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LÉÖNARD HOUSE, TF. I,KN i;ii. l'mi.riVtor. . Aun Arlmr. Mioh. I HAVE OPENED A XKW FLOUR AND FEED STORE Attlie souüi-ust co Tier of Aun and Fourth Btreete, and il] .-n at WHOLESALE i RETAIL ! Anytliiníí in iny line. GOODS I'lin.Ml'Tl.Y DKUVERED To any part of the city. J.lidSS, PlïOPKIETOH, Ann Arl)or, - - Mi oh i can lll Now on sale i:i I lirln.' sr.iwnn F ' I IB B II KX'.-CKSIo.V TlCKET-i. ftoin II Hf II ' lii'-íio iin.l hn-i mijiit:.. t.. DBV. ín II PUEÍ3L0, AND HETTJr'n, ),'y""' I! ■ I itli iMKIKIítVT ROl'TKS, it Woiiilfi - If '■ ■I fully ow rutes. ThtvH' tí.-kets will li ■ 13 ■■l k'''1 P"int' wrst witJiin tlítot-i I :. Ir13 II daj fmni ni nulo, ni lo rotum II m t II I III ""til Oetober aiW iull...wmK-. II Qb ImI l'ullmaii l'iil;i-( ('arï ure run I v i hfcmái Wl "1J l'"'L'nv friim CHICAGO 1 IbS ■ I COUKCIL BÍ,UI'fS, TOPEKA.ui !■ t II KAMSAS CITY, rurniltiir lim ■ v.--, Hr IfTI Iml i.nv chunitc uf ■■i-a luDEMVEJ IrZ II II '""I 1'UKüLO. Dhilng Carn v i ft L 41 uu'li.-il toall tliroiiKli lr.iin.i, L V. llftffll ""-'ii t'a" 1k' obtailul ut rc;iu;i f T ni ultk' pricá of wvinty-llvi' sentí. ■ I Fot ratea, íurthor infbrmatíou, [I II B ] Mates Iroe, address, ]Y.M GEK. PASS RAGT.. CB &QR.R 11 1 JMfl CJHICAGO, ILIj. f ■! Chicago & Western Is tho OLDEST1 BET COXSTRUOTEDI BE9Ï EftüIPJPKDJ and hciuv thu LEADIFG RAILWAY, - OKTHK WESÏ AND NORTHWEST! It s the short and best route bet'.veen Chicago and all pointe in Northern Illlnois, Iowa, Eaïota, Wyomkj, Nstraska. CaübnUL Oróme, Artzona, "Jtaii, Colorido, Idbo, Montana, COUNCIL SLTTFFS, OMAHA DENVER, LEADVILLE, Salt Lake, San Francisco, DEADWOOD, SIOUX CITY, Cedar Sapidí, los liaiais, Colunias, sni all Foists is the Tsrritorio, iad tho West. Also, fel Uilwaukce, Groen B17, Ojïkolh, Sncboyjaa, Maraactto, Tond dn Lac, Watsrtows, ilsghtsa, Noö-öi, UonaBnt "t. Paul, Miïaoapolis, Hur:n. V'olja, Fargo, Biunarck, Wiïisa, Lajrosso, Owatocna, ta all point-. is llinneaota, Eako'.a, Wigcocsin and tho :'::.; vest. At Counoil Bluffs the trainsofthe Chicago A North-Western and the U. P. R'ys depart fioiii, arri ve at and use the saine jsiift. Lnlou Dcit. At Chicago, closcconne ïtions are made with ti .ake Shorc, Miuhimn Central. Balthnon & Oii 1 Wtiyne ami l'etinsylvania, and Chio. iniml Trunk K'ys,aud the Kankukec and Pai. -landle Routes. Close eonnections made at Junction Points. I'. s the only line runnig Pullman Hotel Diiiing Cai CHICAGO ANÜECÜUNCIL BLUFFS. PULLMAN SI. KKJ'EBS ON ALI. NIGMTTKAlNv Insistupon Ticket Au-cnts sellins yoo Tlofcet in (liisrottd. Kxauiineyour tic'.ets, and relus ■i imy if they do not rêad vurthc CSilcagoi . .n U-Western RaUway. lf youwisñthc ]i i TKivelinfrAcoommodations suwill buy your lii kets b' this route, untl u'U uk nune ( Iiit. All Ticket Agents sell Tickeh by thls-Line. itlAltl III (.1111 I, ' Zsd V. F. & Qroillasz'r, Chicijo. MÜSIC 8T0RE. -The oh. ap.-st piare to bny Planos, Eatey Onsano, Vlolins, (iuitars. banjos, 'l'.iinlii.urini's, Drums, Flfes, Klageolets. Zithers, Arcnnlt'uns. J'iano StoolS, Violin ftoxea, Iñalroctlón liuks r.n' all kimls of Instrumenta Sheel .MiisiiMiii--.i.:Siniii,'s,iM'slmialily, all kinds; Muuth Organs, Bridge, Bows. K-ys 'und Rodn Everythtng In the music line f rom a ChidcrhK Plano to a Jew'8 Harp can ! found at J. R. BAOE'8 üiuslc Store, No.4 Washington st., Ana A rbor. OSCAR O. SORG IIorsK, BIGJi, AND Fresen Paiitii, AL8O PAPER HAKOINO. SHOP NO. 11 EAST LIBERTY SL, A."T ARBOR, AIIClIKiAN. Genuine Milwaukee 7 CC Af. ffii iW Lager Beer Depot. wsam THE CREAT BURLINGTON ROUTE. (y"i'(i other lino runs Thrce Through Passender Traina Daily between Chicago, Des Moines, Council Bluffs, Ornaba. Lincoln, St. Joseph, Atchlson, Topekn and Kenaas City. Direct connoctions for all pointfl Ai Kansas, Nobraska, Colorado, Wyomlnir. Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizonu, ldaho, Orefron and California. Tho Shortest, Speediest. nnd Most ComfortaV,e Uoute vlaHannlbü! to Kort Kcott, Denlson, Dallas, Hougton, Austin. San Antonio, Galvostoti arul all points in Texas. The unoqualod induewments offercd by thi Line to Travelers and Tourists, aro as follows: The celebrated Pullman (lt-wheel) Palace Sleeping Turs. run only on this Line. C, B. s (J. Pnlacc Druwinir-Koom Cars, witli Ilurton's HcclininClinirs. Ñu extra charge for Seats in Reellaing Chatrs. The famoug C, n. & Q. Palace DininfrCars. Oorpoons Smoking Cara flttcd with Eloprant Hiifh-Iiaoked Kattan Kevolvintr ('hnirs For the exclusive use of flrstclass i:issenifera. Stoel Traek and Superior Eqnipment, combined witli thoir (irpatThrouprh Car Arrange. ment. makes this, above all othera, thefavorlto Route to the South, Soutn-Weat, and the Far west. Try it. and yon will flnd traveling a luxury instead of a discomfort. Throutrh Tickets via this Celebrated Lino for Bale ut all offices in the United States and Canada. All Information alxwt Hates of Fare, Sleep ini; Car Accommodations, Time Tables, &c, will bo cheeifully triven, and will send Free to any address an elegant Ccuntu Map of United tit'-itcs, in colors, !y applyinfr to. JAMES R. WOOD, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. T. J. P01TEK, General Manutrer, Chicago


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Ann Arbor Democrat