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Nihilist Hartmaan is in Chicago under an assumti;! name, aud has explained to a reporter tbat lie (lid not coine 'roiu Kussia to revolutionize tliiw country, and that be disajiprovesof our systeui of governmeut. Th meeting of the national butter and cheese association lately held iu Chicago decided to hold a dairymen'a fair at Cedar Rapids, Ia., In Nov. A rich silver discovery is reported at Anadarko, Indian territory, uear Fort Sill, on the Ioiliau reservatioH. Claims are Imuk Ulegally located by whites, and troops arn ordered to tbe locality to protect ttie rights of the savagep. The Preai'leat is as yet uuable to retain food apon bis stomacb, but he appears to be losing nu sirength aud bis symptomn are more favorable. Th wouud is doiug well aud tho surgeous express stroug bopes of his ultimiit recovery. Che folio wiug dispatches have paased: Jlrs. üaifield, Washington. I ain most auxious to kuow tiow tbe Prsideut is to-day, and to expresa niy deep sympathy witb you uotli. THE QDEBN, Osborne. To Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Osborne. Your majesty'x kind inquiry fiinlB tbe Fresident's condition changed for tbe betttr. In the judginent of bis medical adyisers tln,ru is strongbopoof hia recovery. Qismind isentirelyclear, and your majeBty's kind espressions are vers gratifying to biui, as thuy me grtefully aekuowlls;il by hip. LUUKETIAH. S&BFIBLD. (iuiteau bas succeeded in creating another sonsationiu Washington, accounts of whicb yary. It appears thata gaard found bim acting in an excited manner aud went into tbe cell. (iuiteau attacked the guard who drew his revolver and in Home uianuer it was discbarifed (irawing ttie otber guarda to the spot. The guard claims that (iuiteau bad a "cbeeser," but all parties ctmcerned are reticent aud reporte are coutiadictory. The report that the last complication in the Presidenta case were caused by pyaemia is autboritatively denied. Warden Crocker finally says tbat (iuiteau iliii li;ive a knife in tbe scufllc witb the guard AVeilnesday morcing. The asuassin'8 attack appears to have beau a f ooliah freak. The exporta froni this couutry for seven months, endiiig July SI, exceed Ihe same period of the previous year hy $440,031. Niliilist Hartmann is at New York.and has filed a declaration of iutention to become au American citlzen. Dayiil Dndley Field ssid iu the Internationa] luw convention at Cologne, that there was a feelmg in America that assassination should be stamped out He lntroduced a rosolution declaring that wlien it was resorted to as a uieaus of governmental cliaugtB it should not be claaaed among political crimes. The Ponca difficulty is ended. At a conference of ludían chiofs with the secretiry of the interior, the Sioux wlio were prnint offiired to give the Poncas all the land tbey newl, and it was finally afreed that aich Poucu ramlly should have MO acres of Sioux land in northern Ne'jraska, with which tlie Poueas mld they would be entirely satisfied. President (Jaifield has improved steadily since last report. He is now able to retain considerable liquid food on his stoniuch, though the enemata are for the preseut oontinued. An inflaiuinatiou of the right parotld gland is tlie latest complication, hut ilie doetors do not cousider it important, l'lic l'nwidents pulse has fallen below 100, with teinperature and respiration normal. The musical jubilee at Lawience, Kansa?, was a succesfl, anl was attended by several thousand sinjers who propose to repeat it for a week next year. The brewers of Ginciunati are on a strike. July immigration 6T,007, as compared with 4H,865 for the same mouth last year. Michigan furnished 41% per cent of the Kal. product of the country Jast year. The secretary of the Chinese lef(ation at Washington, denies that the Chinese studfiits are to be returned to their owu oonntn for fear of becoming too liberal iu their political ideas. James C. Fargo of New York has heen elwted president of the Amencau and the Wells, Fargo & Co. express companies, to till the vacaucy caused by the death of Willmm (i. Fargo. The Panama Canal project at present etnploys alKut 200 workmeu beside the corps of sngineei'fj. The railroad war continúes. Thecompaniee not representad in the recent meeting for adjuctinent decline to confirin the rates then fixed and cousequently the adjustere are unahleto mnlnttiin the tarifï. A party of seven men camping in Atizona near the Mexlcau line last Friday uight were attacked hy Mexicana, and tour men were killed and one wounded. Some cattie stealing operations seem to have led to the raid. Parties have been made up to pursue the inurderers, Mexican troops are reported stationed on the line to repel theiu, and serious collisions are feared. (overnor Fremont is absent and goverument atïairB iu Arizoaa are at loose ends. Capt Howgate'8 bail has been fixed at $10,000. Judge Cuppy saiil that there was no doubt entertaiued amollé the captains connsel and friends of his vindication. Capt. Howgate is quite feeble trom his recent illness. Ex-Miuister Noyes has arrived. The American tr association elected Clarkson N. Potter, president New chapters are being recorded in the Christiaccy divorce suit at Washington. A dlscovery of gold deposita is reported near Fort Sill, Indian territory, and there is much local exciteinent The export of breadstulïs for the United States for 1SS1 to August 1, were f21,898,653 less than same period in 1880. The town of Yale in British Columbia was uearly destroyed by fire. The loas is estimated at froui f 300,000 to $4iK),000, and one man is Bupposed to have been buried alive. Expert 8anitary engiueere are examiniug the drainage and sewerage of the White House, and defects are to be immediately remedied. The President continúes to improve and we have confident predictions of his recovery. His stomach, which has given the great auxiety, seems on the high road to recovery, and all symptouis are favorable. His pulse and tomoerature are favorable. The swelling of the parotid gland ie disappearing, and no further trouble is expected froin it The governors of Sonora and Arizona are agreed in tryiug to put down the cowboys, who are making havoc in their territorios. The City of Ricumoud, which reached New York last week, hrought $500,000 in gold. The will of the late Mrs. Milliard Filinore has been filed for probate. It disposes of an estáte of $800,000, and gives to public and charitable iustitutions in Buffalo f50,000. Six men have been arrested in Green county by United States deputy marshals Warner, Grider and R. S. Morris, wilh aposseof 12 men. They ure charged with forcibly taking Ed. Blakeman from Uuited States officers some time ago. The trouble grew out of opposition to a railroad tiix. The prisoner was arrested for coutempt of court in refusing to pay the tax to the receiver, and thd people assembled and reecued him. The business part of Irvine, Ky., burned. Loss, $75,000. Reports to the effect that the Vice President lntcnded assuming the duties of the Presidential offiiCd are deuied. Members of the cabinet all deny knowledge of auything of ihe kind. The transfer of land froni the Sioux to the Poncas requires yet to be ratified by Dongress and by three-fourtbs of the Sioux lndians. Hoping to prevent annoyauce from scurrilious and abusive postal cards, an order will soon be issued under which pereons who re ceive such cards, or expect to recieve them, eau have them destroyed by the postmaster upou niaking a written request. The explosión of the boiler ofhe tug A B. Wara, at Chicago, caused the death o the engiueer and a deck hand, and a loss of $U,ODO. The captain was fatally seriously and two other men badly buit. A fight in a Detroit saloon was participated in by ten men, liveof whom were lathers, who fought wicli their hatchets. Frank Benban was dangerously wounded and several others were injured. Lightniug struck Barreteville, a negro suburb of Erinceton, Ky., killing au aged negro woman named Betsey Stokes and crippliug a titile negro boy. The woman was crossing the street at the time, and was killed instantiy. The condition of the President is ihghtly improved yet is not past a critical point. His stomaeh occasionallygivesevidenca of atreacherous tendeucy, Tlie wound is fouud to be opeo to a depth of over 12 iuches. t last reporU li ii was able to retain a small (juantity of koiimiis and weak porridge. Knemaa are contiuuecl. Oen. Jcslie Coombs of Kentucky is dead ege 85. The fonrth of a series of atteinpta to wreek passenger trains on the Wabash railroad was made yesterday near New Salem, 111. A tta w; s placed on the track, but the train wïi stopped beforefeachiug it Iudian agent Eastman, at Navajo, N. M., to whose door the troubles witb the savagve tht;re have been Iflfd, i, after investigation, to be retalne1. The U. S. 5 per cents, maturing October 1 will be redeemod p.t any time hereafter without abatement. ■


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