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DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The co-partnerahip heretofore existiría under ie firm name i' Hall & Branch, grocers, s tliis ly disolved lv imminl consent All liills agalust ii'' llrm -11 lic settled, and accounts colectad by Hall and Muoley, who will continue ie business attheold staiul, No. 2'ï North Main nut, Ann Arbor, Mich. A. R. HALU W. A. MOSLEY. July 1. 1SM. BIDS FOR SIGNS. The contract for furnishing the ity of Ann Arbor withStreet Signs o be posted at the corners of the everal streets in said city is to be et to the LO WEST BIDDER. Jids to be left at Hutel's store on klaln street where the specifkations brsuch signs can be examined. All ïids must be received by August 16, 88 1. HERMAN HUTZEL, Chairman of Gen'l Fund Com. Estáte of Leonard Vaughn. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of washtomiw O 88. At a session of the probate court for tUe county of Washte niuv, faoMen at Che probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on ülonday the twenty-iïfth tlay of Julv in the year one thousand efght ïnuulrcd and eighty-one. Present, William D, Jlarriman, judge of probate. In the matter of the estáte of Leonard Vaughn dewased. On reauinff and flling the potitíon, duly vorified of LeonarrlB. Vanhn, prayin that adminístratimi of said estáte may be granted to hiniself or some other suitable person. Thereupon, it is OraéKtd, that Monday, the S2d day of August next, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs at law of said dffi-ascd and all other persons interested in said estáte, aro required to appear at a Beatón of said court.thèn to be holden at theprobate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and gnow canse, if aiiy tbore uO, wly the prayer of tlu petitioner snotild not be granted : And it is further ordered, that aaid peuttonorgiva notiee to the pereonsiBtercnted in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causingacopyof thia order to be publlshed in Th Ann Arhnr Democrat, a newspaper printed and circulated in aaid county, three successive weeks prevtous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM I). HAHRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate, Wm. Ü. Doty, Probate Register. Estáte of Charles Kitson. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the probate court 'or the County of Washtenaw, holden at the pro mte office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the 6th day of June in the year one jhousand eight hundred and eighty-one. Present, wllliam 1), Harrfman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Charles Kitson deoeased. On reading and filing the petition, duly veri led, of James Kitson and Mary A. Cleaver.pray ing that administration of said estáte may be granted to John Rose. Tliereupon, it is ordered, that AI on day, the lf th day of August next at ten o'clock in the f ore noon be assigned for the hearing of said petition and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and uil other persons i&terested in snid estáte, arerequired to appear at a session of said court then to be holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause if any there be, why w prayer of the petition er should not be granted: Ana it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said ent ate of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be puhlished in the Ann Arbor Democrat, a newspaperprinted and olrouJ&ted bs said oounty, three juccessive weeks previous to said day of hearWILLIAM D. HARRIMAX, [A tnie copy.] Jude. of Probate. William U . Doty. Probate Register. Estáte of Henry Uphaus. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WashWnaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for ttir eounty of Washtenaw, holden at the probate oflice in the city ot Ann Arbor, on Thursday, theTth day of July in the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. Present Wnilám 1. Mamman, Judge of Probate, In the matter of the estáte of Henry Uphaus deceased. Onreadingand fllingthepntition dul. verifled, of Liiinht-ii Dphaus, prayiiiK that he may be licensed to mortgage Reai Estáte whereof said deceased died seized. Thereupon,it ís ordered, that Tuesday, the 23d day of August next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition and that the heirs at law of said deceased and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitiomr should not be gráñted. And it is furthèr ordéred.tnat said petitioner give notice to the persons interested In saidestate.of the, pendency or said petition and the hearing thereof, by causfng a copy of this order to be puhlished in 'Die Ann ArOOT Deiiunrat, a newspaper plinted and circulated in said county three sueeessive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. IIARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate, Wm. G. Doty. Prolate Register. MortsaeeSale. DEFAULT havingbeen made in the conditions of a certain mortgage, whereby tlic power Iherein oontained to sttll has become operativt. executedby Edwin J. BUss and Mary T. Bliss, his wife, of the city of Ann Arbor, in the couuty o Washtenaw and state of Michigan, to Anna M. Mozart of Ann Arbor, in said couuty and st:it tlatetl the twenty-fourtn day of December, A D, ejgnteen hundred and seventy. and recorded on the twenty-sixth day of February, A. D. 1871, at twoo'clock p. m., in the office of the Register of Deeds for the county of Washtenaw, in the state of Michigan, in liber 44 of mortgages on page 609; which salcl mortgage was duly assigned by said Anna M. Mozart to John Richards by deed of assignment, dated the twenty-first day of June A . D., eighteen hundred and seventy-tlïree, which assignment was duly recorded in the office of the said Register of Deeds,on the twenty lirst day of June A. D., 1HT3, at one and one-fourth o'clock p, m,, in liber 4 of assignments of mort gages, on page 51; and which was afterwnnls duly assigned by said John Richards to George Osborn,by deed of assignment dated thetwentyfourth day of December A. D. , eighteen hundred and seventy-flve, which aselgnnidnt was duly recorded in the office of the said Register of Deeds uu the twtMity-seventhday of December, A. D., ih":. at eleven o'clock a. m.(iniiber5 of asalgnnifiits oí niortgagHS.Vm P?ö 81, and said mortgage was duly assigned by said üeonro Osborn toMaryT. Bliss, of the rity of Ann Arbor, in said county and state, by deed of tertgnnleni dated the ninth day "f July, A. D., eighteen hundred and eighty-one, which assiniiient was duly recorded in the oflice of said Register of Deeus on the eleventh day of July, A. L., 1881, at two o'clock p.m., in liber 7 of assiiuneiits of inortgages, on page 1T9, upon which said mortgage t luir is i'laiiiM-d tu he (Iue, at ihe date of this notice.the sum of threethousand and forty-five dollars and flfty cents, and no snit or proceedings at law or in chancery having been instituted to recover any part thereof; notice is therefore hereby given thatonSaturday the eiííhtlulay of October, A. D., 1881, at ten o'clock in the foreiiut.ii, I Bhall se.ll at pabtto auctlon to thehighest bidder (the sale to take place at the east front door of the court house In the city of Ann Arbor, in said connty, said court house being the place of holding the circuit court fnrsald county of Washtenaw) the premises dscriled in said mortgage (orsomucb thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy theaiiKiunt duè on said inortgage, and legal costs and charges of such sale together with an attorney fee of forty-flve dollars covenanted for therein) that is tí) say the following certain piece orparcel of land, situated in the city of Ann Ar bor, in the county of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, known, bounded anddescribed as follows. to-wit: Being lot munber ten (10) extept a strip ofï of the soul 'i side thereoí tour feet and four-tenths of a root wule, and the cast part of lots nine and eight, on the snuth Une I lot nine ata pointom1 half rad cast l'iom the south west corner of lot ntne, thence north parallel to the west line of lot nine, two and one half roda, thence aortheaateriy t a polnt on the line of Fletcher street flve rods north westerly front thecornerof Church and Fleteher treeta, all of the above mentioned huuls ure in u. s. Smith's flrst additionto the city of Ann Arbor, oounty of Washtenaw, and state of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Michigan. July 12. 1881. maKy t BLJSS, Aórignee. F. E. B&T88, Attorney for Assignee. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County ot Washtenaw Osa.- In the matter of the estáte of Charles Clements deceased. Notice ia hereby given, that, in pursuance of uu order gnUited to the undersigned Administratxix of the Estáte of said deceased by the Hou. Judge of Probate for the County of washtenaw on the twentj -second day of June, a. d., Ikni, there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bidder, at the east front door of the oourttumsr in the city of Ann Arbor. in the county of Washtenaw Ín said state, on Tuesday the 9th day of August,, d.,1881. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, (subject to all encumbrancea by mortgage or othe.rwise existing at the time of the death of said deceased, anil subject to tliO dower-right of Mary Clement s, his widow therein.) the f ollowing ilescribed real estáte to wit: The whole of the interest of said deceased in all that certaiu piece or parce 1 of lnnd sitimted on sections thirty-one and tliirty-two (il and ;k'i, in township one, south of range flve east, including the lVnlnsular ilour and grist mili in the township of Webster, Washtenaw county. State of Michigan, known, bounded and described as follows, to wit; Beginning on the. north bank of the Hu ron rtvër ut a and stönes. thence threè chainsandsixty-six links, measuring along the bank of tho river to a point above the bridge across said river, thence north three degrecs and three minutes east, two ehains and fifty links to a stake and stones, thence south fifteen degrees flve minutes west, eight ehains and Blxfcv links to aiatakeand stones on the bank of the river, thence alo ng the bank of the river twenty-five ehains and twenty-seven links to a stake and stones and a mark d soft maple tree, thence northeasterly to a stake at the northwest corner of land deeded by Samuel W. Dexter to Rico A. Iteal. and recorded in liber 47 of deeds on page 105, thence easterly along the north bank at nigh water mark of the mili race to the, highway which crosses the river mar the l'eninsular ntüls; also s hole of the interest of said deceased in and to the right of way one, rod wide from off the wt-st end of lands deeded by Samuel W, Dexter to Kice A Beal aforesaid and recorded in Liber 47 of deeds on pago 105 extending from the btghway weflteziy to high water mark' also the whole of the interest of said deceftsed in andto the us I' twenty rpet square of ravol bank adjolnlng lerod widobofore describid, and mxl u the. uil race; also the whole of the interest of said ■ I inandio piece f land whieh lies asi ii the highway aforeflftld. to wii : Commenc tí at a point hearing northe.rly ■ degree and (teen minutes ■■ast from the northweet corner f the l eninsular milis and digtant Iwo chaina ndthirty-three links; also oichty-fniir link from eedarstakein the center of the tughway naar hesald milis, vrhich et-dar BtaJce la north four nd nuf-halt degreeaweat, tme bearing (rom the orth-west corner of said milis anddTatant to hains and elghty-nine links, thence soutl) sixtyhree and one-fourth degrees ea-si , trut' hearing. Jong the Boutherly border of lumls deeddd by he circuit Oouri Conunlsaioner of Washtmaw ounty tu Rtc A. Bealand recordad In LJbei it i deeds oti ia'' lti:, tui) ohalna and sixteen inks, thence eouth tïiree degrees west twochains md thlrty-8even links to a stake noutli of the luzne windt runs f rom tht' mili to the factory, heticesonth st'venttM-n degTOM easi along the eaHt bank of the tail-racc.tnreo chaingand fiftyIve links t o üe bank of theriver, thence westerv to th' flrst stak1 and stnni's tntMitionetl in this leacriptlon thenoe along tlit bank of the rivt-r to ha oenter of the hlliway whlch crosses tbc river near the mili alorcsaid, thence northerly alone the center of tlie hihway to a point went of the place of bezinning, thencfi easl t; the plaofl ■■!' beKinniiiK: alsothe wlioleof the Interast of said deceasedin or to three-fourths of the rijfht of Hoodinf? so iniich of the land of Kioe A. Beal and John F. 5Iarl)h-, or their or assipns as ma.v be affecteo by a dam running ucross said rireratthe marked soft maple tree aforesald, said dam not to raise said river at said dam more than t wo feet above high water mark; together witli tbewhole of the interest of sai(l deceased. ín and to the undividcd thr fourtha of all che riirht of floodisg hereto, conveyed to and by Samuel w. Déacterand all the grantors of tlie said decaseil : also die wfaóia of the interest of said deceased iti and to tlie right of aitai-hint' said dam to the opposlte bank of theriver áforesala. MAKY CLEMENTS, Administratrix of said estáte. DatcdJunc22nd, I8U. t7OAWKEK. $12 a day at home easily di ade vPZ('ostly outllts free. Address, ïm'E & Co. AiiKusta, Maine. JACOB HALLER & SüN, DEALER IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, Speotacles, Plated Vare, Gold Pens and Fine Jowelry, Sjiecial nttention given to repairing WaU-hes and Jewehy. 24 South Main Street. nn Arbor. FOR SALKR RENT The present rosidence of Mre. F. A.Hill, wil h X li e I : i i 1 A. lj o i ïi i ïi tr , Con8isting of about U)ad68, 80 of uliieh can be oultlvated Bent, $hoo. or the House and h acreB will be rented seperate. Kent S'iiKJ. The above property is also sale bythe lor. or bj the acre. Oí in largar quantities. TITLE l'l'.li [ i j T. For further particulais enqulreof II. H. Hil1,ofBceNo.8 Opera House lilock, or Wm. M Whito, Canaseraíra, New York. Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is now taking the Best Class of PMnnïs In the City at Prices to Suit the Times. Ground Floor Gallvry. COODRICH BLOCK, East Side of the ISTKAV COUBT HOUSK. TO THE INSURING PUBLIC. Record of boMolM numbeivil 22MS1- S"." i'.sr, ei6086and 388887 of the Western Asauraiice Co., o Toronto, Ont., issueil at Anti Arbor. Miili. agi'ii cy, having been lost, 1 wouldthank toe holden of the sanie whether the policles an In fora or hnr , i, rui to si'iul copies of tiie written portioii of poUcTea tdzether with the nune of asRured, ani.niiit of inaured rate. to ettEer Wm. Treiualn, aKt'nt at Aun Arbor, Mich,, or James A. Jones, (cii.nil AKcrt. Ili-ll-oit. Murll. j HEFORE USINC. I AFTER USINC THE ANN ARBOR BAKERY Was establislied in IS33, by Deacon Reuben Ilallwho made regular trips with his deliveiy wagon as tar west as Niles, and then did not meet witli as many people in his long weary drives as his successors of today, during a single iórenoon while delivering goods. Jook out for an advertisement in a lew days. HALL & MOSELEY. DOQON THB OU) HAT." A. A. TEKRY, HAT8 ANN ABBOB, 1ÜCH. ('. K Holnn-s. proprii'tor of ('il y Drug store lia the choioesl lo oí per turnea and LAKGÍST STOCK of Í'UÜK DRT US ill tle rity. Alsn .rn tliiutí lo MM Toilel aiiil Fancyfpodsline, n( prices lower thim anywhëre elM I'ri'srripliiMis ' i-mvfiilly i ipolnded. No. 12Cook Hotel ülock. Aun HichigSb. EBERBACH&SON, Dealere En Drugs, Medicines AtKtaílnolot of French Hair Brushes AND English Tooth Brushes. Y filll ííprcial itlflilioii tO OUT stock oí Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus, AXI) Pure Chenicals of our own Importation. A full line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS an At ist pricoB. Are corilialy invitod to examine our Rtock a bd quality aní prices. EBERBACH A SON. (?a wek Ín yotirown town. 'IVrnis nntj $5 300uíitsfr't. Ail.tns. H. Hau.ktt & rv Portlanil Maiii'1 LEONARD HOUSE, rp F. LEONARD, l'ropri.-t.u-. I IIAVK OPBNED A NEW FLOUR AND FEED STORE At the south-east conerof Ann mui Pourtta stivi-ts, and vill sell at WHOLESALE I IETAIL ! Anythiiif; in my line. GOODS PKOMI'TI.Y DEL1VERED To au v part "f tl' city. J. ltOSS, PTtOIMUKTOK, Ann Av)ior, - - - Michigan FOBjll "'val; t-on Ík ciblujiutJ at the ii-;u-uj. LjS I Kor rutea, further Information, KK 1 11 SllllCH tr addresa, iMj GEN. PASSRAGT..C B &O-R.R. k - )Tlii-.(. Chicago & Western Is tho OLDKSTI BEST CONSTRUCTHD' BQÜIPPHD I and henee the LEADIHÖwRAlLWA7, WEST ANDFNORTHWESTi rt is the short and best romo batWBeá Cliieago unci all points in :r3rticrn nilnols, Iowi, Eikota, Wyenis, Hobrasï. Caüfjreia, Orejoa, rljoni, ÜUh, Colorida, liaho, Moatana, ;lj'. sda, aidfor coxrarciL bluffs, omaïïa DENVER, LEADVILLE, Salt Lake, San Francisco, DEADWOOD, BIOUX CITY, Mu üap'.di, üos lioiscs, Colamtus, enl all Pcints in tho Cjtritoriss, wi tho West. Alio, fcr Mütojïco, OrosaEiy, ":h.osh, ShoyeiafUanuetts, rond dn Lae, Watortovs 'saeitoi, üaenS, Mjnaih;, at, Patl, Iflsatapolii, U;r:: 7ol, fugo, Bismrcï, Wiicaa, LiCrcsis, Oiritcniu, i . '.11 polst', ia Uiac:jo:i, Siiota, Wlssoniis ai tbc K::tiwost. At Ceuncll Bluiüi the trains of the Chicngo & North WVsU-ni and tho U. I'. R'ys depart i'roiu, ai"rite ut und use thc same joint l'nion IV]iot. At Cliicago. clnseconneDtionsareuiimewith thi I.ake Shore, W lebjgan Cootril, Bal&AOire .fc oln.Ft Wavne and l'ennsylvanin, nnl Chicleo .- i : rund Trnnk K'ys, und the Kunkukeo and li.. Handle Koitt's. Close ponnections made nt Junction Pointe. 1: is tho oiüy lincrunnig Pullman Hotel Diiiing Car BCnmN CHICAGO AMD COUNCIL BLUFFS. PlI.LMANPI.KEl'KBSON AI.I. NICiHT TKA1N-. Inslstjipon Ticket Agenta seUing you 1ik?t' via ihis rund. Exiuninu yonr ti!;ets, and refon t . luy iftiey do not read vertho Chicago fc Ni)rih-WoPternRailay. IfyouwishtheK si TraTeline Acrotnmor!: feu will bny your ticket! by this rouU;, una w UI none ol her. AU Uoket Agent! sell Ticket1! by this Lino. AiAitvix iiiiiin, 2ni V. F. & aca'l Uug'r, Ciio2O. MÖ8IC The oheapest AaAe to buy Piano, EsteyOrgans. Yiolins. Ciuitars. lían - los. T:nnin niiint-s, 1 trui iis, Kifes, FlagoOtets, Zithi is, Ai'cunlt'uiis, Piano Stools, Violin Boxrs, Inatruction Bqoks for all kinds of iiislnmienis, siii-rt 51naic i nèw i, St rings, Dest iiuality, all kinds; Mouth Organs, Bridgef Bows, Kcys and Rosin. Everythiue in themuslc line from a CklckertnK Plano to a .fv' Harp can be fonnd at J. K. SAO E'S Muslc Store, No. i Waahfïiiofi St., Aua Arbor, OSCAR O. SORG, !■;, Sl(., AKD Fresco PaintmiL i-ATKit n.X(;[N(i. SHOP NO. 11 EAST LIBERTY ST.,' AXN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. Genuine Milwaukee 1 I w 2 ft 1 j 3 (W r? r - ÏIms: ï 5. Lu fe " ItT. írf ir f Bil '" r =i: TliB I " - o S 5 Lager Beer Depot. Ajuaro :Wí% i ■ ji i w' ínPViflft THE CREAT BUIïLINGTOir ROUTE. fWXn other lino runs Three Through Pasenifcr Trains Daily betweSQ Chicago, Dea MíHiitts, (Juuncil HlulTs, Omaha, l.mcoln, St. Josi-ph, Atrliisnn, T'tpoka and Rpusns City. Direct conuoctlona for nll polnta. m Kansas, N'cbragka, Colorado, Wj-omln, Montana, Netradn, New Mexico, Arizona, ldalio, Orcgon and California. The Snortest, Speediest ml Most Comforts- VI.' RoutO vía llaiinilo.1 tO Fort ScOtt, Dcnlson, Pullas, Honston, Austin. San Antonio, Qalveston nnd all polnta in Tezflé. Tlir unequaled Inducementfl oíTcred bythía Lino tci Travclers aml Tourlsts, are as follows: i:elclrated Pullman (IH-whci-l) Valaeo Slcrpinsr Carg. niñ nnly on thls Line, C, II, & c,. Pnmce Drawlnjí-Uoorn Cars. with Horton'a Rpclinin C'hairs. Ñu i'.vtni cbarge for Seat id Itecllnlng Chaira. Thé fnnious C. H. & Q. Palnce DininjrCars, í'.orffoous Smoking Cara (lttcil with Ki(frn:it llijrh-Ilncked Hattan Rtvolvinjr ('hlra for tile exclusive U3e of flrstc1ji- paAsenffQK. Stool Tr.irk nnd Superior Equipment, com :iiinil with ilicii1 (3 i-fit Throutrh (;ar Arrangomont, makps tliif, above nll others, the favorito limite to Un' Houth, South-Wost, aiid the Far Try it, and yon will flnd travellng a luxury Inktend of n disromfort. Throuifh Tickets vi:i tilia CelcbrntPd Un tor :ile :it all offices in the Gnited States und Janatia. All inform;ition aboiit Ratea of Fare, Slee ■ n Aeci.minoilations, Time Tablea, &e.. will le ehi'cituily í-'ivcn. nnd will sciid Free to. inyaddresa iu elegant Countu Map oí United St-.itcs, in colors, ly applyin? to. I'KHCKVAL LOWEI.L, General Passenge r Airent Chicago, T. .1 I'OCTER, Qeneral Hanager, Chicago


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat