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There Is Great Disaatisfaction In The

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publican ranks in Ghio,and it is tbought by some that Charley Poster 111 luivc n hard time to pull through. The nieu selected to represent the gieat state of New York in the Uuited States senute in the place of Cohkling and Pluit, don't aniount to mucli. The repubhcan party must bc hard up to elcct two such nincoinpoops. Lnpham who will succeed Roscoe Conkling, has his sprees quite frequently, and like uny otlier man when drunk makes nn awful nuisance of himself. He wears his red ribbon on his nose. The Adrián Press haa the following on theelectiou óf the man who will step into Platt's shoes: Miller, elcctcd senator in New York is the fellow known in congress as "wood pulp" Miller, the samo who voted to keep up the tariff on wood pulp used in the manufacture of priuüng paper. He is largely intcresled in the wood pulp monopoly, is tuis ïliller. He bas been cursed aud reviled- justly so, by every republican newspaper in the county as well as democratie. The New York Tribune said of him that he "presented the disgraceful spectacle of a member of congress before the committee of ways and means, endeavoring by specious argumenls and false statements to furiuur his own pecuniary interest9," and the things said of him by other party papers we re in the same liue. Will tluy takc uiiything back? ' The Pontiac Bill Poster favors creination and saya may the day hasten along when cremaliun will be ílie way of dispos ing of dead bodies. At Copenhageu, Denmark, a creuiation society of 1,400 members, including 83 physicians and several clergymen, bas been formed. They will erect a creinatory for the reduction of bodies to ashes at a cost of lcss than $2 each. It is only a matter of time m our lurgc cities when similar cieties wül be formed, and funerals, so far as thc expense is concerned, will be robbcd of tUeir terrors. IIow rnauy a man of limited mcans during tbe long illness of a vife or child spends wbat little he bas laid up for doctors and medicine, and tben at tbe deutb of bis loved onc, is coinpelled by tbe usages of society, to run several hundred dollars in debt to bave a "respectable f mera'.." As long as our bodies must retur u to dust, wbat matters it wbetber tbey reacb tbis state in the grave, if not disturbcd by some gboul, or by the cremation furnace? It has become a well settled f act that there is no sucb thin? as bodily identity m tbe world tü come, and before auotber generation passes away cremation will be the ruleinstead of exception. For somc unexplained reason the republican newspapers in New England generally insist tlnit on the day before tlie president was shot, he sijjned in blank a lurge nuuiber of coinmissioners for postmasters, iuteuding as he jourceyed eastward to telegraph back to Washington the name to be inserled. lt is more probable that these docuraeuts in blank wero signed in order to cnable the postmaster-general more readily to apply "the spoils systctn" in the absence of the president. But, however that inay be, it is now said that the cabiuet have decided to use these blank commissious, thus signcd a week ago, aud to insurt such names as niay sceui best to them. It the rcmoval of a postuiaster is aUempted 10 be made by sucli a process, it is our impiession that there will be what the "crackers" cali a "right smart chance" for au intertMIUH luwsuit, for the ofBcer whose expulsion is thus sought will without doubt be able to prove that the attentioü of the president was uever brougut. to his case, and tbat the signaturc of the president therefore :auuot have been intended to cover it. Why may not the ïabinet as properly write in over the president' signature a promissor}' note for $10,000? Would it not be well for the attorneygeneral kindly t favor tbc country witta an ollicial opinión concerning the lugulily and propriety of commissioners sijned


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