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F()RSALEJ)RKKN1 The present résldencè of Mrs. F. A.IIill, with Tl e Land -A.1J OÍ 11 i 11 g; t'insisthiíí of ftboul tí) aeree, 80 of which can b cuUivated. ltent, $H0O, or the House and acres will be renfced seperate, Kent $IMX). Th above property jsalso for, sale bythe int, r i f In acre, or in l&rger quautittoe. TITLE PEIi fkct. Kor further partteulars enquireof ïl. K Hikl.offloeNo.8 Opera Bouse Block, or Wm.M White, Canasera'H, New Vork. LIFE ÍNSURANCE ! All persons, memhers of the Detroit Mu tuíti Benefit Assjciution, and rcsiilcnt oí Wa.slii.cnaw C'ountv, are ruquesti'i to meet at Arbiter [lal] on .luly IC 1S81, il 7 p. in. The jiurposc of tin tiieeutíg is, 1. Orftanization of the metnhers int' B local issocmtion, 2. The electioii of om: or inore TrtMtaw lor the cnsuingyuur, who are to act a representativos of the local associalíoi at the regular general animal meeünj of saiil association, which will takc place at the city of Detroit, .Tuly 18 1881. A. A. VanGiksos, Special Agent CITY DRUG STORE ! o C. E. HOLMES, Proprietor -OF THE- Would Tliank the Citizens of Ann Arlior, and Vicinity for their li jeral patronage the pasl yeaT. and ask for a cöntttuance of the sume. A complete stock of EVERYTHING IN THE DRUG LINE Toilet and Fancy üoods. Preecriptions carefujjy prepared . C. E. Holmes, Ann Arbor, Mich. No. 12, COOK HOTEL BLOCK does WÏTV9C ■WONDERFUL f j [ CURES! hbbb Bltpcnusp it artHOii the I.IVKIt, IMMYELsfl and KIDNKÏS at the naimq time. ■ Boaauso itoleansen thesystem of 1 Vloua humors that dovolopo in Kidnoy and WÊ Hlnary Dlseasos, Biliouunoss, Jaundica, Constl. Q H pation, Files, or in Rheumatáaiu, Nouralgla, B jNcrvous Disorders and FonuUo Complainta. WÊ 8EE WHAT PSOPUE SAT : 1 Ruorono B. fttork, of Junction City, Kansait, W ■ítH.Ví), Kidiiey-Worteui-od hini after regular U Hsicians liad beuu tryltig for four year. J Mrs. John Arnall, of Wosltlngton, Oblo, íftyfl ■ her lioy waH Kivcii un t'J dit! by four proinliu-tit U ■ pliyi. uins umi thutlio waa nfterwardi curüd by ■ n Wort. H ËM M. M. Ü.QoodwIn, Rn editor ín Chnnlon, Ohlo,J ■ expocted to livi, lloati(H nbeyondbulluf, but Wort cured fin. mÊ I Anna L. Jarrett of South Balom, N. Y., (taysLJ BthatKOvon yearamifTerliiff from kidnpy troubleaH panil dtlicr cotiipUcutiottii wu endiiU by thu uau of M WKidney Wutt. I John B. Iawrenro of Jaclcnon, Tenn., wnlTeredB WÊ tor yeara f rom livcr aud kidnoy troubloa audB Qaftr takinji "barrels of othei' medioiuea,"Q ■ Kiilncy-Wui-t made htm well. I Miclm-l Coto of MontfTomery Center, Vt.,H Sjsutr.Tfii i-ihr j-üju-h with kllnoy dilllculty andEj Hwaa unnblt to woi'k. wort marie hini ■■ M " vrell aa erer." PERMANENTLY CURES □ kidney diseases, liver complaints.i QConsttpatlon and Piles. i tVlt ja ptit un In Dry Form lnH H tin cana, otic package of whicit makt-H büc quarts H Qof medicina. Alo tn IJquId Form. vrrv PÍ ■floentratcd, for tboito thaC canuot ii-MÜlly pro ui ■parelt. WÊ t tr It acta with equal efficiency in either form. WÊ U 6KT IT ATTIIEIRUOOISTS. riilCli. I.OO O I WEM.S, KlCII4USON&ro.f Tropel, I H (WIU send the dry pwt-paid.) i Ki.ixcTOir, TT. Q MRS. LYDIA E.IÑKHAmT OF LYNN, MASS. DISCOVERER OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND. The Positivo Onre For all Female Complaints. ThiBprenaration, aa lts name slgnlflefl, consista of Vcgotable Proirtic?) that aro barmless to tbe maat delicate lnyalid. Upon ono trial the morits of thls Oom pound willbo rocognijuKl, as relief ia linmedfato ; and when lts use is contlnued, in ninety-nino cunen In a hun. dred, apemianentcareiseffocted,a3thousand will testlfy. On account of lts proven merltK, It U to-day re' iiii-ndfit umi jux-acribed by th büat ibyaiclaus In the country. It will cure entirely tlie worst form of folllnfï of the uturug, Leucorrha-a, Irregular and painful Menstruatlon.allOvarianTroubles, Inflamniatlon and Ulceration, Floodings, all Dl apláceme nta and the consefiuentapinal weakuess, and is egpeclally adapted to the Change of Ufe. it will dissolve and exjui tumors from tho uterusin an early ntae of dcvelojunent. Tho tondency to cancerous humors theru ia checked very peedily by it s us. In ir-ct it haa prored to le the (rretest and bost rtmedy that lias ever been diacovered. It perracatPa every portion öf the systom, and ivca new lifoand vigor. It removes faintness.flatulency, destroys all craving for utimulants, aud relieves weakaestf of tho ötomach It curea Bloating, ncadaches, Xerrous Prostratlon, General Dobility.SleeplesuncMS, lepreBeion and Indi gestión. That feelint? of bvai ing down, causing pain, weight and backache, Is olways permanently cured by lts use. It will at all times, and underall clrcunuttances, art In hannuny wit U the law that govems the female system. For Kidney Complaints of elther acx thia compound Is umurpassod. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compouncf Isprepared at 233 and L Western Avenne, LynD. Mass. PliOé $1.(10. 8ix botttM ror $5.00. 84'iit by mail In th( form of jjills, ftlno in the form of TxjzentfCH, on receipl ofprice, $1.00. Mr box, for either. Mrs. 1'ISKIIam frcely answersall uf Inqnlry, öt-nd for pam phlet Address as above ftflnCtoil ffitn jiaper. No famlly shuulrtlM1 without LYPIA ft PDOCKAX' LIVEKI'ILLN. Tb.y mtn OqBsttpftíon, ÜiliousiMiftí and Torpiu. ly of the lirer. a.ri oenta per box. Sokrijy ('. E. Bohne-Ooofe hotel block, REPORT OF THE CONDITION ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK At Ann Arhor Mich. at the close of business Monday, July 4, A. ; I). 1881. made in acoordance irttn Bacttona 1". !8and 07 of the Genenü Uunking Luw iis amended iu 1871 RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $3C1 ,077 92 Bonda umi mortgages 138,'íím.oi U. S. 4 per cent bonds ll,O7tt.86 Överdrafts 741.76 Furntture and fixtures 8,ftJD.8S Uills in transit ü67.yo Revenne stamus 49.00 Dm' from National and State banks tl, VU. 70 Silver coln and nickels lt4uS.S0 Legal tender and bank notes ÜO.tföü.oii B0t,748.88 LIABILITIES. Capital stock $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund 10,UOU.0O July dividend '174 00 Uuüividiul prolits 0,(10.61 Due deposltors 43l,568.2'i 8 1,742.80 I do solemnly swi-ar tliat the above statement is true, to the uest of my knowledge and belief. chas. E. HI8COCK, Oasttler. Subscribid and Bworn to nefora me, this tlth day of July lssi. L. ÜRUNER, Notar Public. Estáte of Monahan Minors, OTATE OK taCBllBtAN, County of Washtenaw O ss. At a session of the probate oourt for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Kriday, the tirst day of July, in the year onq thousand elght hundred and elehty-one. Present, William D. liurriman, Judge of Probate. ■ i; In th matter of the estáte of James E. Monahan, Jam: Honahaa, Catherine Monahan and riiomas Monahan, Minors. On reading and Kling the petition, duly verlfled of George Clurken, Guardian, praying tliat he may bc lieensed to sell certain real estáte be ■ lonking to said Minors. Tnereupon it is ordered, that Wcdnesday the 8d day of August nuxt, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon, beassigned forthe hearing of said petitiou, and that the next of kin of said Minors and all other persona intërested in said estáte, are requlred to appearat a sessiou of said eourt.then to bc holden at the probate office, iii the city pi Ann Arbor, and show cause if any there bé,why the prayer of the petitloner should iiot be granted: And it is further ordered, that sjiid petitioner give notice to the persons Intërested in said estáte, of the pendency Of said, and the hearing thereof, by causiiig a copy of t hls order tobe pubUshed in the Aun Akbou DKMocitAT. a newspaper printed and circulad tetl in said County. three successive weeks previons Lo said day of hearing, ' WII.MA.M D. HARRIMAN. A true copy . Judge of Probate. William ü. Doty. Probate Renatar. Estáte of Charles Kitson. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washte n.Lw. ss. Ata session of the probate court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at fche pro bate office iu the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the tith day of June in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. Present, William D. llan-tman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Charles Kitson deceased. On reading and ñling the petition, duly verified, ol" James Kitson and Mary A. Cleaver.pray ing that administration of said estáte may be granted to John ltose. Thereupon. it is ordered, that Monday, the lith day of August next at ten o'clock in thefore noon bc Hssigned for the hearing of said petition and that. the beirs at law of said deceased, and all other persona intérested in said estáte, are remirad ti appear at a session of said court then tobe holden at the probate office in the city of Ann A rbor, and show cause if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted: And it is turther ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons intërested in said estáte oí the pendeney of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causingacopy of this order to be publlshed in thé Ann Arbor Democrat, a newgpaper printed and circulated in said county, thnv sueces&ive weeks previous to said day of hearWILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, [A true eopy.] Judge of Probate. Wili.iam ü. Doty. Probate Register. Estáte of Harvey French. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, county ot washtenaw O ss. At a session of the probate court for the connty of Washtenaw, holden at the probate ofBce, in the city of Ann Arbor, on WVdnesday the twenty-second day of June in the year one thoiismid eiglit hundred and eighty-one. Present, William D. Harriman, judge of probate. In the matter of the estáte of Harvey Freneh deceased. On reading and fillng the petition, duly veríñed of Amanda Prench, proy Ing that administration of said estáte may be granted to Thomas G. Howanl ar some iiir auitable penoa. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Monday, the IRth day of July next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceaaed and all other persons interested in said estáte, are reimired to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at theprobate oiïlce, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show iviiisi-, if any thi'rc be, why the prayer of the petitioner should notle granted: And it Is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons intërested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by r-ausing a copy of this order to be publishcd in The Ann Arhitr Demncrat, a aewspaper prtnied and èircalated in said county. three Biiccessive weeks previoua to said day of hearing. WILLIAM I). HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty. Probate Register. Estáte of Martha S. Dentón. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, hofden at the probate office in thf i-ityof Ap.n Arbor, on Wednesday. the SSd day of June in the year one thousand glght hundred and eighiy one. Present, William D. Harriman. Judge of Probate. In the matter of tho estáte of Martha S. Dentón, deceased. Edwardl). Kinne, oneof the executors of the last will and testament of said deceased, comes nto court and representa that-he is now prepared to render his final account as such executor. ThertMipHi,it is ordered that Saturday, the30th day of July next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assigned for examlning and allowing such account and that thedevteees, legatees and iu'irs-at-law of said di-ri'ast-d and all other persons Intorested in said estatuí, are roquved to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbot ín said county and show cause, if any there be, why the said account ahonld not be allowed: And it is further ordertal that said executor give notice to the persons intërested in said estáte, of th penö'ency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by caus inga copy of this order to be publlsbea in The A it ii A rlmr Itemttcntt, a newspaper printed and circulating in said county, three successive weeks, previous to said dav of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A tnie eopy.) Judge of Probate. Wii.i.iam G. Doty. Probate Register. Estáte of Henry Uphaus. QTATK OF MIC1IKJAN, County of Washtenuw. O ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office In the cltv of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the 7th day of July in the year onu thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. Present William 1 llan-iinan. Judge of Probate, In the matter of the estáte of Henry Uphaus leceased. On reading and filingthepetilion dul vferlfled, f Lambert Uihaus, iraylng that he may bc Ecensed to mortgage Real Bstate whereof said leceased died seized. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Tuesdoy. the Ï8d day of August next, at ten o'Vlock in tlu 'orcnoöii, In' assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs it law of said deceaaed and all other persons inerestéd in said estáte, are reqülrad to ap-ir at a st'ssion of saitl court, then o be holden at the probate ofnee, In the city of nn Arbor, and show cause, If any bere be, wby the prayer of the petitioner should n 4 be granted. And it is further ordered, that said letltloner give notice to theperüommtorested n sail fstate.of the pendency ot said petitiou and lic hearing thereof, by causing a copy pf this oi der to be publishcd in TIn:. A un A rlmr Denwcrat, a newspaper printed and circulated in said couny threc successive weeks preTloüs to said day of learing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate, Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Morte;ageSale. Dl'.l Al'l.T havingbeen madein the conditlons of a certain mortgage, whernby the power herein contoined to sell has becoiue operativo, executedby Edwin .1. Dlissand MaryT. Klis. his wife, of the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Waslitcnaw and state of Michigan, to Anna M. Mozart of Ann Arbor, in said couuty and state, lated thetwi-nty-fourtn day of Decembt-r, A 1). ■iglitci-n buiidri'd and seventy. and recorded on twenty-sixth day of February, A. I). 1H71, at ir o o'clock p. m., in the office of the Register '.ot eeds for the county of Washtenaw, in the state .f Michigan, In líber 44 of mortgages on page ('.e'; whieh said mortgage was duly assigned by said Anna M. Mozart to John Richards by deed of assignment, datcd the twenty-flrst day of JuneA. D.,eighteen hundred and seventy-tliree, vhich assignment was duly recorded in the office of the said Register of Deeds.on the twenty-flrst day of Juno A. I)., 1873, at one and one-fourtli o'clock p. m, , in liber 4 of assignnients of mort gages, on page 51; and which was afterwards luly assigned by said John Richards to George deed of assigmnent datcd thetwentyourth day of December A. D. , eighteen hundred ui-I st-vnitv tlve, which assigninent was duly reeorded in the office of the said Kegister of Deods on the twenty-seventh day of December, A. D., 876, at eleven o'clock a. m., in libero of assignnentsof mortgages, on page 31. and said mortagi' was duly assigned by said Oeorite Osborn o Mary T. liliss, of the city of Ann Arbor, in said couuty and state, by deed of assignnmnt ated tlie nlnth day of July, A. D., eighteen hunred and i-ighty-onu, which assignmeut was duly i'rordt-d in the ofllce of said Register of Deeds n the eleventh day of July, A. D., 1881, at two 'doek p.m„ in liber 7 of asslgnments o' mort;ages, on page 179, upon which said mortgage fiere isi-l:tinn'd to be due. at the date of this noce the sum of three'thousand and forty-ftye dolars and flfty cents, and no snit or prooeedings at aw or in chancery having been instituted tu reover any part thereof ; notie is ihcrefore herely given that on Saturday the eighth day f October, A. D., 1881, at ten o'clockln the forenoon, shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder he sale to take place at the east front door of ie court house in the city of Ann Arbor, in said ounty. said court house being the place of . ild i iig the circuit court for said county of Woglinaw) the premisos d8cribed in said mortgage i r so much thereof os shall benecessary to aat■f] the amount due on said mortgage, and legal costeand charges of siirh sale together with au attorney fee oí forty-ílve dollars covenantcd for therein) that is tosay the followinjf ceriain piet-e orpareelof land. Mtuated in tho city of Aun Ar bor, in the county of Wushtenaw and state of Michigan, known, buunded atiddescribecl as fol lows. to-wit: Belng lot number ten (10) except a Btnp off of the south side thereof four feet and four-tentha of a ÍOOt wide, and theeast part of lots nine and eight, conunencing on the auuth tineof lot niueata point one half rod east from the south west corner of lot nine, tbence nortfa parallel to the west line of lot nine, two and one half rods, thencé northeasterly to a point on the Une of Fletcher street flve roda northwecterly from the corner of Church and Fletcher streets, all of the above mentioned lands are in R. S Smith's nrstadditkmto the city of Anu Arbor county of Washtenaw, and state of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan. July 2. 1881. MARY T BUSS, Asstenee. F. E. JiLiss, Attorney for Asslgnte. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, CoUBtyoJ WaahtenaW 'ss. -In the matter of the estáte of Charles Clemente deceased. Notice Ís herehy giyen, that, in pursuance of an order granted to the undenngneo Administratrix of the Estáte of said deceased by the Hou. Judge of Probate for the Oounty of wasbtenaw on the twenty -second dar of June , a. d., 1881, thcre will be sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the east front door of the courthouse In the city of Ann Arbor, in tho county of vvashtenaw in said state, on Tuesday the 9th day of August, a. D..18S1, at ten o'clocfc in the forenoon of that day, (subject to all encumbran - cea by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time of tlie death of said deceased, anti subject to the dower-right of Mary Clements, his widow therein, ) the f ollowing describid real estáte , to wit: The whole of the interest of Raid deceased in all that certain piece or pared of land situated on aections thirty-oiic. and thirty-two (81 and 32). in townahtp one, south of range flve east, including the Peninsular fiour and grist mili in the towni ship of Webster, Washtenaw county, State of Michigan, known, bounded and descrlbed as fol[ lows, to wit: Bezinning on th north bank of the Hurón river at a stake and stoiics, thence three . chains and sixty-six links, measurliiK along the bank of the river to a point above the bridge [ across said river, thence north three degrees and three minutes east, tivté chains and ft f ty links