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Ia the British house of commons debate on Paruell'H motion, tbat tli conrcion act had not ben adtninistered iu accordance with the pledges of the ministers was oontiuued at ■ufrtli, am! tli motion was finally rejfcti'd liy t-8 to 'M. In the courseof llie debate (ladstone declared that he would never be a party to unnecessary coerciou, but that tlie release of the prisoners arrasted utidwr the act would not be rlli'ctt-d liy theals. The anti Jmvish disturbances In the district of Pultava, southeru Russia, led to a fatal collision bet ween troops and a mob. Une millioii tlorius in Kussian iinperials have left Holland for the United Slates. Tlie London Times thinks that Paruell is plauning anew "aititalion" and nitiuiates that ie belongs to the class who make a capital of Irish (irieyances and live upon the coutributiousof Iiisli people. Earl (ïrauville told a deputaüon from the anti slavery society that he iutenilel to ftppoint consuls to África with power to travel, anii hoped to diinmish the slave trade. ('ontributions to tlie land league futid Ibis ycai ' antiiiint to over i5U,000, of which over $40,008 i From Americs. A iliploinatic note from France to the Brit ish Ministry expresses the hope tbat an adjust; ment of tbe commercial trwity difliculty may be reached before tbe expiration of the old trealy in November. Aluacn & Baden are to be made the "New Kiiigdum uf the Khine" aud uuited with the l'rusian province of Hhineland. A Iresh Arab outbreak is reported at Susa, in which four Europeas were killed. A Sau Francisco dispitch says: Theiumored cause which led to the qnick dispaU-h of the H. M. S. Gauneti for the Sandwich islaads on Mouday arose from tho fact that teleKraphic iuformation was received of the intention of tbe Uüited States to gbll Kalakaua's kins;ilmn. Iiisaililed: The flaship isaailing toward Houolulu from the South American coas and that ships of otber naval powers have been ordered to rendezvous there. The Biltish house of commons in committee on supply have disposed of all Irish items axcept five, one of wbich was a vote for the constabulary. Parnell and other Iriah members violeutly denouaced Sepretary Forster for his aduiinistralion of law in Ireland. Recent rains have seriously damaged the cropi in Austria. Adrices trom San Domingo state that on Juiy ''.i the emissaries of the govprnment discovered the bldlng plac# of Generáis Rainau J'orez and folla Frias aiuriliree wonndwl ollieersbeIniiinir to the party of General Alvarez. On the afternoon or the same ilay all were shot in the cemetery of San Domingo city, notwithstaniliiifr the intarcession of the diplomatic corps and ecclesiaptical lody. France will scnd a military commission, headed by (ien. Bolantfer, to particípate in the Yorktowu Ceutennial. The ultramontane leaden in (iermany lati'ly received iiisti uclions trom KoiiiettiBupportthe government aa much as possilil' , particular in it1 fiuanclal policy. The l't i!ict of Wale was sudi)euly prostrati'il lij a coll of sucli gravity as to cause general public alarm. Mis condition at the present time is mofa that the attending pliysiciaos fel compelleil to keep the public niforniod by regular bulletins. Sir Charles fjavan Dutly, It is said, in ahout to reenter politica! life. Hu has puiiliahed a letter in wbicli lie rooommendi Iiíh oouotryiiiHii in Ireland to gire the land bilí a fair trial and see how it workx, and to walt tor the nest sesflion of paxilament tn ameod it in teatuiee which.shall prove to be imuluquato or vil. The land bilí has received tlie royal absent. Ttm Kivnch eledion reoulte I iu the return of 4(i:5 Republicana aml Kü MonarchistB and Bonapartistp. Tbe Rfpnlilicaiis inndea net gain of 58 seats. Sixty fivesecond ballot will be necessary. It is noted that tbe BonaliartistH were badly defeated in Corsica, (iaml)etta's electinn is in doubt. Iutlie KritiHh house of COmmooa tbe secreUiry of state for India said that he did not know that the ameer had asked for aid, or that thelndian governtnent iütended to interfere iu the atTairs of Afghanistan. It is reportad that tbe Rev. Ueorje Granville Hradley, inaster of University college, Oxford, bas accepted the Westmiuister deanery.


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