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Dr. Talmage On Monopoly

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Dr. Talmage recently pfefichbd to i large congregation in the Brookiyn Tabernacle on "Tliy huid Bball be marricd." Ile said: "1 proposc to name some of the suitors who are chiimiiig the hand of tliis republic. In the first place there is a greedy, all-grasping monster who comes in as a suitor aceking the liand of tliis republie, and bis name is uumopoly. llis scepter is made out of the iron of the mil track and the irou of teletcraphy. Ile dons even more for his own a4vantÜ6 and for the loss of the people. Things liave gonc on in this bad way uulil the Unce legislatures of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania for the most part decide everything. If monopoly favors a law it ispassed;if monopoly opposes a law it is rcji-ctcd. Monopoly stands in the railroad depot piittin? into his poekets in one vear $200,000,000 in exeess of all n-isonable charges for service. Monopoly holds in its one hand the steam power of locomotion and in the otlier the electricity of swift communication. Monopoly luis the republican party in one pocket and the democratie party in the otlier pocket. Mo nopoly decides noniinations and elections - city elections. state elections, iiationul elections. With bribca it takes the votes of legislators, giving them free passes, appoiutmenls to needy relatives of lucrative positions, employing thera as attorneysifthey are lawyers, carrying Ihen goods a large per eentage less if lluy are merchante, and if it finds a case very stubborn as well as very important, puts down before hun the hard cash of bribery; A LEOI8LATUKE BOUUIIT OUTRIGIIT, But monopoly ia not so easily caughl dow and oaptured as when, duriflg tlic admiuistration of Mr. Bueharmn, the legr islative committee explored and exposed the manner in which a certuin rttilffay company had obtained a donation of public land.' It wa3 found out that thirleen sena'ors of tUat stato reccived $175,000 aniong thcm; 9ixty members of the legislature of that state received betweeu $5,000 and $10,000 each; thu governor of that state received $50,000; his clerk receivcd $5,000, the licutennnt govemól1 received $10,000; all the clerks of thc legislature received $5,000 eacli, while $50, 000 were divuled among thclohliv aftBBU. That thing, on a lariínr or ..nmllor BCale, is all t lie time going on in some of the states of tbc unión, but it 18 not so bluuduring as it used to be, and therefore uot so easilv exposed or arrested. I tell you that the overshadowing curse of the United States to-day is monopoly. It puts its hand oq evcry busbel of wheat, upon evcry sack of sult, upmi every tun of goal, and e very man, woman aud cliild iu the United States feels the touch of thatmonied despolism. I rejoicc tluit in twenty-four States in the union aircady auti monopoly leagues lmve been established. God speed Uiom in the work of liboration'. 1 wish Üiat Iliis questioQ of the next presidential election, for bétween this and that linie we can compel Ihe polltical partie8 to recognize in thelr platforms. I have nothioe to say agalnst capitalista. A man has a rigfit lo matee all the money he can make bouestly. 1 have notbing to say against corponilionn as such. Without tliein no grc;it entor[u-ím-s woulil be possible; but what 1 do Bar is Hint the Bamc principies are to bé applled lo oorporáflpns and capitalista tlial are applied lo the poorest man and pluinest hiliorcr. What is Wrong f or me is wr#n; for the Vaiulcrbilts and the Goitlds and t lio eievated railway companies of New York and Brooklyn. Monopoly in Knglaud lias ground hundreds of thousands of ler liest people into semigtarvatiOB, and Id Ircland has driven multltudioous tenante ulmost to mariness, and in the United ilutes proposes to take tbe wealth of fifty or lizty niillions of people and put it lato a lew süken wallets. Uonopoly, brazen-faced, iron-fisgeredj vultuie-hciti'ti'd monoiioly, proposes hiR haud - ollers his liaud to tïiis rupublic. Let the millioos of the people - north, south, cast and vc4 - forbiil the bans of that marriage, forbtd them at the ballot box, forbid Ihem by great organizations, forbid llifin by Ule ovcrwhelming sentt' ment of an outraged nat on, fprbid them by the protest of the church of God, forbid them by prayer of high heaven, that Herod shnll not have this Abigail.


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Ann Arbor Democrat