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CURED OF DRINKING. "A young friend of mine was cured of an insatiable tbirst for liquör, whlch bad so prostrated him that he was unable to lo anv business. He was ontirely curcd by the use of Hop Bitters. It nllayed all that buining look away the appetite for liquor; made liis nervcs Bteady, and he has retnained a sober and sleady man for more than two years, and lias no desire to returu to his cups; I know of a number of otliers that havo been cured of drinking by it." - Frotn a leading R. R. official, Chieago, 111.- Times. Bucklin's Árnica Salve. The best salve in tlie world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcera, Salt Kheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilalains, Corns, and ali kinds of skin Erup tions. Th8 salve is guaranteed to givc aerfect satisfactiou in cvery case or tbc noney refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale by EberbacU & Sou; Ann Arbor, Mich. IIOW TO GET WELL. Thousands of persons are constant ly troubled with a combïnalioB of diseases. Diseased kldneysand eostive bowels ara their tormentors. They should know that Kiduey-Wort acls on thesu orirans at the same time, causing them to tluow ofiE the poisons that have clojjged (hem, and bo renewing the whole _an. H_ adrada testify to this. - Pittsburg Post. FliEE OF CHARGE. All persons Buffering from Coughs, Coids, Asthraa, Bronchitis, Loss of Voice or any alTection of the Turoat and Luugs are requested to cali at Eberbach & Son's Drug Store nd get a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. free of charge, which will convince tbein of its wonderi'ul inerits and sliow wlial a regu ar dollar s:zu bott e will do. Cali earlv. DO NOT BE DECE1VED. In these times of quack medicine advertisements everywhere, il is truly gratifying to flud one remedy that is wortby of praise, and which really does as recommended. Electric Bitters we Can vouch íor as being a true and 'eliable remedy, and one tlmt will do as recommended. They InvariablV cure slomacb and Liver Complaints, Diseases of the Kidueys and Urinary diftlculties. We know whereof wc speak, and can readily say, give them a trial. Sold at lifty cents a bottle, by Eberbach & Son. PILES! PILES! PILES! A Sure Cure Found at Last.- No one Need Suffer. Asnre cure for the Blind, Bleeding. Itchineand Ulcerated Piles has been dlucoverea by Dr. Williams (an remedy), ealled Dr. Willium's Indian Oiniment. A single box has oured the worst chronic cases of 25 and 30 years' standing. No one need suffer Uve minutos after applying this wonderf ui soothing medicine. Lotions, Instruments and Klectuaries io more hann tban gooil. William's Ointment absorbe the tumors, nllny s the intense itching (particularly at night after getting warm in bed), acts as 11 poultlce; gives instant and oainless relief, and is prepared only for Piles, itching of the private parts, and notning else, Read what the Hon. J. M. Cofflnberry, of Cleveland, says about Dr. William's ludían Pile Ointment: I have used scores of pile cures, and it affords me pleasure to say that I have never found anything which gave such imniediate and permanent relief aa l)r. William's Indian Pile Ointment, For sale by all druggists, or mailed on rocetot of price, $1.00. Jas.K Davis & Co., Wholesale Druggists, Detroit, Mich., Agents. For sale by H. J. Brown L Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. You can livo at Whitmore Luke as cheap, or cheaper than ie the city, as Wm. Graham only charges $5 per week at his hotel, the Lake house. This is the time of year to visit this celebrated place of resort. It is one of the finest bodies of water in the state as those who have been there can testif y. Go to the Ann Arbou kukseky for apple trees, grape vines, and for everything else for the garden and orchard Pnces the lowest in the city. Jacob Ganzhorn, proprietor, at the head of Sprinc 8t. I sell apple trees, 6 to 7 feet high, (nice trees), for 15 cents each; lees by the hundred. Concord grape vines one and two years old, from $3 to $5 per 100. Jacob Ganzhorn. WILLIAM IIERZ, HOUSE, SIGN, Ornamental and Fresco Painter.„Gildine, Calcimining, Glazingand Paper Hanging. All work done in the best style and warrauted to trive satisfaction. Shop, No. 4 West Washington street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. GooiWsNeiDri Store The Old Crenville Stand, No. 5, South MainSt. EVERYTHING NEW AND FRESH ! Prescriptions Compounded Day and Niglit. MRS. LYDIA EJÑÑKHAÑL OF LYNN, MASS. .-? '■é&%Ê$ji'!$A '-i jdtf'i ' i ' i ' Gr ■ DlfiCOVERER 01 LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEgETAELB COMPOUITD. The Positivo Cnro For all Female Complaints. This proparatlon, aa lts name significa, consiste ot Vegetable Proporties that are harmless to the most delicate inralid. Upon one trial the merita of thia Compoondwül be rocognlzed, as relief Is lmmedlato ; and when lts use Is contlnued, In nlnety-nlne caaea in a hun. dred, apermaneutcurelseffectod.asthousandB wlll testify. On account of lts proven merits, it Íb to-day recommendod and prescrJbed by the best pbyslcians In the country. It will euro entlrely the worst form of falllng of the uterus, Leucorrhcea, irrefnilar and palnful MenBtruatIon,allOvarianTrouble0, Inflaramatlon and Clceration, FloodtngM, all Displacement and the consequent Bplnal weakness, and is eepeclaUy adaptd to the Changa of Ufe. It will dissolre and ezpel tumors from the uterus in an early stage of development. ThO (endency to c&ncerous humors thore Is chocked very Bpedlly by lts us. In fact It haa proved to bo the (rrcateBt and beet remedy that has ever been diacovered. It permeates every portion of the ystem, and fflve now llfe&nd vigor. 1 1 romovea falntnesH,ttatulancy, dost roys all era ving for stimulants, and relieves weaknossj of the stomach It curw lïloating, Ilcadachefi, Ncrvous Prostratlon, General Deblllty, Sleeplcssness, Deprosslon and Indigestión. That feeling of bearlng down, causing pain, weight and backoolie, is alwaya ixïrmanently cured by its use. It will at all times, and undcr uil circumstaneea, act In harmony with the law that governs the female aystem. For KldnoyComplalnt of eíÜH-r sex tl.1 ia conipouml la unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepared at 233 and k Western Avenue, Lynn. Mas. Prlce $1.00. 8ix ln.ttl.-s for $5.00. Sont "by mail In the form of pills, alsoin tho form of Lozengea, on receipi of prlce, $1.00, per box, for clther. Mrs. PINKHAM f reely anawers all letters of Inquiry. Send for pamphlet Addretbt as abovo Mention $iia ptijyer. N.' huut LYDIA K. J'INKIIAM' LIVER PILLS. They cure Constlpation, iiiIíoumu-hh tmd Torpiu ly of the Llver. 25 c-etiU ber box. Sold by C. E. Holmesi ook hotel blockt m [hop bitters?! (A Medicine, not a Drink.) OONTAI1C8 HOPS, BrriITI, MAMIttAKK, VAMOEMONi I Airo THüPrmssT Airo I TIZ8 OT ALL OTI1BK BlTTIK. THEY CURE I .II DlücaseB of the Stomach. Bowels, Blood, I W Llver, Kídneya, and UrinRryOrícanft, Ner■ vouanc&B, Sleeplessnessand eapecUlly Fuñíale ComplalntE. Jk SIOOO IN COLD. -fl I Wlll hp pnld fot a case they wlll not cure oB ln-lp, or for any thliiK Impure or lujurluut fuund Ín them. I Ask your druKKlst for Hop Bitters and try I I tuein beíore you tieep. Take uo uther. I I D C. Isan absolute and Irresistible cure for I Drunkeuue&s, uso of opium, tobáceo and narcotice. ■ ■ Sknd por Circular. ÜVHHHBSafl All tbrv lold by draegtiu, I Hop Biltert Mfg. Co., RochtlUr, N. Y., Toronto, Ont. I Opening and Closing ofthe MailsMails leaving Ann Arbor, East and West, will close as C0HÖWU GOrNO WEST. WiiyMail.. (i. 30a. m. riirouch and Way Muil 10.50 a. m. ;i Mail betwaen Ann Arbor and 'Jackson 4.50 p. m. Nlgfat Mail 9.00 p. ni. OÜINO SAST. rhrough and Way Mail, N'ight Line, . . 6.00 a. m, throoKh aiul Va.v Mail, Kunday and Monday, closes Saturday and Sunday night 11.00 p.m. rhroutfh and Way Mail lo . 25 a, m. , 4.50 p. m. 9OIKO SOUTH. Toledo and Way 7.00 a, m. Eaatern Mails distributed at 8 a. m . and 12 m and p. i. Western Mails distributed at 8 a. m. and 6.20 p. 111. Jacksnn Mail and Way Mail between Jaekson and Ann Arbor distrilmtcd at 11.18 a. m. Mom-M' aiul Adrián pouoh, 10.15 a. m. The Mail to Whitmore Lake, Hamburg and Webster leaves Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 9 a. ín. BAILBOADS. yi ICH1OAN CENTRAL KAJLKUAI). TIME TABLE, MAY 22, 1880. I1OINU WEBT. i I a ■ j . L 2Ï Ï 5 8 sS STATIONS. s: % - - L. ge 'c m t, a L sm úm 5[3 A. M. A. M. r. M. r.M. P. M. P. M. Detroit Lv. 7.00 9.85 5..'.5 4.05 8.30 9.bO Q T.JunC T.15 .53 ().10 4.20 8.45 10.10 Wayne June... 1M 10.2U 6.42 4.4 9.20 10.40 Yysilanti. 8.Ï0 10.J8 7.05 6.05 9.43! 11.0!! Ann Arbor H.40 11.00 7.2t 5.22 9.581 11.17 Duxter 9.04 7.48 5.39 10.23 OhulBoa 922 8.05 5.52 10.38. Grane Lake .5O 8.32 6 12 11.01 P. 51. A. M. JackHon Ar. 10.10 9.00 1130 jaekson Lv. 10.20 12.15 .55 a.m, 12.40 Albioü 11.04 12.50 7.42 lí.15 1.16 Marshall 11.50 L80 _ g 8.08 12.40 ■ 1.37 p M a ü Battlc Crei-k.... 12.19 1.55 ? 8.41 1.08 2.02 GillesbnrK 12.5.) a.m. 9.15 .' Kdamaxoo 1.18 2.36 4.50 9.S5 1.68 2.45 L'iwton 1.52 6.25 Ï.35 Uuoitui 8.07 5.42 3.50 IHiwUL'iaC 2.29 6.07 3.13 Niiea.. 2.55 4.04 6.50 3.10 4.15 Buclianan 3.08 7.02 3.53 rtiree Oaks.... 3.38 7.37 4.20 New Buflulo... 3.M 4.52 7.40 4.35 Mich. City 4.23 5.18 8.08 5.03 5.28 Uke 5.13 6.02 8.54 5.51 6.18 Ken.iiiijílon 6.00 ti.50 9.15 6.40 7.H Cüicngi Ar (i. Til 7.40 I0.S5 ...... 7.:iO S.CO OOINO EAB1. s Si 7 8TAT.0NS. = & _- f I g i_ i& g la iS w_ A M. A.M. P. M P.M. P. M. Chicago Lv. 7.00 .00 3.40 5 15 9.1C líenMiiKton 7.50 9.60 4.30 6.05 10.0C Lake 8.: 10.27 5.1S 6.50 10.40 Mich. City 9.25 11.13 6.00 7.38 11.33 New Buflalo... 9.50 11. 33 6.25 11.55 Hirco Oaks 10.03 6.40 A.M Uuclianac 10.30 i.m. 7.06 Niles 10.45 12.18 7.87 9.00 12.45 Dowaciac 11.13 8.06 1.10 Decatur 11.38 8.33 1.32 Lawioi 11.65 8.53 a.m Kalama.oo 12.S3 1.38 9.30 li.50 10.25 2.26 Balesburií 12.53 - ST 7.08 Battle Creek... 1.28 2.15 st 7.38 11.08 3.20 p. . SO. Marshall -. 2.17 3.0" & 8 06 11.33 8.48 Mblon 2.4B 3.21 ■í-=- 8.32 11.59 4.1L A. M. ' A. M. Jackson Ar. 3.45 lackson l.v. 3.45 4.05 '7.15 9.80 12.45 5.00 arassLakc 4.10 7.40 9.50 Jhelsea 4.40 8.03 10.07 Uexter 5.00 8.17 10.19 Aun Arbor 5.22 5.07 8.40 10.34 2.05 6.25 Vn-ilimti 5.38 5.23 8.56 10.48 2.20 6.41 Vayne June... 6.02 5.45 9.17 11.08 2.44 '7.06 3. T. June 6.35 6.15 9.45 1135 8.20 7.45 Detroit Ar. 6.50 6.30 10.00 11.60 8.35 8.00 The New York Express, a fast train leaves Chi 3ago at 3.30 in the afternoon and makes the fol !nwing stops, Michigan City, 5,30; Niles, 6.27; Kal amazoo7.41; Battle Creek, 8.20; Jaekson, 9.571 V'psilanti, 10.50; G. T. Junction, 11.35; arrivingin Detroit at 10.50 I M. Sunday excepted. tSattirday & Sunday excepted fDaily. ilïNRY C. WkNTWORTII, H. B. LSDTARD, O. P. É T. A., Chicago. Oen'l Manager, Detroit rOLEDO, ANN ARBOR & GRAND TEUNK RAILROAU. Taking effect Wednesday, March30th, 1881. Traius run by Colurabus time. 3oing North. Going South Exp'ssl Mail. I STATIONS. I Mail. Exp's A. M. I P. M. I I A. SI. P. M. +7.35 t6.10 Toledo t 9.35 +6.45 :7.41 6.14 North Toledo +9.29 6.:M í 7 ■■ 6.25 Detroit Junction. 9.20 6.25 8.(M i;.33 Hawthorn 9.12 6.07 8.18 6.40 Samaría 9.03 5.52 8.39 6.55 Lulu 8.51 5.25 '8.45 7.03 Mouroe Junction 8.45 5.17 9.00 7.14 Dundee 8.35 4.58 9.18 7.25 Azalia 8.24 4.40 ;'li.:w 7.10 Milán 8.10 4.20 8.80 7.46 Nora 8.03 110.00 7.54 Urania 7.56 Í4.ft3 10.15 8.05 'Vpsilanti Juncti'n 7.45 3.50 [H0.S5 1 +8.20 Ann Arbor.. .. +7.30 +8.30 H. W. ASHLEY Qen'l Superintendent. HENRY MATTHEWS, Hasj the pleasure to Inform the public that he 8 reauy to receivo them in hisuewbriek MEAT MARKET! ONE DOOR EAST OF LEONARD HOUSE. Everything Ín his Une will be flrst-claas, and At Reasonabie Ratos. Ho returns nis sincere thanks to all hls oíd enstoatero f'r their genrous patronage, and cordl :illy iuviüs tln-ni, aiul all new customers to his now quartors, where he hopea by fair deallng to nlare liis already growing business. Dr. Merwiu's Eloctro-Mngnetlc Belt. Cures all suffering f rom Nervous TFeaknessea, General Debility, Ixiss of Nerve Forcé or Vigor, or auy disease resulting from Abuses and Otbeb Cavses, or to any one afBlcted wlth Rbeumatlgm, Neuralgia, Paralysls, Spinal Difflculties, Kidney or Liver Troubles, Larao Back, and 01 her Disenses of the Vital Organs. Also, Womkn troubled with Diseases peculiar to their six. Rond at once for book giving all iiif ormationfree. Addrega W. R. HERWIN, M. D., Detroit, Mich. HTlie Mirhig:ni ('i'iiiral Kailroail, wlth lts contnviiins ;it ('Iticaifo, alfords the most direct and desirable route to travel from Michigan to all poluta in Kansas. Nebraska, Colorado, Texas. Nlimicsoia, Dakota, Manitnba. etc. Michigan Central i diíhs makt' sure and close connections at Chicago with through express' traillas on all Western lincs. Batea will ahvays le as low as thelowst. I'artit-s K(ii West will flnl il lu thcir Interest to oorreapond wlth Henry c. Wentworth, General Passenger and Ticket Agent of the Line, at ChioagO, who will checrfully itnpart any iiifonnatiun i-rlative to routes, time of trains. maps and lowrst ratfs. Do not purohase Íour tickets nor contract your freight until you aveheard (romtlie Michigan Central. MRS. N. H. PIERCE, MAGNETIC IIEALEU (cures without 111 medici nu,) Residence 29 Pontiac St., riftla waril, Aun Arbor, Michigan. Business hours from 9 a. m. to 6 p. in. ADMINISTRATORS' SALE. The Personal Property of the late Charles Kitson will be sold AT AUCTION, Tliursday, September i, 1 88 1, at the saloon this side of the Courier office on Main street. MlCHAEL DUFFY, Jas, Kitson, Ad mi n i strators. Ann Arbor, Aug, 16. [■ETROIT, HILLSDALE & SOUTHWESTERN. jOING WEST. LKAVE. MAIL. ipsiluiiti 8 30 a. m. 5 30 p. m aline 9 00 a. m. 5 57 p. m tlanchester 9 38 a. m. 6 30 p. m iillsdale 1 20 a. m. 8 00 p. m 3anker 1 80 p. m. 8 10 p. m QOING EAST. I.F.AVK. EXPRESS. MAIL. 3ankere 8 00 a. m. 2 20 p. m ïillsdale 8 08 a. m. 2 50 p. m rfanchester 8 38 a. m. 4 21 p. m Saline 10 14 a. m. 4 L 1 p. m Ypsilunti 1040 a. m. 5 15 p. m Wm. F. Parker. SuDerintendent. Commissionors' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, The undersigned having been appointed by the Probate court f or said County, Coimnissionerstoreceive.examlneandadjust all claims and dt'inaudf of alt persons agoinst the estáte ol Charles Kitson, late of said Couuty deceased, here by give notice that six months from date are allowed, by order of said Probate Court, for Credi tors to present their claims against the estáte ol said deceased.and that tliey will meet at the office of the Judge of Probate, in the City of Ann Arbor, in said county, on Wednesday the ltith daj of November and on Thursday the Kith day ol February next, at ten o'clock A. M. of each ol said dayü, to receive, examine and adjust saic claims. Dated August lCth 1881 . Charles S. Gregory. Traman B. Goodspeed, Edward Moore, Commissionert Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. Notice is hereby Kivt-'n, tïiat by au order of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, made on the 22d day of August A. D 1H81, six months from that date were allowei for credttors to present their claims againsi the estáte of. Leonard VaughiiJ late of sak county, deceased, and that all cieditors of said deceased are requirod to present their claims to said probate court, at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or befere the 23d day of February next and that such claims will be