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A heavy f all of snow aud the thermometer at 32 is the cool report froui Mt Washington, N.H. The Calcedonia uiine at Terraville, D. T., caved in, lmryini; seven miners, tliree of whOui were recovered alivn. Tbe Missouri Pacific and Wabash railrorwis have leased the St. Louis bridgo for 99 years. The value of provisión, tallow and dairy products exportad duriug the first six mouths ofthepieseut year was 471,156,930, against $04,425,829 ia ifcüO. Articles of asseciation of the Mexican oriental Inter-oceanic and international railroad company have beon Qled at Albany, with (en. Gi-ant, Jay (iould and Hussel Sage amonjf the corporatore. The capital is $ 25,000,000. Business inhabitanU of Sitka, Alaeka, have removed to Harrisburif, and will send arepresentative to Washington to ecure eoine lorm of territorial govornment. The placer uiimss axe yielding well. Signs of granulation indícate the cominencemeBt of the healiag procesa in tbe President's wouud. Dr. Bliss thinks his patiënt has lost 25 to 80 pounds. Judge Clifford, of the United Sfates supreme court is dead. Tbe pulp and paper milis at I.oek Haven, Pa., were burned; loss $60,000. The citizens of the Colorado townof Autonito rebelled against tbe reign of a gang of rufiiaus, and hung the ringleader, who was a justice of the peace. The President shows more fe.verish eyniptoms. but nothing appears that is alaruiing. A small fragment of boue carne from tbe wound, with bouie more shreds of clotning. Tbe Albany deadlock is ended. ElbridgeH. Lapbam bas been eleoted to the vacancy made by Mr. Conkling's resignaüon, by a solid Re publican vote. Theestate of Elizabelh Vaunetor, of Syracus", N. Y valued at f5,000,000, fiuds an heir in the person of John (reen, a Milwaukee ship carpenter, wbo is a grandson. Adam Hartman, said to be the famoug Rusflian nihilist of that name, arrived lu New York July 14th, as a steerage passenger, but no one knovvH where be has gone to, or wbat bas becoine of him. The Talbot brotbers were executed at Marysville, Mo., for the tnurder oí their father, l)r. Terry H. Talbot, last September. Copper and silver-beariog ore bas been discovervd near Fort Laramieand there is a stampede of minere to the place and mucb excitement A verj serious change in the President's condition has taken place. A chili occurred followed by tbe risiug of the pulse to 130 and of the temperatura to 104. The Consulting physicians were sent for and tbe greatest alarm was feit Later, bowever. tbe symptons appeared mucb btttter, there was but one ttlight recurrence of the chili, and tbe case appeared vcry mucli more bopeful. Mr. Robertson will enter upon his duties as collector of the port of New York on tbe first Monday ia August. Tbe killingofthree men aud the wounding of a soldier by Iudians in New Mexico is repoited. Tbrougli the principal wheat growing sectiou Ui accounts are aliuost uuiformly unfavonililo; Illinois, Iowa, linliana, Michigan and Wisconsin liiivinif ia uearly all Hectioua a light yilti, and generally a decreased acreage. Ouio will have a good yield, but witu small arca, and it Is only in Minnesota and the district west of there that gains are proiuised. Corn will be abuodaut and the samo is true of oato except for the destruction of the erop tlirougli Borne portions of Illinois and Iowa by the ariny worm. John Hickey bas been arrested in Byron, O. cbarged with couiplication in the Pontiac robbery. Charges have been preferred against Superintendent Dodge, at tbe San Franciso mint, and Khermau O. HoughtoD, of Califoruin, Alex. itamsay, ex-socretary of war, and Thomas L. Young.of Otiio.apjiOinted by Sevretary Windoni to investifatc. A row oí apartment Iiouhos is t be built in New York ciiy liy .). l'. 