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Let the poor sufferers from female cotnplaints take courage and rejoice that a painless remedy has been found. We refer to Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. It is prepared at 233 West ern Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Send to Mrs. Pinkhara for pamphlets. CITY ITEMS. C. H. Minnis the old and reliable boot and shoe maker, and the flnest repairer in the city has again settled down to business, and will hereafter be found at nis shop on Washington street, first door east of Gwinner's rnarket. Boots and shoes made to order and a perfect fit guaranteed everytime. Repairing ffteatly done on short notice. Please along your work. Little Mack, the King Clothier, has gone to New York to purchase a large stock of ready made clothing and piece goods. He would advise everybody to wait and examine gooda and prices before making selections. Fok Sale- Two carriage horses. Ap ply to J. S. Earl, proprietor of the 10 cent bus, AnnArbor, Mich. Cady's catarrh remedy, a sure 'cure for catarrn is for sale at Holmes' drug store, Cook hotel block. The Lake house at Whitmore Lake is open for the reception of guests. The hotel has been nicely fltted up, and is first class in eyery particular Persons intending to visit the Lake for a week or longer, will be met at the depot in South Lyon, Ann Arbor or Brighton. All Communications addressed to Wm. Graham will be promptly attended to. Important to travelers: Special Inducements are offered you by the Burlington Route. It will pay you to read their adyertisement to be found elsewhere in this issue Board only $5 per week at the Lake house, Whitmore Lake, Wm. Graham proprietor. Visitors to Whitmore Lake are entertained at the Lake house, Wm. Graham. proprietor, for $1 per day, which includes the use of boats and fishing tackle. Please remember it is only $1 per day, or $5 per week. does uriirnij ■WONDERFULff L CURES! hbhhbQ iBecsatltaeteon the LITEB, BOWELgfl umi KIDKEIS at th m tlm. I BecauaeltolanethyitmofUipolon-M IV ons humor that develope in Kidney and WÊ WM nary Düeasoa, Billoiunesa, Jaundloa, Gonatl-Q ■ patíon.FÜM, or In BhoumaUsm, Neuralgia, H nNerroui CUorder and Tnnal Complalnta. H 8KB WHiT PZOPLJS AY l 3 Engrane B. Stork, of Junctlon Citj, Kanna,n ■ wys, KJdnoy-Wort cured hlm aftor regular U ■■alelan had bean trjlnsr for f our yeara, Q Mr. John Anwll, of Washington, Ohlo, aji H Hher boy waa giren up to die by four prominent U H föi 'c „,' and that n8 " atterwarda cured by ■ nKldney-Wort. ■■ ■■ H. M. B. editor in Chardon, Ohlo,d Haaya he wm not expected to lire, belnir blotaH Qbeyond belief, but Wort ouredUm. ■■ ■ Anna L. Jarrett of South Salem, N. Y., layiU H that Beven years BUfferltifr from kidneytroubteeH Rand other compllcatloui waa ended by thv oh utWm UKidneyWor. Q I John B. Lawreneeof Jackion, Tenn., mfferedH ■■for yearsfroin llrer and kldimy troublei ud Og? taklng "barrel of other mdlclna.."n ■ Kldney -Wort made hlm Wf 11. I Hlchasl Coto of Monttromerr Center, Tt.,H Uraireredelghtyeariwlth kldney dimoulty andQ ■ waa nnabls to work. Wort made liluiM ■ " well as Tr." PERMANENTLV CURES Qkidney diseases, liver complaints.i nconstipation and Piles. ■ „t"It laput up In Dry TccetaU Trm In H ■■ tin cana, one package of whlch makel lii quarta ■ Q of medicine. Also In l.lquld Farm, Terr Con. n ■M oentrated, for thcie that oannol raadily t] ■ parelt. ■ WitWIt aeti ullh tqual tffltsitnev In tilhtr ftrnt. ■ J GET IT At THE DRÜQQI3T8. PR1CM, 1,HU I WELLS, BICHA UDSONC., Pr'i, I Ijrwill iend the dry port-pald.) CELIHil!, T. H REAL ESTÁTE EXCHANGE. o M.ANLY & HAMiLTON'S Abstract and Real Estáte Office, No. 11, First floor, Opera House block, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Abstracts fnrnished on short notice on any parcel of land in Washtenaw county, from French Claims of Ypsilanti, to the most complicated titles in the ViUage of Manchester. Money to Loan on Real Estáte securetles. For Sale I - o - I 2O Acres at $50 per acre in the township of Webster, good buildings. Terms to sult purehaser. New Store on west slde of Main street, terms easy. I OO Acres within l 1-2 miles of court house with flrst-class building, perfect title and very cheap. HOUSe and LotS l, 2. 3, block4south range 'i west, situated on South side of Ljberty st . House and four LotS, on corner of Forest avenue and Orleans street. Entire Block 2 NK13 E, except2 1ots. Qood building sites. Terms to suit purehaser. A GoOd Farm, 200 acres, well improved, in the township of Webster, good buildings, $65 per acre. HOUSe and Lot on Catherlne street for sale, or exchange for lot uear the Methodist church. Terms easy. A House and doublé Lot at Whitmore Lake, $700. HOUSe and Lot, on;ingalln street, north of University, $3,000. House and Lot, on Lawrence street, $2.000. HOUSe and Lot, on north side of West Huron street; also 6 1-2 acres situated on south side of Jackson road, about one mile from court-house, $3,600 for both pareéis. Terms to suit purehaser. One House and two acres of land sitúate in Ingalls' addition, known as the M. J. O'Riley property, good barn and well. House and Lot, on ElizabethSt., $3,000. A House and 1-2 acre of land in 5th ward, west side of the Dixboro road. House and three Lots, in the Fifth ward, good locality, $1,000. HOUSe and flve LotSonMiller avenue. Will be sold at a bargain. Qood barn on the premises. 30 Acres of land on Whitmore Lake road within 3-4 miles of Court-Hoúse. Would like to exchange for city property. LotS 77. 78, 9O, and part of lot 89 and a large brick house with 12 rooms, R. S. Smith's addition. A StOCk Of DrugS and Medicines worth $4,000 will be sold for cash or exchanga for a good farm near the city; or a half interes' can be purchased in the stock. Business good. A Fine Brick House, Barnes, Orchard with nice well and spring, and six acres o: land, on West Huron and Jewett streets known as the Jewett property. Price $15. 000, or two lots off said property on Huron St., price $700 each. MONEY TO LOAN In sums from $100 to $5,000, amount and terms to snit appHcants.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat