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The atteinpt to cali a second caucus of Republicana at Albany failed. The baUoting continúes with the admiuÍ8tration requiring Beven more votes to elect. Conkliog's frieuds aseert tliat they can maintain the dead-lock. Maud S. has again lowered the record of trotting horses by making a müe at Pitteburg in2.10i. A fire at Potsdam, N. Y., caused a loss of $100,000. ïlany forest fires are raging near Quetiec. Complaint is made that the Crow Indians are off their reservation, and are killing cattle and conimitüng other depredations on the Tongue river, Wyoming. District Attoriey Heoeral Corkhill has just made public Gitteau's cnufessiou to him nf the shooting. It shows that Gittoau had been contemplating the deed rince the 18th of May last; that he dogged the movements of the President contiuually, and on one occasion arranged to shoot him whtle in church; but refrained frnm doing mi because he was afraid of missing him and hitting some pereon else. The coDfeasion makes no mention whatever of an accomplice, but rather strengthens ihe impritsaion that Gitteau was alone in his dastardly work. Mr. Merrill, the Boston atblete who won a walking match at Birminghain the o: her day, at the meeting of the Lewos athleticclub walked a mile in 889, inakinnr the best time on record and wianiag tlie match over ríx competitore, who wtre all given soine time the rtart. Owing to the bot weather, violent stormsand the ravages of ïusects, tbe erop prospecta in Iowa are much leas favorable now than a montli ago. Many acres of grain are reported not worth harvesting, and a light yiild, partxularly in wheat, .vill be tbe rule. Tbe Chinese educatioDal inission, established at Hartford, Conn., in 1872, is likely to he recalled. There are now about 100 Chiuese studente in this country. The war bet ween the railroads running west from New York continúes, and the fare is but $14 to Chicago, and in proportion to other places. Further reductions seem not impiobable. During President Huyes' administration 13 pereon9 were arrestei for "hauging around" ttie White House, and 11 of these were sent to au insane aayluni. Dr. 0. Mills has given to the universHy of California 75,U00 for a chair of moral philosophy. The review of the week'a business at important commercial centers shows tbat the extreuiely hotweather had an unfarorable effect, but there were some Batanees of extra activity, and upon the whole the showing is not a bad one. New York business is rvported quiet but of a fair volume. St. Louis han doue a fair trade for the seasou iu spite of the heat, and there was a inarked activity in iron at Pittsburg and in provisions at Louiavill. In the Übio valley a large uumber of manufactories were coinpelled by the heat to stop altogether. The government agricultural reporta for July 1 indícate a Binall and late erop of cotton, ai - thouüh the prospect was tben better than on the first of June. Wbeat was also renorted better than in June, although there will be in the great wheat región a considerable falling oS f rom the yield r last year. An iucreased average of corn is reported, but the average coudlüon of the erop is givou at 10 against 100 last year. It is now reportad tbat the Chinese studenU are withdrawn from this country because they iearn too much here; the youihlulctlestials go beyond their prescribeil stuilis and iiubibe uotions of political freedom and otUer new and dangeroui idea.. Estimóte? ol the boards of agricultura of Oliio, siiriiií; ui, Illinois and Iowa uiake the total whfftt erop ia tbose suites 80,500,000 bushels lese than last year. Ia the Albany balloting Miller iMitifd another vote, comiug with'ui five of the 7'.t neerssary for election, while Wheeler received but bcvku. The President continúes to iraprove in a reluarkably nteady way, all symptonis nre favorable, aml Surgeou BUhs s;iys tliat but for the chance of nnfavorable cliangt ■, which cauunt be foreseen, he wauld officially pronouace him out ol danger, s it is, tlie rucord of ili.i symptoins and the professional opinions wiU almost eutlrely relieve auxiety. A gang of desperadoes robbed a train on the Rock Island road in Kansas, and killed the conductor. Kailroad fare from New ïork to Chicago is $11, and 1 i kei y to be lower. Three men stole $10.000 in a New York street in b.oad ilaj light. Oregon cropsare reported needing sunshine, uut the yield proinises to be good, with a large iucrease in wheat over last year's harvest Tbe secretary of the treaíury has awardvd a gold lifesaving medal to the f ainous Ida Lewis, now Mi-b. Ida Lewia Wilaon, ia recogu ilion of her services ia rcscuing a number of persons from drowuing, since tbe passage of tbe act authorizing suci) awaids. General (irant has a patriotie little grandson- a youug gentleman wbo entered tbe fainily of üolonel and Mrs. Frederick (irant in Chicago on July i. Seven tbousand six hundred and twentythree immigrants landed at New York laat week. Tbe total number landing thore slnce January 1 is 201,143, against 187,418 in tbe correspouiling period last year. A troa-ury cattle commission bas been created, consisting of tbree men, wbose duty it is o investígate pleuro-pneumoniíxand other disases in cattle with special refarence to preenting tbo sending of unsound animáis broad. California has 12,244,278 centals of wheat nd 134,592 barrels of flour from the erop of 881) still ou band. The most destnictive wind storm of the seaon, aud one of the worst tb country ha :nowu, was oxperienced in Minnesota Friday. Tbe town of New Ulm was totally wrecked and other places suffered badly. A considerable niimber of persons are known to have Iwen killed,and there was greatdestrution of propertj- Tbs New York let,ielatureon Saturdayelected Warner Miller Uuited otates senator for the ong term, in place of Platt. Miller receive i 76 votos, tbree more tbun were requiredto elect The break ia the Conkling ranks was ed Dy Speaker Sharpe, who suid Conkling must Btand aside for the good of tue party and ,be country. Miller was born in Oswego county, N. Y„ and is 43 years of agt. He left Uuion college to enlist au a private iu tlie war; was proinoted to sargeaut-major and lieutenant, aud was takon prisoner at Wincliester. He is serving his secoud term as representalive in L'ongress, is a man of fine address, extensive inforniption and business aoility. The President continúes to improve. He sleeps wr II, taking little morphine; eats soliit food and gaius strength. Tbe doetors do not say that be is out of danger, hut adinit tbat if no unforeseen chauges occur he will get well. The value of postage stamps, postal cards and newspaper wrappers issued during the fUcal year ending June 30, 1881, was $84,488,519; an increase of f2,551,000 over the previous year. Tee Ohio (emocratic convention nominated John W. Bookwaiter for governor, E lear M. Johuston for licutenant governor, auil E. F. Diiigham for supreme court jadge. The resolutions favor reform9 and "uupolitical legislation." A Kausas Ciíy. Mo., dispatch says: Iaferui süon has been receivnl here by aii incouiing Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific train of a daringly plauned and successful train robbery whieb occurred at Winston, a station on the Bock Island road, asbortdistancneastof Caraeion. The robbers were six in uuinbrr, supposed to be uuder the leadership of Jesse James. The men boarded the train wiiicti leavesthiscity at 6:30 p. m. at Cameron. At Winston, where the train stopped, they stood up in the aisle of the car wiUidrawn revolvere. One of the bandits, a nian with heavy black whiskei, advauceil wilh a ieolver iu eacb hand tnward Vn. Westfall, the conductor, and ordered liim to hold up his bands. The conductor was slow in compljing wilh the demand and was shot through the breast by the desperado. One of the other men then Bhot John ílcCollough, a stone cutter of Wilton JunctioD, Ia., who turned outvard in his seat, througb. the head. The uien then weutthrough the train to the express car and overpowered L'nited States Expresa MesseuRerOíiarles Murray, of this city, who was intimidated into opening the safe, froin wbich $ 5,000 were taken. The desperadoes then went to the engiue and told the engiueer to Btait his train. This he could not do ou account of the automatie brake, and he was at once utilized as a target by the robbers. The engineer put ont the lighta iu the cab and crawled along the footboard to the pilot, extinguished the head light an i lay down on the pilot. The robbers made no seaich forhim but departed. No attempt was ïuaile to rob the passeugers. The official list ol proptrty In Vermont shows a total value of $lö3,3l.U,i93. Laat ear it was $100,350,000. The Star route cases go over nntil Octobr. Füteen hundred Wisconsin loggeis have struck for a reduction of hours. Thevillageof Wallace, s xteen miles north of Menomippe, wus destroyed by fire Mouday inoniing. The place co'igisted of a saw mili and tvveutT other buildings. The Iiouisville, New Albany and Chicago, and the Chicago and Indianapolis railroads liave been conHolidated by the stockholders. Twfnty-eight switchuien at Peoría. 111-, struck Monday, and in a row betweeu thein and snuie St. Loutt men, who were to take their places, ove nía was fatally and another badly wounded. Two outlaws killed fivo Indians near Atkin, Minn , Monday. The murderers were arrested. Tal Held, a Minnesota farmer became Insane on SaiurJay and killed his wife and fire of his children, wonnded two other cnildren desprstely, and killed bimseli. Geo. W. Iogalle, late an Indian agent, is iudicted for presenting false vouchers. The President is doing well. The pliysicians mi! others in attendance are quite conñdent, although the official aDnounceinent that the President is out of danger does not yet come. It is intended before log to move Mr. Uarfield to Old Point Comfort, and thence, after a little time, to Long Brancb. A consolidation of the iron iiitertats of St. Louis and Southeastern Missouri has b ui effected and will hereafter be known as the Missouri Iioa Co. It has a capital of ÏIO.OOO,OÜÖ aud will control 90 per cent. of the iron producto of the state. At Law;eace, Masf. the Andover bridge ovr the Merrimao riter bas burned. ïhe bridge was originally built in 1793, the charter bearinK the signatura of Jobn Hancock. Over a tbousand men in Wisconsin lumber milis havo truck for a reduction of time from twelve to ten bours per day. District Attorne7 Corkhill bas directed GaitHim's jaili'-r to keep the assassin apart from other prisoncr?, and to allow no one tosee him or communicate witli him in any way. The city ot Syracuse, N. Y., has had its largest fire in thirty yearp. The opera building was burned. Lo58 estimated at f460,000, with $275,000 iusurance. Several persons were injured by falling walls. TIiíh year's meeting of the national educational association was held at Atlanta, ( ia., with a large attendance.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat