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CURED OP DRINKING. "A young friend of mine was cured of uu insatiable tliirst for liquor, wbich had so prostrated bim that ho was UDable to do any business. He was entirely cured by the use of Hop Bitters. It allayed all that buruingthirst; look away the appetite for liquor; made his nerves eteady, and he has remuined a sober and steady raan for more than two years, and has no desire to return to his cups; I know of a number of others that have been cured of drinking by it." - From a leading R. R. official, Chicago, 111.- Times. WONDERFUL POWER. When a medicine performs sucb cures as Kidney-Wort is constantly doiug, it may truly be said to have wonderful pow er. A carpenter in Mantgomery, Vt., has suffered for eigbt yeare from the worst of kidney diseases, anti had boen wholly incapacitated for work. Ho says, "One box made a new man of me, and I sincerely believe it will restore to health all that are similarly afflicted. It is now sold in both liquid and dry form.- Danbury Nws. A VEXED CLERGYMAN. Even the patience of Job would becorae exhausted were he a preacher and endeavoring to interest his audience while they were keeping up an irtcessant coughing, making it impossible for hiin to be heard . Yes, how very easy can all this be avoided by simply using Dr. King's New Discovery forConsumption, Coughs and Colds. Trial bottles given away at Eberbach & Son's Drug Store. Bucklin's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcera, Salt Rheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Uhapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ali kinds of skin Erup tions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in e very case or the money refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale by Eberbach & Son, Ann Arbor, Mich. Keep it on hand. No farmer or teamster should be without Henry & Johnsou's Árnica and Oil Liniment. It is invaluable in caseí of Uurts eitber on man or beast. Singers and public speakers should use Downs' Elixir, as it removes hoarseness and increasestke power of the voice. If you desire rosy cheeks and a fair complexión, purify the blood by the use of Baxter's Mandrake Bitters. PILES! PILES! PILES! A Sure Cure Found at Last,- No one Need Suffer. A snre cure for the Blind, Bloeding, Itchtngand Ulcerated Pile has been discovered by Dr. Williams (an ludían remedy), called Dr. Wllliam's I ihUuii Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronie cases of 28 and 30 years' standing. No one need suffer flve minutes af ter applying this wonderf ui soothing medicine. Lotions, Instruments and Electuaries do more harm than good. William's Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching (particularly at nicht af ter getting warm in bed), acts as a poultice ; gives instant and Dainless relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itching of the private parts, and notning else, Read wliat the Hon. J. M. Cofflnberry, of Cleveland, says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment: I have used scores of pile cures, and it affords me pleasure to say that I have never found anything which gave such iinmediate and permanent relief as Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment. For sale by all druggiste, or mailed on receipt of price, $1.00. Jas. E. Davis & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Detroit, Mich., Agents. For sale by H. J. Brown & Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. You can live at Whitmore Lake as cheap, or cheaper thaa in the city, as Wm. Graham only charges $5 per week at bis hotel, the Lake house. This is the time of year to visit this celebrated place of resort. It is one of the flnest bodies of water in the state as those who have been there can testify. Go to the Ann Aubor nurseby for apple trees, grape vines, and for everything else for the garden and orchard Pnces the lowest in the city. Jacob Ganzhorn, proprietor, at the head of Sprinc 8t. I sell apple trees, 6 to 7 feet high, (nice trees), for 15 cents each; le?s by the hundred. Concord grape viues one and two years old, from $3 to $5 per 100. Jacob Ganzhorn.


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