1)í Navarro at a cost of $5,(XK),00J. A strip 400 leet deep ba-t U:eu bo:ght and the honses are to be put up around a hollow siiuaie filled with fouuutins a:id 'Xotics. i The reunió. i o' Pnmident (J irReld'a old re,;inent lias n polpontxl to AUtf. 31, on ae connt of hU condttion. Several companics of Wisconsin mililia artatisisting in tue seaich for ilie luaaut oulaws. A dastructive storm was xperieuced in Coon valley, Wis. A wninnn and linr six Cblldren were drowuud by tüe 11 nl nul ïueaua of coiumunication were destroyed so that the wonian'n hutband, who was at LaCrosse, 20 milos distant, did not heiu' of the disaster for four days. Haynes, Spencer, & Co's church furniture factor? at Richinond, Iad, was buroed, with a lose of $ 50.000. Win. Gavin of Troy, N. X., while Buflering from delirium tremens, jumped from a precipice 125 ft high to tberocky üd of l'oestinkill creek, and was terrlbly cut and bruised, but will probably resover. A number of tlie attacbes ofthe Wbite House aro sulleriug froni malaria. The Hnfavorable symptoms attending l'reeldent UarfieUl's case have abated, and no recurreuce is cxpected. The doctora attribut the relapso to a partial stoppage of the discharge from the wound, aud the purpoee in suinniomng the Consulting surgeons was to haTo them present when a surgical operation wliicli liad been decided on was perforiued. Fullowms the arrival of I)ru.Agnew and Hainilton an incisión was made in the wound and tne discharge was renewed aud is processing satisfactorily. The Fresident's pulse and teuiperature are again satisfactory and the doctors expresa themselves Iiopefully. They say that every condition is at present satisfactory Hr. Agiiew is said to exprrss an anxiety to ascertain the locatlon of the bullet and to effect its renioval if possible. He experiI nieuted upon an old soldier froui the Soldier's Home, who has a bullet in his bedy, but is not altogether satisfied with the electric apparatus of Frof. Heil. The electricians thouglit tliey bad defiuiUily locatedthe bullet in the old soldier, but Dr. Agiiew did not agree with Ihem. öoine of the physicians are beginning tothink the hall, after all, may not have toucbed the liver, and that it is lodged in the musclB8 in ihe lower part of the back. Ex-Senator Conkling of N. Y. has called at the White House accoinpanied by Seaato Joues of Nevada. Bishop Talhott, of Indiana, has bad a paralytic stroke. The seal catcli in Alaska is ouly moderate tliis sca8on. Di'stnictive thunder storms are reportad iu many parts of New England. A Pennsylvania court sustains the opinión oT the atUirnry general and refns"s to ;ive the uienibers of the Iegi9lature the $500 extra pay wbich thcy claiuied. The extensive pork packingand lard refiniug establishmeat of Cassard Iira. & Co., the tin cxu factory of Geo. L. Krebs and several acijacant sidences were burned at Baltimore. Loss, $100,000. The grand army encampment accompanied by a band of inusic, paid their respecta Tueeday moruing to the widow of (Jen. (ieo. (i. Meade at Gettysburg Spring, and tendered her a serenade, which was suitably acknowleded. A tri-state reunión of the ex-soldier of Indiana, Ohio and Michigan, will be held at Butler, BeKalb county, Indiana, on Thursday and Friday, August 18th and 19tb, 1881. Three fatal cases of lockjaw are reporte.! in oae dy froin New York City, üae froni a finger crushfd by a stone; one froni a fineer cut liy a knifo uso-l ia taking off tho hide from & c w tbat liad diod from some unknowu disease; and one from a toy pistol wouud. Dr. A?new lias again removed several piecrs of the 8plinterel rib froui the President, oue ii ■iiiii about au inch in lengtb. H alsopressed the rib iuto position, and Uie wouud is now discharRiusr satisfactorily. One of the consult iug pliysiciauB will reinain in Washineton initil furtlier iuiprovement is obserred. Tlie physiciaus claim tbat particular regarding the case hare beeu greatly inisrepresented iu oiauy parts of the couutry, and they hive declded to make no mor detailed stateuieDts of the case. The President' pytuptoms and coqdition at last report are very encouragiDg.


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