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Brigandage In Italy

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While Itüly was merely i geographiai term, brtgandage was a liberal proessioi) liaskiiig n tfrésnjishine of royilty. li waa a recognized inatitution n ttte domaine of his Holmess the Pope ind of his sulphurous Majeetythe King it Naples. Out friend Pra Diavolo - ie was an observantin friar named Micharl IVzza - was made ('oionel, and Lecoraled with the order of St. Ferdlïaiul. Mammone, who had killed with ïis own hand fout lmndred persons, was addiessed by Queen Caroline as ■ My dear General." Their fame is rivalled by a pontilical hem who died i few years ago, the terrible Antonio asparone. This rufllan was born in L7SJ3 ; and commilted a niurdii when lie was in liis fourteenth year. In 1823, ifter the execuUon of Massaroui.he call'd bimself King of the Abrazzl and the l.cpiiii. 'riiis great man had a private secretar?, whocompiled his.biography. In this very curious book he describes the eonditions necessary lor adinission to a band, the lust being niurder, and üoncludes with details oí the dress belitting a respectablebrigand. "A iiigh conical hat bound with ribbons of many Cölors ; the vest, coat, and jiantiiloona blue velvet, live rowsof silver buttons on the vest. The bair was long, like a woman's; and," continúes thtt enthusia.stic secretary, " these beardless Ijiígands with their long and curly locks presented countenancee more. charming tlian Ihat of a pretty girl. The arms were a short musket inlaid with silver, alongdonble-edged poiiiard. Thecartridges are carried in a girdle clasjed in front by a píate chased with figures of the Virgin, of souls in purgatory, and other agréments." In 1825 a new Pope ascended the seatof St. Peter, and Gasparone was induced to surrender himself. Fi-om that day till the 30th of ■June, 1871, the King of the Abruzzi was a close prisoner. At twenty-one lie was described aa well made, with brown halr and beard, an energetfc look, prodlgal, debauched, and bloody. On his relesise his long beard waa snowy white, his eye hard, but his vigor unbroken. The old ruflian wandered about Home for some days, the object of general curiosity, wondering at everything in the world which he had not seen for half a century. He was taken to see the railroad. Hs saw the catB running, and exclaimed : " It is uil up with our okl trade now. There is no chance to-day for a good honest brigand." Sieily luis partaken in a very ïnncli less degree than the continent of the benefits of modern discoveries. The modern brigands are no louger theatrical; they wear broadcloth coats, have excellent lield-glases, and are armed with the latest species of revolver. They act however in the sanie oíd style. About two years ago, the Kev. Mr. Rose was captured in Sicily by the band commanded by a chief named Esposito. A letter was written to Airs. Rose, demanding 125,000 francs rausom. She refused to pay. The chief's reply was a letter inclosing the rightearof theluckless parson and inti mating tliat he would remit her hus band in installments. The ranson was sent, the Italian gens-d'armes made a raid on the fortress of the brigands Many were slain;but Eposito escaped it was said to America. While we are writing, an Italian who has been vend ing pea-nuts and bananas in New Or leans is in arrest on suspicion of being the terrible bandit. Women have of ten played an i m portant part in the world of brigands Cedrone's mistress wore male attire marchetl at the head of his band, tor tured the prisoners, and swore that i her lover ever attempted to abandoi his career, she would cut hirn into lit tle pieces, and sendliim inasack to the post olüce. In 1807, Elisa Garofolo was anesled. She was twenty-two years old, very pretty, of orJinan height, slender figure, chestnut haii blue-gray eyes. She styled hersel Queen of the Monntains. She alway dressed like a man, with revolvers ii her belt, and a double-barrelled gun ui her sliouldcr. She possessed all the liendish ingovuity nf u squaw in tor tuiing the prisoners. The presence o womeii Leada sometimos to strange in cidents. An old priest and a countr; girl were driving froin Veroli to FrosiiKinc to takc the railroad cara to Etome. Three brigands started up ii their patli. 'The Madonna has sent you," the cried. "Do not be afiaid; folio w us." After an hour's walk they carne to a grotto, neiir which stood thirt; armed men. The chief arose. 'My father," he said, "I am de lighted to see you. My wil'e has jus given me a baby. I wish it to be a Ch istian: baptize it." The priest eomplied; the country girl was the godmother, the chief' lieutenant the godfather. When the ct'ifinony was over, he handed to the priest a purse containing six piastres and to the girl a paper centaining a pair of ears with gold ear-rings in tluin


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