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Thirst teaches all animáis to drink, t drunkenness belongs only u man. The history of difflcolty would be the [story of all the great and good hings t Imt have y et been accompl slied iy men. Hiere is no time in aman'slifèwlien ie is 80 great as when he cbeerfully iivs to the neessity of his position, uní makes the best oi' it. "JIow could yon cali auntie stupid? ín in ter mmediately aöd tel] lier you ure Bony." Freddy kI(is to aunty and gaye: "Aunty, I am sorry you are so stupid." , A littli' boy, upon being told by his aother that too much Ice cream would aake him sick, replied, as he extended m arm, "guess it won't hurt me, 'c L've been waxiaated." l'rol'anity ncver (iil man the least, jood. No man is richer, happier, or wiscr for it. IL commends no one to society; it Is disgusting to reflned peo[le and abominable to the good. Elehry A. Wise of Virginia is aaid to have been the authoi of the pluase; "the ollice seefcs the man, not the man the otlice." Add his name to the list of American authois of fiction. Thereare now in the United States sixteen railroad companies eacli of which moie t.han 1,000 miles of railroad. That's the sort of country this is. Wlio wonders that people are flocking to it from all parts of the earth ? The expression of qniet satisfaction and assured hope that steals over the doctor's face, as he surveys the green apples on the corner stand, and reads that the green watermelon will soon be put on the market cannot be coiinlerfeited. All the registered bonds of tke National Government are held, it is Baid by less than 100,000 persons?, and $410,000,000 are held by private individu. ils in amounte exceeding $56,000 eaeh.Mr. William H. Vanderbilt alone liolding not less than one seventh of the registered bonds. The Norwegian method of netting cod, which the U. 8. Fish Commission bave pursuaded our New England lishernien to try, has proved of signal advantage over the old way of lishing with bait. Many more iish are caugh the lisli are latger, and the cost of bait is saved. A witness was on the stand in an illegal liquor sale case. The counsel was trying to lind out in what kind of ; glass the liquor was hamled to the witness, and at last exelaimed; "Wliai kind of a looking glass wasit?" Begorra, sor, it was not a looking-glass at all, it was a tumbler." The little ones will kep on saying things. Six-year-old Mable is industri ously engaged in "cleaning out" a pre serve jar w 1 1 i -. ■ h her mothei lias jus emptied. Foar-year-old Bobby looka on awhile and toen buistsout, "Say.sis don't you wish you could turn it insidi out, so's you could lick it. - PhiUtdel phia líani. The best way to diminish the nuin lier oí divorces is to train boys to be températe and the girls to be goot housewlvea andcooks. Atipplinglms band and a wife who can neithei' make a good cup of coffec nor broil a beef steak will always be in line for tin divorce court, whether they apply oi not. It appears from some of the pólice reporta Uiat ip London alone there are no lesa than 80,000 regular thieves, 150, habitual gin drinkers ;uid 150,000 r living in systematic debaucher; and vire. Out et' f our and a half mil liuns of people in I.ondon, not more than 200,000 are regular attendants a auy place of worship and not mort than 00,000 regular communicants. Foung man, bewace of stock an grain speculatlonsl lí you want ei "option" that is safe, get thooption to the hand of a goöd sensible girl of mar riageable age, and put up a lot and i neat little cottage asa margin. It wil be the greatest BgfeeulatioD you eve made, and will ïiring you big pro8ts You can stakeyour last dollar on thai and besafe. - Burlington Hawkeye, No prettier compliment can be givei than that which comes l'roin the waru and quick wit of the true Hiberniau Mike was layyig paventent brick in the hot sun, and the lady of the house mixed up a nice, cool drink and car ried it out to quencli liis thirst. Alter a long-drawn "swig," he wiped his mouth on his sleeve aiu-1 said: "Ye'l be in heaven siven years before the div il 'ill find it out. - New Haven Register An interesting contribution to the literatura of suicide is made in a pam phlet recently published in lierlin The suicida] inania is spreadingsorap idly in the Germán Capita] that tlieauthorities ata earnestly considering in what manner it can be checked. The pamplilet above referred to states that in the years from 1H75 to 1878, 280 cases of suicide were registered per million inhabitants in Uerlin. 285 in Vicuña, 450 in Lepsio and only 85 in London. Paris, with 400 suicides, nearly approached the startling figures of Lepsic. A remarkable group of planeta is nuw visible an hour or more before sunrise in the northeast. It consista of Venus, Júpiter, Saturn and Mars. The lowest, most eastern and inost brilliant of the group is Venus, the otljers stretching obliquely Upward from her in the order named. Mars is rapidly gaining upen Saturn md Júpiter, and will overtake the tormer on July 7, and the latter on July 22. In the meantime, on July 14, Mars will also bein conjunction with the distant planet Neptune, but the latter can, of course, only be seen in a telescope. The ruddy color of Mars is now distinctly perceptible, and the planet will daily iñerease, in brilliancy until he reachee his opposition two days after ('hristmas.


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