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Ia the Hritish house of coumions an ainendment to clause Beven of the land bill, restrictiug the power of the eourt in fixing rent to tonancies valaed under L100 was lost hy a vote of 241 to 205. Kecont electlons in Uermany have resulted in gaius to the conservativos and the niiuinterial newspapers are sanguine of similar gaine In the elections to the reiclistag. Midhat Paha and all otliers convlcted oP complicity in the niurder of Abdul Aziz, except lzzet Pasha, Seyd l'asha and tlie two actual aasasains, tmharked Monday for Arabia, tú which place they areexiled for life. An ex-nihilist who had hetrayed his compaoious has beun assassinated 'm the outskirts of tlie Rumian Capital. In the Brilish house of coiiiiuoiir, Lord Kun dolph Spencer Cburchill gave nollen of his ititenlion to move a resol ution declaring that the land bill encourages the repudiatlon of contrasta, Is opposed U individual liherty and i calculated to d'miinish the security of property and lessen prosperity in Ireland. lt is sak that tlii notice w:im tfiveu wi hout the assen of the CnnHt-rvalive I nadere an:l Uiat the oppo sition will refuse to vote when the resolutiou is called. At Sfax the Krenc'i are ooly inasters of the grouml they stand on and it is not safe to venture ot'.tside of tbe gtites. In the Brltlsh house of common Lord Randolh Churchill moved hl reuoiution on the third reading of th land bill, accordiog t tbe notie previously given, and, after a tedioas dis cussion by Mr. tíladstone and several radica members, a recesa was taken to it o'clock. Up on reasaembling the hill was read a third Urn aud passed by a vote of 220 to 14, the miuorit being exclusively Conservatives. The Freneh ctiamlmr of doputies bas passed a bilt for the sale of all the crown diamond the proceeds to go to a museum f und. Tne bey oT Algiers is unable to raise troops and is in an entirely helpless position. The I tiiliau court of appeal reduced the sen teuces passed on six persons arrested for the riot at the reuioval of the body of Pope Piu ninth. Thirty houses belonging to Jews in the ril lages of Boriipol and Birwzan, Russia, were destroyed. The troops fired upou the riotera, killing 4. The actual inurderem of Abdul Aziz have been exiled to the proviuce of Hedjaz Arabia, apart f rom the accotnplices, Midhat Pasha to pas. exile on Iba isiand away f rom all of the others. The telegraph says the defeat of the ameer impliei the complete overthrow of the only reinaining representativo of British influence in Afghanistan. The grand jury at Liverpool has found true bilis agaitiHt Mc iratti aud McKevitt, charged with atteuipting to burn Liverpool town hall and with mUuit to murder. Tbe opening session of tbe Young Mens Christiaii Association of all lande being held at London was attended by 500 delegates, 60 of wliom are froin the U. 3. and Canada. It it ïthoritatively declared that Uie sentences of th Turkisb regicides were couimuted because tuey confessed the crime to the sultan and asked for clemency on the ground that thev acted under the orders of the suooessor of Abdul Aziz. A nuinber of Frencb residente in Coba intend making claims against the Spanish goveruinent for compensation for injuries sustaiued during the late civil war toere. The claims amouut to 30,009,000 francs. The czar and family were entliusiastically welcumed by the iahabitants of Moscow. In response the czar said: "After passing through tbe great alllicüon which feil on the imperial family and all Uussians I esteem myself happy to be at last able to carry out my heartfelt wish of visiting the original capital of th empire. Moscow haB always given an examole to the whole of Russla and I hope it will ver continue to do so. It tesiifies uow as formerly tbat the czar and the people form a harnionioiiH and solid whole." The emperor aud the empress proceeded on fooi f rom the palace to th9 cathedral, an immense crowd chfcering ihf in lustily all the way. The visit to tbe cathedral was followed by a reception at the Kremlin. The etnperor of (iermany has conferred upon Prof. William Dwight Whitney, of Yale college, the order of merit made vacant by the death of Thomas Carlyle. The rebellious Zulu ('hief has "oceupied a strongiy intrenched position with 3,000 men. John Dunns, with 4,000 men, is waiting permission f rom the government to attack him. In the Britisb house of commons Mr. Uladstone moved the suspension of Mr. Parnell for the reinainder of the sereion because of his olTdnsive language and his disregard of the authority of the chalr. Mr. Parnell withdrew from the house, after which the suspension was voted, 182 to 14. It is thought that the British government got iurortnation of the coming of the infernal machines from the memorandum book of Mc(iratli, one of the men who tried to blow up the Liverpool town hall. It is reported that Ayoob Khan will thi week follow up his victory over the ameer by uiarching upon Cabul. It is suggested that the final ouüvune of the war may be the li viúon of Afghanistan aud the establishing of two governmento. A party of Mexican traders on the way from tbe interior of Sonora, Mexico, were aiubushed by cow-loys uear Los Animas while eatiog breakfast and fired il. Five of the Mexicano are supposed to be killed and the rest lied, leaving the pack train aud $4,001). A large force of Mexican troops are ín pursuit or the co boys. K. IL Rogers, United States consul at Vera Cruz, is dead. The chlef of pólice of Rome lias been dismissed forneglect of duty iu couneclion with the dinturbances on the uivasinn f tlie transía tion of tl remains of Pius IX. The Frencli consul at Constantinople arrestod Sheik Mahiuoud, wIiosh father wan mufli iu Algierti at the time of the conqueat, RBd upon him wan disrovered docuaienU sliowing the existeace of a vast Mosleiu conspiracy against the Freucli in África. Mctirath and MrKnvitt, charged with at tempting to lilow up the Livurpnul town hall, pleaded not guilty. They were cuovieted, and Mdirath Rentenced to pmia! servitude for life and McKavitt for 15 yeare. Herr Shiekmau has been chosea under secretary of the home dupartmeut, (iermany. The appoiutinent is notewortl.y from the fitct that be is a xf i iet conservative and will direct the relchstag election arraagemente. Tbe Spanish minister of finance will begin at the nt-xt sf fwlon of the cortes the pracliie of inaking public the exact state of the ry. He wlll show heavy arreara in the Cuban tovernraent, where a dett of L18,000,000 sterMH remains unliquidated. The vlceroy of India telegrapua: "Ayoob :iian entered Candahar on the 30th uit. HU ntantry and artillery oecupy the citadel. Adices trom Chaman-Ohouki represent all quiet n the British frontier." Witli the object of establishing further miliar colonies in Cuba, Captain (ieneral Blanco axa decided to start an xperimental colony on be site of the devastated plantation at Destino, irovince of Havana.


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Ann Arbor Democrat