wor s and other buildings owned by Jas. A. IHibar. Fartly insured.


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