heard before sai court on Tuesday the 22d day oT November, an on Thursday the 23d day of February next, at ten o'clock ín the f orenoon of each of said days. Da iel. Ann Arbor, August T, A. D. 1881. W1LL1AM D. HARRIMAN, Judge of Probate ríeal Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. In the Matter of the Estáte of James E. Monahan, Jane Monahan, Catherine Monahan and Thomas Monahan, Minors. Notice is herebygiven, That in pursuance of an order granted to the undersigned Guardiai of said minor by the Hon. Judge o Probate for the County of Washtenaw on the eighth day of August A. D. 1881, there will be sold at Public Vendue, to the highest bid der, at the east front door of the court-house in the city of Ann Arbor in the county of Washte naw in said State, on Saturday the twenty-fourtl day of September A. I). 1881, at ten o'clock in th f orenoon of that dav (subject to all encumbmnce by mortgage or otherwise existing at the time o the sale) all the right, title and interest of sak Minors in the following descrilxjd Keal Estáte to-wit: Lots number nve (5) and seven (.7) ii block number two (2), according to the plat o Felch's addltion to said city of Ann Arbor, as re corded in the office of the Register of Deeds fo said county. Dated Ann Arbor. August 8th, 1881. GEORGE CLARKEN, Guardian. Estáte of Hiram Arnold. ÖTATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw O sa. At a session of the probate court for th county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate of fice in the city of Ann Arbor.on Thursday, the lSth day of August in the year one thousand eigh hundred and eighty-one. Present, William 0. Harriman, Judge of Pro bate. In the matter of the estáte of Hiram Arnold deceased. Noah W. Cheever and Edward Treadwell spec ial administrators of said estáte, come int court uponjthe petition of Escálala N. Green, am represent that they are prepared to render an account as such special administrators. Thereupon, it ) ordered, that Safurday, th lOth day of September next, at ten o'clock in th forenoon, be assigned for examining and allow ing such account, and that the Ueirs-at-law o said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county aud show eause.if any there be, why the said ac count should not be allowed : And it is f urthe ordered that said administrator give notice to th persons i nterested in said estáte, of the pendenc of said account, and the hearing thereofby caus ing a copy of this order to be published in th Ann Arbor Demockat, a newspaper printed an( circulatingtn said county, two successive week previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, )A true copy) Judge of Probate Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Éstate of Patrick McCourt. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the probate court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the pro bate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Mon day, the 15th day of August in the year on thousand eight hundred and eighty-one. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Patrick McCourM deceased. On reiAling and flUng the petition, duly veri fied, of Sarah McCourt, praying that adminis tratiou of said estáte may be granted to John Coyle or some other suitable person. Thereupon, it is ordered, that Monday, the 12th day of September next at ten o'clock in the forenoon be assigned for the hearing of said petition and that the neirs at law of said deceased, and a] other persons interested in said estáte, arerequir ed to appear at a session of said court then to be holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted And it is f urther ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte o the pendency of said petition, and the hearinj thereof , by causiug a copy of this order to be published in the Ann Arbor Democrat, a newspa per printed and circulated in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hear WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, [A true copy.] Judge of Probate. William G . Doty. Probate Reeister . Estáte of Harriet Judson. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. At a session of the probate court for the county of Washtenaw, holden at the probate office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the 9th day of August in the year one thousam eight hundred and eighty one. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge of Pro bate. In the matter of the estáte of Harriet Judson deceased. Willard B. Smith and Lyman Judson executors of the last will and testament of said deceased come into court and represent that they are now prepared to render their final account as such executors. is.ordered thatFriday, the second day of September next, at ten o'cIock in the fore noon, be assigned for examining and allowin such account, and that the devisees, legateesanc heire-at-iaw of said deceased and al) other per sons interested in said estáte, are requirec to appear at a session of said court, then to be bolden at the probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed: And it is further ordered , that said executors give notice tothe persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereofTby caus ing a copy of this order to be publisbed in The A un A nor Democrat, a newspaper printed and eirculating in said eounty.three successive weeks, previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, ( A true copy . ) Judge of Probate. William G . Doty. Probate Register. Morte;a2eSale. DEFAULT havmgbeen made in the conditions of a certain mortgage, whereby the power therein contained to sell has become operativo, executedby Edwin J. Blissand Mary T. liliss, his wifc, of the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw and state of Michigan, to Anna M. Mozart of Ann Arbor, in said county and state, dated the twenty-fourtn day of December, A D, etghteen hundred and seventy. and recorded on the twenty-sixth day of February, A. I). 1871, at two o'clock p. m., in the ofnee of the Register ;of Deeds for the county of Washtenaw, in the state of Michigan, ín líber 44 of mortgages on page BSSt.wblÖkl Mld niortgage was duly assigned by said Anna M. Mozart to John Richards by deed of assignment, dated the twenty-flrst day of JuneA. D., eighteciihiindivd and seventy-three, whicli assignment was duly recorded in the office of the said Register of Deeds,on the twenty-flrst day of June A. D., 1873, at one and one-fourth o'clock p. il),, in liber 4 of assignnients of mort gages, on page 51 ; and which was afterwards duly assigned by said John Richards to George deed of assignment dated thetwentyfouith day of December A. D. , eighteen hundred and seventy live, which assifiinncni was duly recorded in the office of the said Register of Deeds on the twenty-seventh day of December, A. D., 1875, at eleven o'clock a. m.,in libero of assigniiirnts of mortgags, on page 31. and said mortgage was duly assigned by said Georce Osborn toMaryT. liliss, of the city nf Ann Arbor, in safd county and state, by deed of assignment dated the ninth dav of July, A. D., eighteen hundred and eighty-one, which assignment was duly recorded in tlit' offlcf of said Register of Deeds on the eleventh day of July, A. D., 1881, at two o'clock p. m., in liber 7 of assignments of mortïages, on page 179, upon which said mortgage :here is claimed to be due, at ihe date of this no;ice.the sum of threethousand and forty-five dolars and fifty cents, and no suit or prooeedings at aw or in chanoery having been instituted to recover any part thereof; notice is iherefore hereliy given that on Saturdav the eighth day of October, A. D., 1881, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, I shall sell at public auction to thehighest bidder (the sale to take place at the east front door of the court house in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, said court house boing the place of lolding the circuit eourt forsaitl county of Washenaw) the premisos (foscrlbed in suid mortgage or so much thereof as shall be neceBsary to satsfy the amount duu m said mortgage, and leal costs and charge of auch sale together wítli an attorney fee of forty-flve dollars coveuanted for herein) thatistosay the following oertain piece orparceloriand, sitiiated in the city of Ann Aror, in the county of Washtenaw and state of Uichigan, known, bounded anddescribed as folows. to-wït: Beintf lot mimher tn (10) except a itrip off of the south side thereof four feet and 'our-tenths of a foot wide, and the east part of ots nine and eight, commenving on the south ineof lot nineata pointonehalf rod eaat frora the south weat corner of lot nino, thence north jarallelto the west line f lot Qlne.tWO and one ïalf rods, thence north easterly to a point on the ine of Fletcher street five rods northwesterly f rom the corner of Church and Flftcher streets, ill of the above mentioned lands are in R. S. Smith's flrst addition to the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, and state of Michigan. AnnArbor, Michigan. July 12. 1881. MARY T BLISS, Assignee. F. E. Bi-iss, Attorney for Assignee. t7OA WEEK. $12 a day at home easily m ade 4)ZCostlv outfltsfree. Address, Trub & Co. Augusta, Mui in:, JACOB HALLER & SON, DEALER IN WATCHES, OLOCKS, Spfctacles, Plated Ware. Gold Pens and Fine Jowelry. Special attention given to repairnp Vatchea and Jewelry. Ui South Main Street. 4nn Arbor. FQR SALE OR RENT The present residence of Mrs. F. A.HÍ11, with T la. o I j : i 1 1 1 A 1. j oining', Consisting of about 40 acres, 30 of whlch can be cultivatecl. Rent, $800, or the House and 8 acres will be rented seperate. Rent $B00. The above property is also for sale by the lot, or by the acre, or in larger quantities. TITLE PERFECT. For further particulurs enquire of H. R. Hill.ofllceNo. 8 Opera House Block, or Wm.1 White, Canaseraga, New York. Sam. B. Revenaugh, Is now t ii k inc the Best Class of PkutOËmilt In the City at Prices to Suit the Times. Ground Floor Gallery. GOODRICH BLOCK, East Side of the NEW COUBT HOUSE. HE DID NOT USE 1 HE DID UEE fo SHOIE'S _ SHQIES JK INSECT jl fik INSECT rfsTPcxTEiiwiijMOH mlAlxte1'm""t" "DOG ON THB OLD HAT." A. A. TEEET, HAT8 AKN ARBOB, WOU 0, E. Holmes, proprietor of the City Drug store has the choicest lot of perfumes and the LARGEST STOCK of PURE DRUGS in the city. Also everything in the Toilet and Fancy ffoods line, at prices lower t i i ni i anywhere else. Prescriptions carefully compounded. Xo. 12 Cooïc Hotel Blook, Ann Arbor, Michigan. EBERBACH&SON. Dealers in Drugs, Medicines And a fine lot of French Hair Brushes AND English Tooth Brushes We cali special attention to our stock of Chemical Glass-ware, Apparatus AND Pure Chemicals of our own Importation A full line of TIEMAN'S SURG'L INSTRUMENTS At list prices. STTTIDIEJIISrT S Are cordially invited to examine oür stock as to qualitj" and prices. EBERBACH & SON. To The Public of Washtenaw Co. Having made extensive arrangements for the fall trade we respectfully request all those who are in need of FURNITURE to cali on us and examine our large stock of Chamber Suits, Parlor Suits, Easy Chairs, Patent Rockers, Spring Beds, Mattresses, Secretaries and Book Cases all of the latest designs. Although furniture has been advancingon account of the scarcity of walnut lumber, we retain the LOW PRICES yet which made us so popular since the time we opened up. Respectfully, KOCH & IIALLER. N. B. - Sample Room of the Keek Furniture Co , on our second floor. South Main street, 4 West Liberty street, AnnoR, - - - Michigan.


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