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The Yorktown Centennial

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The Yorktown centennial will ba fonnally opened on tlie Oth day of October, under the auspices of the Yorktown Centennial Association, when all the national and State officials connected with the celebration of the lOOth anniversary of the declaration of independence at l'hiladelpliia are expected to be present to take part in the ceremonies. Ilis Excellency, F. W. M. Holliday, Gorernor of Virginia, will make au address of welcome, to which a response will be made by the Uon. Joseph K. Ilawley, of Connecticut, United States Senator, President of the United Stiltes Centennial Commission of 1876. On the occasion the Commissioners appointed by the Governors of the several States will also be present. During the interval between this opening of the ceremonies (on the Gth of October) and the 18th of October, the day appointed by the Congressional Committee, in the name of the nation, for the layiug of the corner-stone of the monument to the Victory and the Allianae, the Yorktown Centeunial Association will open the grounds to the people of the United States, when organized civic societies, universities, colleges and schools, institutions of every kind, and lire departments, will have opportunity to visit the historie grouiid. Such as choose to remain may be present at the anival and encampment of the militia of the several States with due military formality. They may also vritness the grand national pageant of the landing at Yorktown from the fleet of the United States of the high officials of the conntry, together with the guests of the nation, among whoin will be the representatives of the French Republic, the family of Lafayette and the decendants of the Frenen General ofticers who sorved in the army under Kochambeau and the tleet under de Grasse. In view of the vast nuniber of people who have announced their intention to be present on this occasion, and the impossibility of securing simultaneous transportación, the Yorktown Centennial Associatiou have arranged a programme for the instiuction and pleasure of the visitors. ïhis programine provides a series of interesting and appropriate exercises for each day. Those of Thursday, October 6, as above described, will be followed on Friday, October 7, the anniversary of the entrance iuto the ftrst parallel, by a reception to delegates of railroad and other transportation companies. ïhe reuiaining days will be devoted to the following purposes: Saturday, October 8, receiving visitors f rom universities, colleges, schools and otlier institutions of ltarning. Sunday, October 9, religious services in the grand pavilion. Monday, October 10, the anniversary of the opening of the fire by the American batteries - General Washington in person iïred the flrst gun - reception of munioipalities of cities and towns of the colonial Statas, boards of trade and other commercial bodies. There will be a grand pyrotechnical display in the evening. Tuesday, October 11, the anniversary of the opening of the second parallel by the American divison, under Baron de Steuben. On thia day the Germana of the United States are expected to be present by delegations froni their several societies. The industries and mechanical arts will be represented through their organizations. Wednesday, October 152, win De assigned to farmers and planters. Thursday, October 13, in respect to the memory of ltobert Morris, financier of the Continental Congress, will be devoted to the financial institutions of the country, banks, bankera and iiisuri anee eompanies. Friday, October 14, the anniversary of the storming of the Uiitish redoubts, will be commemorated with appropriate exercisei by tke Society of the Cincinnati. Satnrday, October 15, will be given up exclusively to the descendants of otlicers and soldiers of the llevolutíon. Sunday, October lö, rppropriate religious exercises. Monday, October 17, is the anniversary of the sending out of a llag of truce by Lord Cornwallis, asking for a ce3ation of hostilities (also the anniversary of the surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga). This day the Masóme, the Odd Fe'lows and other orders, the militia and municipal fire departmente will be received and escorted to their qsarters. ïhe control of the grounds will this day bo transferral to the joint Congies8ional Committee. On Tuesday, the 18th of October, the grand national ceremonies will be opened under the direction or tne joint Congressional committee, and conducted according to their prograrume, as i'ollows: Prayer and a chorus of 100 voict'H, af ter which Hon John W. Johnson, United States Senator from Virginia, Ohairman of the joint Congressional committee on the celebration, will formally open the proeeedings. Hon. F. W. M. Ilolliday, Governor of the St ate of Virginia, will deliver an address of welcome. The eoruer-stone of the monument to the Victory and the Alliance will be laid with the usual imposing ceremonies by the Peyton Cole?, Masonic Grand Matter of the Order for the State of Virginia, assisted by the Masters of the Order of each of the other colonial States. On Wednesday, the 19th, the second day of the grand natioiml ceremonies, an addrcss will be delivered by the President of the United States; an oration by the Ilon. líobert C. Winthrop, of Massachusetts; a poem by Colonel James Barron Hope, of Virginia; an ode by Paul Ilayne, of South Carolina. On Thorsday, the 20tli, the third day of the eelebration, there will be a military refiew on the lield of ï'orktown. On Friday, the fourth day of the celebration, there will be a naval review in Hampton ltoads.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat