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Sereral KngliNh election agenta are líng prosecuted for bribery, and une lias pleaded guilty. -A collision between Frenen and Arabs iu the streets oí Tunis is reportad, ia wbicb oue of the latter was wouuded. - The Siherian plague bas appeared in St. Petersburg. Many persons and scores of horses are djing of the disease, and it is spreadiug witli alarming rapidity. Mr. Iiradlaugli has presentad to the house of cominons a formal protest agaiust his exclusión f itiiii tliat body. The cereinouy of the removal of the body of Pope PÍU8 IX. froin the Basilica of St. Peter to th tmiib pmvi.led fur it iu the cuurch of San Lorenzo. It was attended by soine of the mostdisgraceful scènes ever seen iu Rome. Scarcely had the procession left the steps of St. l'i'tcf's thaii an unruly inob of roughs of the city ewarmed around it, hus'liup and intercepting tlie priests endeavoring 10 extinguish the lighted candies and to overturn the bier and shouting "Long live Italy," "Down with the pope," "Away with the black gowns," and so on. The disturbance became so great, and the fear of a terrible scandal so imminent, that the city autborities were cpmpelled to interrene. The pólice torce proving inadequate, some companies were hurriedly sent for. On arriving they disperse! the mob, order was restored, and the procession moved on to the cburch, where tbe ceremonies of placing the body in the tomb were completad. The maseacre of 1,000 persons on oce of the Sandwich Islands Is reportad. Troubles in religión led to the stauguter, and the bloody party was led by a preacher named Kabu. A lava stream f rom the Sandwich Inbind volcano of Loa threataos the destruction of a part of Hilo. The emlgration claus of the Irish land bill as finally amended gives the coiuuiissioBers power to ariange for emigration without desiguatiuK auy localities. The sum to be expended in assisting emigration is limited to L200,000. It is reported that nlno persons were burned to death by a mob in a Russian village for refuing to work. A dispatch from Uome says: Six men have been fiued and imprisoned for dmturbing tbe funeral proce ssiou of Pope Pius IX, on Tuedoy last. Tbere was great disorder at the trial of the 1'risouerp, aud the court wa cleared Uvice. The seutences were recived with a siiirm of shouts and hisses. A crowd of peo pie numbering betweeu 2,000 and 8,000 cheereJ the prisoiiers on coinint; out of the court and followed thein, sliDuting, "dowu with the clericalf!" The soldiere dispersed the mob, wbich reaasKinbled at the otlice of one of the clerical newspapers, tore down the bulletin and started for the railway station to protest to the king and queen, who were arr'.ving from Naplee, but a cordon of pólice prevented the demons tration. Severo haat i reported froin London and París. Tbe i'rench señale liave pssed a bilí grantin(t liberty to the press. The sentonce of Heasy Helfman, rondemned to daath for complioity tu the czar's assassiuation, has beea cominuted. A law student of tbe univerelty of Bonn has just been kiiled iu a duel. and anotber student is in the hospital hopelessly wouuded. A student in Berlín, a few days ago, had his nose nlaflhed entireiy off lu an unarmored contest witb sabree. Scarcely a week passes but we bear of some such brutality, of ten ending in deatti, at one or the otber of the Germán uuívereities. The Economist says: The unliquiaated balance due tbe United States is nearly L16,500,000 greater thaa a year iieo, or ratber the appareut balance, as tbere is no mean of knowing to wbat extent payment may have been made ia serurities. To all appearance, however, the power of the United Stated to take gold f rom Europe is rauch greater than it was a year ago. TUe need for gold, ho wever, now tbat the currency is firmly esütblished on a gold basis, ia less, and it appears probable that payment for a large portion of tbe trade must be taken in goods. In the British house of commons Monday, Mr. (iladstone aunounced tbe commiasioners undff tbe land bill as follows: Sergeant O'Hagan, Edward Falconer Litton (Liberal), M. lM and Joün E. Vernon, Lord Pem broke's a rent. Dean Stanley died Monday of erysipelas at the age of 65 j-enrs and seven inonthf. Tbe number of Germán emigranU leaving Hamburg for America ín tbe six montbs ending June 30 was 75,633, against 82,489 in the same period last yrar. This iudicats tbat tbe total number of (iermans coming to Aiuerica in 1881 will be about a quarter of a miUion. The anticlerical dmturbances at Bome, beguu at the funeral procession of Pius IX, still continúes. Tbe American ministors at Buenos Ayresand at Santiago, Chili, have overcunie all difficulties attonding the setllement of the boundary question between Chili and the Argentino Republic Justice Barry, in opening the session of the assizes at Cork recentiy, said tbe condition of tbe country disp ayed by the crimes committed could not be regarded by any right minded man without alarm, fear and almost despair. The captain and superintendent of the iil fated Victoria were on Monday committed for trial at the assizes. Uaribaldi has accepted a yearly pension of i$fi,D0O, offered him by King Hauibert fioui bis civil list Don Carlos, tbe Spanish pretender, bas been xpelled frrm Franc for allegad manifeetaious a;aitist the preeent forni of French goTerument. Tbo Freucii squadron ocoupied Sfax on Saturday aftcrnetubboru resistance on the part of the Aiutip. A new cable is to be laid from (iermany to the United States, by way of Valencia. The vrhol of Rusau is to subscribe for the expiatory cburcli to be built on tbe spot where the Czar was asaassinated, and St. Petersburg has ttius far given $5ü,(X)0. TIih Eiisüsli Fríends decline to consent to the lemoval of the remains of Wm. l'enu to America.


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