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A8treet preacher and a stroet vender atUmipied to run their several trades on the unie ground aurt at tlie same honr, and as a eouseciuence East Tawas wan Ueattxi to a riot i.i wlmïi muscular Chrlstiaoity was restrainwi In. ni ilm further applicatiou of rotten eggs to the vender, by the latter's production of a tiiet'cti-loailiiiír rifle. The circus ia te be renewed and loth parties proniise to continue it for a week. The reeiJenc of John W. Billtngs at East Saginawtook fire and Edwin Billings, hls father, wlio was partially paralyzed was burned to death. Mrs. Billings attempted to rescue liim and was seriously burned. Murpliy &I)oir of Bay City lose 1.GOC, 000 ft of choice luuiber, valued at $23,000, by Tueelecüon for judge of the new circuit reBiilted in theelectionof Hon. J. M. Kice of Cadillac Edwin T. Wilcox. one of the pioneere of Rocliesr is dead. Hecame to Michigan in 1825. Peter Nelsou was run over and killed on the h. R. near Wbitehall. The usual bottle was found near hiiu. The Wayne county agrlcultural society will bx)ld its fair üct. 5-7. Henry M. Purinton of Adrián, had a severe shock of paralysis and bis recovery is considered doubtful. The Hillsciale City Brewery burned. The building, stock and fixtures are a total loss. Lom, $5,000, iDsurance ftsOO. T. J. McClennan of Bay City, was seriously in]ured by the collision of Uie steamer Masou, oo wliich he was a passenger, witli a raft Eli Perry bas been arrested at Bay City for uttoring oounterfeit coin. A reunión of the 102d Mich. Vols., colored, is to be held at Bloomingdale Spt 21 and 22. James Lnughlin was found dead in his led at Port Huron. Base Ball- Detroit 2; Chicago 0. A uew hotel, the Kirkwood, has been opened at Detroit. Ned Lyons, tlie husband of the notorious Sophie Lyous, alias Kate Loranger, was captured in the act of committing a burglary at South Wlndham, Conn. The widow of the late Louis Butkingham, the firet sheriff of (Jeuesee county, died at Flint, aged 80. Henry Sinitb, a switchuian at Niles, was run over by an engine and botb legs so crushed that amputation will be necesBary. The date of the Michigan M. E. conference at Jackson is changad to Aug. 31. Frank and Adolplius Colon of Royal Oak' aged respectively 10 and 12 years, have been coavicted.of larceny and sentenced to the reform school. They confessed to having recently burned a house at (jreeufield. K span of horses were stolen from the premises of John Bentty, at Woodbridge. Pelick Stevens of Kalamazoo, alarge real estáte owuer died of congestivo chili and lieart desease Hed 88. Ha had lived iu Kalamazoo eince 1830. Mre. L. C. Taylor of Charlotte was thrown froin a carriage and run over. She was seriouuly injure'l. N. B. Hayes barn with S0 tonsofhay burned at North Plains. Thos. McKeman au old resident of Northfield died, ijn-i SI. Bishop Foster will preside at the M. E. conferenoe to be held at Jackson. Dr. Alex O'Neill and wife of Aun Arborliave accpUl the position of assistent surgeon aud luairon nf a hospital at Leadville. The aignal office reporis light front at Kscanatia on the 15tb. Richard J. Lorauger ha heen releassd on hail f rom the Saginaw City jail, where he has beiQ held oü a charge of perjury. Bate ball - Cleveland X, Detroit 5. The state board of fqualization met at Lansing on the lttth, all ïnembers present. Lieut. (ov. Crosby was elected cbalrnian and H. K. Pratt deputy auditor general, secretary. The coinmenceinent exercises of the agricultural college at Lansing took place on the löth. William Thorpe and Mr. Spaulding, former rtsidcnta of Fenton, have slilpped l,00 sheep lo Uieir farms in Kansas. The sheep ara of different breeds, and pnces varied from $2.50 to $20 eacb. A aneak thief who entered a Fenton tailor shop ecured four coats and three pairs of pants belouging to a customer. Thomas Cooper, 81 'years old, feil dead instantly in Judge Hiltou's office at Pawl'aw. He was in usual heallti and engaged at tbe time in countnig over a suiii of uonoy he had lnanrd on a uiortgugr. Alian Bennett, an old resident and capitalint ut Jackson, dropped dead at bis ollice iu the Suiilli Middliugs Purifier Worko, aged 60. A reward of $100 is offered for tbe capture of Jamvs Hiley and Wm. Burns who escaped trom (liHboygan jail. Mary Hinkley, aged about 80 years, a resident of Arbela, took passage on the steamer Metropolis for Alpena, and it i s.-tppoeed she jnmpeii overboard and waB drowned in the lake, off Harrisville, on Saturday mornine. Her liat was found on the steamer's deck ehortly af ter her supposed leap. Joseph Buuiyea, 60 years of age, dropped dead on the sidewalk in West Bay City. He was on bis way to the eide of the river for the purpose of transacting some business about some property which he had recently purchased. He has been a resident of West Bay City for nine years and came there from Ecorse. His death is attributed to rheumatism, from which hu bas been a sulïerer for several years. Three girls, about 15 years old, were out driving at Dimondale and as they werecrossing the Bailey bridge their horse became frightened and backed the buggy off the cmbankment on the stoues below. The horse feil on one of them, Melissa Y eek, in juring her so tbat she died within half an hour afterward. Tbe others were only slightly injured. At St Clair, William Lee, a sailor on the schoouer Minnie liavis, was shot in the back by Constable tíilbert, who was attemptlng to arrest him, and seriously injured. Berkley saw-uiill nearCase has been burned. Loss $2,000. The bo'iy of Ger. Bouquette was found floating in the river at East Saginaw. A. J. Hawkins of South Haven feil through the batch way of a steam barge at Chicago and was seriously injured. Mahlon Barnhard dropped dead at his rseidencein l'uinn townsbip. Ha was about 60 of aire, was a wealthy and infloantial farmer, and ha beeu a resident of the county upwards of 40 ycarp.


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