to a stake and stoncs, thenee south fifteen dèftreeg flve minutes west, eight chains and sixtv links U [ a takfunrl stunc; mi the bank of the rivi'i-, I thrnce along the bank of the river twenty-ftve , chains and tweaty-seven links to n Btake and . st mes and a markd soft maple tree, thence ! northeostek-ly toastakcat the QOrthwflBt oornel of land deeded by Samuel Wi Dexter to Rice A. 1 Beal. and rocorded in liler 4? of deeds on page , 10T thence casterly along the north bank ut high . water mark of the mili race tú the highway [ which crosses the river near tlio Peninsular milis; alsn the wliole of the interest of said deceased in and to the rightof way ohm toó wide írom off the west end of lands diM'ded by Samuel W. Dexter to Rice A Beal aforesaid and recorded in Libii li of drt'ds on pajDB Wö extriidin from tin: Bíghway wsterly to high water mark ■ also the whole of the Interest of said decftftsed in umi i the use of twenty feet square of gravel bank adjoiuing the rod wide bef oré descrlbed, and next to the . mili race; also the whole of the interest of said deceased in and to the piece of land which lies east of tbt highway aforesaid, ttf-wtt: Ooramencing at a potnt bearingnortherly one degree and tiitt'tsn minutos t;ast from the nurthwt-sL corner of the l eninsular milis and distant two chains . and thirty-thri't' links; nlso eighty-four links from a cedarstake in the center of the highway near [ the said milis, which cedar stake is north four and one-half degrees west. hearing from the oorth-west corner of said milis and distant two cliains and eighty-nine links, thence south sixtythree and one-fourth degrees east true hearing, along the aoutherly border of lands deeded by i the (Mrcnit Court i'ommissioner of Waslitenaw county to Rice A. Beal and reuorded in Liber 48 [ of deeds on page Ki-'i, two chains anti BÍxteen l links, thence souxh three degrees west two chains and thirty-seven links to a sovith of the . hume which runs from the mili to the factory, i thence south seventeen degrees cast along the . east bank of the tail -rat:e,tiiree chains and flfty; five links to the bank of the river, thence wrstcr; ly to the first stakf and stonos mentioned in this description thence along tho bank of the river t the center of the highway which crosses the river i near the mili af oresaid, thence nortberly along . the center of the highway to a point west of the place of beginning, thence cas! tp tin place of ht-iiinning: also the wholeof the interest of suil deceased in or to three-fourths of the right of tlooding so imicli of the land of Hice A. Beal and John P. Marble, or their gran tees or asétgns as may be affected by a lam running across said riveratthe marked soft maple tree aforesaid, said dam not to raiso said river at said dam more than two feet above high water mark; feog6tbei with the whole of the interest of said deceaaed. In and to the undividcd threefourths of all the ; rurhtof flOOdlBg béretO, conveycd toand ty Samuel Vi. Dexter and all the grantors of the said deceased; also the whole of the interest of said deceased in and to tin right of attaching saiil dam to the opposite bank of the river aforesaid. MAHY CLEMENTS. Administratrix of said estáte. I)atedJune2nd, 1881. fc70A $12 a day at home easily m uv vP Costly outfltsfree. Address, Tftus & C'o. Augusta, Mame. JACOB HALLER & SON, DEALER IN WATCHES, OLOCKS, Speciacles, Plated Ware, Gold Pens and Fine Jewelry. Special attention given to repairIng watcnea and Jewelry. 24 South Main Street. 4nn Arlxir. Sam, B. Revenaugh, Is now taking the Best Class of Pftotosnils In the City at Prices to Suit the Times. Uround Floor Gallery. GOODRICH BLOCK, Rast Side of the NEW OOTJRT HOUSE. ThTCjTYTSTORE In connection with the old Pioneer Hakery you will find F.esh Baked Bread, and Baked Stuffs Constantly on hand. We also keep a full assortincnt of family grooerics. We niake Teas, Coffeesand Spices a spccialityinthe trade. Loofe out for THE TEA-KETTLE SIGN! At No. BS North Main St. Than kf ui for past patronage wo would still solicit your favors. Respectfully Yours, A. R. HALL. M. D. L. BRANCH tltN i BOOM IW ?D MINUTES ( lo PMBEjyiF -- v. ' - - -"cJ5B flvt n z DOQON TH OLJ HAT." A. A. TSSB7, HAT8 ANN AEBOB, HIGH. EBERBÁCH&SON, Deators in Drugs, Medicines And a fine lot of French Hair Brushes AND English Tooth Brushes. V cali special atteution to onr stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AND Pure Chemicals of our own Importation. A full line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At llRt pricos. STTTDIEHSTT S Are conünlly nvitd to aniine our stock as to quality and priees. : EBERBACH&SON.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat