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DRAKE'S OYSTER DEPOT 20 East HuronSt. Oysters Always Fresh and Cheap. Pure Wlnes and Llquors for medicinal purDOses. Cholcest branda of Clgars always on hand FRED SÖRGT Dealer tn PAINTS, OILS.VARNISHES KRUSHES. WINDOW ÜLASS, And all Palillera' Supplios of the Beat Quality SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington Cst. ANN ARSOB. - HICMIQAN. "rïnsey & seaboltT No. 6 and 8 Washington t., Have on band a complete stock of overything ín the Crocery Line. They buy thelr Toas, Coffees, and Sugari In large amounts, and at Casia. ZPn?oes And can sell at Low Figures. Tlie large lnvoice of Teas they Buy and Sell, Is o good proof that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. They Itoast their own Cofteea every week, ano tione but prime articles are useu. Their Bakeryturns out excellent Bread, Calce and Cracker. Cali anl aee them. JACKSON FIRE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND - JDTiJTliT TILE. AM onr Drain Tile are made of Fire Clay, are of uHuxual strength and Ught wcight, which materially reduces the breakage and expense of trunBportation. The ditrhlnt; for t liis class of tiliiiK in lw expen alve, as they do not rt-quire to be lald belowfrost, but only deep enough to encape the plow. Wliilc tliis w more pconomical It also aids In obtainintfia better "fall" or grade to the drain. A f uil assortment of all gizes, for gala In small qnantitiee, orear load lotp, at the FERDON LüffiBER YARD. JAS. TOLDERT, Agent. TüiïiC 18 A THOROUGH REMEDY In every case of Malarial Fever or Fever and Agí ie whüe for disorders of the Stomach, Torpidity of the IJver. Indigestión and dteturbances oí the animal forces. which debilítate, it has no equivalent, atu) can have no substituto. Itshould not be confounded with triluraU'd compottnda of cheap spirits and essential oUs, often sold under the name of Bitters. FOH SALE BY C. E. Holmes, Cook hotel block. KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE. The most successful RemedYever diacoverëa, as it in certain iu lts effects uiiil dw not blister. Read Proof Below. PRESEVERANCE WILL TELL. Stoughton, MasR., March 16th, lSO. B. J. Kkshai.i. & Co.. Gkntd;- tn justice to you andniyself, I tliink I might to let you know that 1 have removed two bone piivins witli 'Kendall's Spavin Cure," oue very lury one; don't know how long the slavin had lieen there. I have owned tue horae ight montiis. It took me four months ti take the large one off and two for the smaüoni'. I have used ten bottles. Thehoi- U eutirely wcl, not at all stiff, and no tmimh to be Been or feit. This is a woiuleríui medicine. It ís a new tliing here: luit if it does for all what it haa done for me it Kale will be very Kreat. Itespectfully yours, Chas. E. Paukkr. Kkndall's Spavin Cube is sure in ita effecte, mild in it action as it doos not Mister, yt it is IenctrntiiiL mul poworful to wach every deep sented iain or to remove any Ixmy g:rowth or othor ciilarKemuiit sui-h usspavins.splinta, cari, callous, sprains. swt'llings, any lamenesH and all enlargemcnts of ihe joints or limhs, or rhwimitisin in man and for any parpose for which a lininM-nt is iisi'd for man or neast. It is uow known to be the Ixt liniment for man rver used, acting mild and yet certain in it effeete. Bend addreafor Illustrated Circular which we t hink giVM positivo proof of its virtueK. No remedy has ever mnt with siii'h uiunialiflel succes to our knowledge, for 1 -ast as well as man. Price$l. per hottle, or kíx lioitles for t. AH Drugíristíi have it oroan K't it Êor you, or it will ! sent to nny addn-ss on recelpl of prwe by the proprietors. DR. B. J. KKNDALL CO., Enoburgh Kalls, Vennoot SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS IN. H. DOWNS' VEGETABLE BALSAM1C ELIXIR 2 Is a sure cure for Coughb, Colds, I Whooping-Cough, and all Lung ■ Diseascs, hen taken in beatón. I People die of consumptioi. simpP Ijr because of neglect, when the timelyuseof Ui remedj would have cured them at once. Vtfly-our. y (art ol constant use prove tin. fact that nr cough remedy l.a stood the tel like Jt ou ' JLiiZir. Plic 3c. 'K. IK) Jl.l lfl bulÜO. JTor ..!. K r l.urr. Dr. Baxter's Mandrake Ë6iTTi:itW ■ Will cure Jaundice, DBpepsia, iLiver Complaints, Indigestión, ■ hiid all di!ca-.i-s arising Trom RilI iousnes. Pricc t$ ets. per bottle. Foi Salo Kryvrliere. HENltl .V JUIINNUN'S ÁRNICA AND OIL Iliniment i'nr Jttatt ana Beast. ■ The most perfect liniment ever ■ ■ compounded. Pricf SJ6 and 50c. ■


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