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Thu widow ot Millard Fillinore ia lying extremely ill at ituffalo. The Prtisident's surgieal fever resultiug from the recent oueration, continúes high, but all at itinilc.iit partios consider bis condltlon satisfactiiry. He has signed a state paper, and it issaid that hereafter he will sign all important documenta. IVHtthew Vassar of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., is dead. negroos were killed near Lcxington' Va., by a sliiïe in a cut upon wliich they were at work ob the Kichoiond fc Allegbany Kailroail. Six ot tlie uegroes were convicts. Mr. Millard Fillmore died at Buffalo yesterday, in the Tiet year of ber age. Maud S. madtt a inile in 2.10JÍ at Bocbester. Haue Ball- Chicago 17; Petroit 0. Ihe caDdidates of tlie Virginta"Straiithtout" republican conventiou ilecliued. (jen. Máximo Tarez, Nicaraguan minister to the t 'ui teil StatcH, did suddenly, A reunión of ex-Confederates living in Loatolum, Arkansas, Missouri anii Texas bas tieen beid in Dallan. Hou. O. H. Browning, died at Quincy, III, ageif 70. He was in the Black Hawk war ;w-rvwl in tbo Illinois legislatura and in tbe United States Benate; was Jnbnson's secretary of tbe interior and for eome time actiug attorneygeneral of tbe United States. The l'biladelpbia exposition building was bnaifht liy the Central New Jersey railroad. Ibe inaHxacre of seven persons by Indians at Klrita, N. M., h reported. Tbe bodies of innrdered persons are constantly being found, thert) is greatexciteuient and a rigorous eltort ! lii"; made by volunleers to puuish the oflenders. Hun. Origen S. Seymour died at bis home at Licblield Cono. He was an eminent jurist, bad been cbief justice of tbe supreme court of errore, membur of congress and held mauy otbec important public stations, and at tbe tiinnof bisdeutb was a ïnember of tbe Cono, house of representatives. Dr. BUbs accidentally punctured his forefinger with itn instrument at the time of ttie last sureical ouantloo on the President and is now sufferiug f rom pus poisoning. Five Mollie Mflguires have been arrestad in tlio miif8 near lumbar, Peun., on Kiispicion of lieiug coucerned in tbe asbassination of tbe Matinee Haly of Duunar. Aug. 1 2t h is recordad as tbe hottest day ever known in man y parts of the country. The Indiana have thus far succeeded in elndIng the troops in New Mexico. A violent storm of rain and wind passed over l'hiladeiphia, unroofing a public school and OV SU other buildings. i.uv.'iiiiii nt report indícate that the age condition of the cotton erop om the first of the ïiKin th was 88 uraiust 95 on the lst of July, and the plant is general'; sinall and in bait condition. The revenue cutter Corwin, stationed at Alaska, liasdiseovwed trace of a wreek supposed to be that of the whaler Vigilant. Tbis hip wiMit out in 1879, and it in thnught that it was wrnckeë in the winter following". Some ai fieles taken f rom the wreek are to lm sent to Washington. The railroad war continúes, Grand Trunk uelling tickets from Chicago to Buffalo for f2. AdeetnictWefireat Lexington, Ky., canses a loss of $50,000. A. oleanic eraption has taken place inside of the uiountain south of the south fork of the Clearwater, about 20 miles east of Mount Idabo. There was a column of lire aud siuoke Reveral hundred feet in helght and rock was thrown whicb feil at a diitance of several miles from the place of eruption. The shock was distinctly feit at Mount Idalio on the extreme west of the Camas prairiu and at the moiith of the Salmón river, a distance of about 75 miles. President (arfield's condition gires occasion for inucb anxiaty For nearl; two days he has besn unable to retain a partiële of food on hls stoinacli, the ouly nourishment that he bas had during that time beiug by meata t enemas. The wound is in good condition but it is a question whetber a suftlcient degree of strength can be maintained until the restoration of the stomach to actmty. The surgeons are constant in their attention and expres s hopee. Many of the reporta that have been sent ont are grossly exaggerated . Two Liverpool papers publisbed a report of the President's death, with obituary notice. VicePresident Arthur is in houriy rceiptof reporta and awaiting at New Vork auy summons from the capital. It is tliought that a surveying party of four sent out by the Kansas state university have been killed by Apaches.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat