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COOK HOUSE, EH HÜDSON, Proprietor, . Neiriy jVmhed. _ Ann Arbor. H. R. HILL A TTORNEY AT LAW. ofHce No. 3, Opera A HouaaBlock. Ann Arbor. Michigan. "wílXíáSTcaspary, "OAKERY AND CONFECTIONEBY, - 32 Detroit Street. JOSEPÍÍ CLIÑTOÑ7 irehantTailor. shop orer Wm. Allaby's boot MSd hoe store, AÍ1 worlr guaranteed or no cliai-ge. JOHN fTlAWRENCE, AcffinHUrseraouse,. HURÓN MARKET. 1? C FREER. Dealer in Fresh, Salt and ?j. Smoked Mektó, Fresh Fish. Oysters, Poultry, etc. No. 3 EastHuron St.-eet. ""mICHAEL H.13R1ÉÑNAN, 4 TTORNEY AT LAW. Office with E. D A Kinne, Slawson Mock, corner Iluron and Fourth streeM. n Arbor, Mich. S. B. PARSONS, M. D., Suceesoor to Stone & Parsons, O oSnÍFifth Streets Aun Arbor, Míen. " wTw. NICHOLS, DENTAL OFFICE, over Joe T. Jacobs' ClothJig store. Ann Arbor, Mlch. Ö7c. JENKINS, SURGEON DENTIST. Rooms No. 19 South Main Street, oppotte the Wrst National Bank Aun Arbor, Mich. ___ THOS DALE, the Professional Dyer and Clotheg Cleaner.third ,li!.r louth of the Öptra House. Samples of work cabenat the shop. SattafactJon guaran teed. . TOBACCO STORE. IT WILL BE FOUNDthat F. S. Bucle kcepa the beat aortment of CIGAR8 AND TOBACCO hi the city. Best branda ef eitjarettes a specialty. No V Eftst Hurou St. ANTÓN E1SELE, DEALER IN MONÜMENTS and Gravestones, nanufactured f rom Tenneasee and Ita lian Marble and Scotch and menean O ""L Cor. Detroit and Catherine sts., Ann Arbor., Mlch. PATRICÏTmcKERNAN, ATl'ORNEY AT LAW, Notary, Public, Real Krtate aicent, Money to Loan and Kecords arcued . ÓSSvcyaneing andallleal documeiito chiwn on reasonable terms. Office in the courthouse, Ann Arbor, Mich. . E. C. FRANKLIN, M. D. CUBED by hia improved method. EMANUËL MANN, Dealer in Drugs and Medicino Toilet Articles, Dye Stuff, &c. Prescrip üons carefully prepared at any hour of the day or nlght by flrstclass chemists. Ekakl-el Mann. No 39 South Main street. AnnArt, - - - - MUMgan. "WILSES MUSIC STORE. -THAKOS OBGANS, SHEET MUSIC IngtrucMMmrm Washtenaw Louiivy. interest to ÜC bèoroVring anythin in the Music Una. ON YOUR PROPERTY go to - C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT, Ho. 4, South Main Strwt, ANN AP.BOK, MICHIGAN. Continental Ins. Cc .,of W. -ABSeAsgetai,44i!,400 KlWFirelns. Co., N. ï over ,, 10.000 Glrardci Pa. _:■; Assets $700,000 Oriënt ofHMttag--g L O W. Losaea UberaUy adjustea and promptly pald The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, etc., etc., OVER $280,000 A88ETS. SAFE AND CONVENIENT Place at „Mch to make DeposiW and do burinw. intcrestisAllowedonAIISavingsDeposits aJly MoneytoLoanln 8umsofi25to í 5.OOO. 1100a OFFICBBS Chri.tU.n Mae, FroatdenW w. Win, Vico Preeldent; cna. aiihler. , Livery, Sale, AK& BOARDING STABLtl Ihaveopenedalvery.Sale and larmgea and good horses, at reasonabfcX. Breaking colts andhar. ling track horses aspeaalty, good reierences given. P. IrwiN, Ann Arbr.


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Ann Arbor Democrat