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Ia the BriÜBh house of commons an amendHU'nt t the land bill, authorizicg the land court to vacate leasiw unfairly forced upon tenant, was adopted by 201 to lüy. Turkey continue eending troopa to Tunis. The ill frteling betweeu France and Turkey increasaa. Tunia is reportad iu absolute au arcliy. Kngland and other coun tries claim :2ü,OOU,000 francd for damagod during tlie bouibardmeutof Sfax. A dispatt'h froin Alexandria saya: The antlslavery decree s to be issued at once. By thls decree, actual slayes will reuiain so; but no inore additiona to the number will be permitted. The (Jerman government haa discharced Brink, the American Citizen who was bnprassud lato tli (Jermaa army while viaiting the fatherlund. Ia tbe British hou86 of commons Mr. ForBter's new clauee, intended to aid agricultural laborera to cottages, and the clauses giving courU power tn ilcterinino rent and providing that the comuiissiouera shall make yearly reporta, were ordered added to the bill. The latent report is tlmt Turkey has explained the sending of troops to Tripoli to the perfect satisf ui'tion of Fraucw and that there is the best uiiilerstandiug between the two goverDments. At the marriair of Lord Colia Campbell and Misa Gertrudo Blood, daugbter of Victoria Woodhull, Frincess Louise and the duke of Artryle wete present. The bishop of Keatucky assisted at the ce.'emony. Parnell i8 coming to America in November. Oue (iermaii authority, reckons the amount of Capital lost to the fatberland by emigratioa to America at 12,300,000,000 inarks. Prof. John Tyixlall has been re-elected Professor ot Natural Philosophy in the Boyal Iostitut'.on of Great Britain. Two employés of the branch office at Mantan zas of the Spanish of Cuba, yrith two accoinplics on board the Spanish steamer Alecante, which one of the accoinplices chartered under the pretensa tlmt he atended to fetch cattle from Alvarado Mexico, robbed the office of f200,000 in specie. Saiall pox raging fearfully in Santo Domingo, The young lady who was married to Lord Colin Campbell, is the youngest daughtor of Mr. Edmoud Maghlin Blood, of Brickhill, county Clare, Irelaud, and is in no way relatad to Vickey Wc lhull. Lionel S. Wesï, British ministar to Spain, had a farevrell audience with King Alfonso. He is appointed British minister at Washington, and has left tor Eugland. Au InternatioDal Medical Coagress is to convene iu London early in August. Tbe Pru8sian Government has summoned the directors ef the Bergisch & Maerkisch and Beclin & Anhalt Bailways to begin negoiiations tor their purchase by the Stste. In the British house of commons the home secretary aid that the report of tbe finding of infernal machines at Liverpool was correct Six machines had been found in one veesel and four in another. The governnient had been forewarned in the matter, and the secretary believed that there was a connection between the eonspiracy and the expressions of Fenian newspapers in America. The motion of Sir Michael Hicks Beach !n the British parliameut censuring the governinept for its course in relation to south África affaire, was rejected. Ten thousand soldiere have arrived at Marseilles in eight days, and the governuient is charged witli the desire of hasteniDg the election so as to have a new chaniber and be able to send 100,000 troops to África and adopt an aggressive policy. Ex-Marshal) Bazzaine is sot likely to be allowed to visit Franoe to receive a legacy left him. Serious dissension are reported among the north A frican súrcente and in soine of the factioos have sought French assistance. The sentence of Midbat Faslia and his fellow regicides lias beeu eomuiutod to exlle. (3en. Noyes the retiring American Minister to France, declines u farwell banquet reudered him by the American Colony. Iromingo Santa Maria bas been elected President of Chili, Adolfo Hoff a Germán from New York and a large dealer in American goods, committed suicide in the city of Mexico. A Paris special says a dispatch from Constantinople announces that according to official information the sultan bas detennined to have the childrea of Abdul A.iz decide Midhat Pasha's fate. The treaties with China, arranged at Pekín on the l'.'tli, have been ratified by the Chinese government. Hickey, the young Irishmau who threatened to kill Mr. W. K. Forster, secretary for Ireland, has beea committed for trial. In the French chamber of deputies M. Ferry saiil that government intended to convoke the electoral colleges about August 21. The bey's troops have nearly all deserted him and no officer is williug to actagainst the insurgents vrith the few that remain. Owiug (0 the unsettlid sUte of Ireland it h:ts beeu dccided tn uiaintaiu tliu military eatiililiahincuis ai their present slrtuigth for so ui time. The epidemie aiiiuiii; Uussinn cattle has ex tended to Livouia. The ravages hare caued such alarm that medical aiil bad been sent in all liaste from liorpat. It is believed to be Ui s. llenan plague, s iu one case t peasant took thedieense and died.


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