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DRAKE'S OYSTER DEPOT 20 East Hu ron St. Oysters Always FreshandCheap. Puro Wlnes and Liquors for medicinal " oses. Cholcest brands of Ciears always on haiiJ FRED SORG, Dealer In PAINTS, OILSJARNISHES BBUSHES, WINDOW GLASS, nil all l'iiiiiii-rs' Supplies of the Beat Qunllty SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington :st. ANN ARBOR.' - MICMIGAN. rïnséYYëabölt7 No. 6 and 8 Washington Bt., Have on hand a complete stock of everything in the Grocery Line. They buy their Totvs, Coil'oos, ji iid Sugfiii In large amounta, and at OasItL IPz?cOs And can sell at Low Figures. The large lnvoice of Teas thpy Buy and Sell, Is n good proof that In Quality and Price they Give Bargains. Thuy Roost their ow-n Coffees everr week, anö none but prime articles are usid. TInir Uakerytuma out excellent Bread, Cakef und Crackura. Cali and see them. JACKSON 7IRE CLAY CO. Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND-ZDRk-Ir TILE. All our Drain Tile are made of Fire Clay, are of unumai strength and lighl wciylit. wbicb materlally reduces the breakage and expense of trnnsportation. The ditohing for thisclass of tiling is lessexpen sivc, as they de not require to be laid helow front, butonly deep enough to escape the plow. Wliile this is more eoonomu-al it also altls in obtiiiningia better 'f all" or grade to the drain. A f u!l assortment of all sizes, for sale In sniall quantities or oar load lot?, at the FEEDON LMBER YARD. JAS. TOLBERT, Agen. ÏONÏC IS A THOROUCH REMEDY In ever y case of 31 ala ri al Fever or Fever and Ague while for disorders of tlie Stomach. Torpidity of ihr Uver. Indigestión and dtetarbances of the animal f orces, whirh debilítate, it has no equivalent, and can have DO suhstirute, It sliould not be confoumled ith trlturated compounds f cheap spirits and essen tial oils, often aold Riu'er the name of Bitters. FOK SALE B Y C. E. Holmes, ('nok hotel block. KENDALL S SPAVIN CURE. The most successful Remedjfpver discovered, as it is cei'tain mits efrects and does not blister. Read Proof Below. PRESEVERANCE WILL TELL Stoughton, StaflB, March itith, 1:80. B. J. Kkndai.i. & Co.. Gents:- In justicetoyou and myself, I think I ought to let you know tliat I have removed two bono spavins with "Kendall's Spuvin Cure." one very tarw one; don't know how lone the spavin liad been there. I have owned the norse vight inonths. It took me four immr hs to take the íare one off and two for the smnll om. I have used ton bottles. Thöhoraa i entii-cly vfi, not at all stiff. and 110 hunch t. bfl seen or feit. Tliisisa vonderful medicine. It is a new thin herc: bvit if it doee for all what it has done for me itssale will bc very reat. Hespei-tfully you i's. Chas. K Parkkr. SPAVIM Cl' :-K Ifl sillc li itS eflfi'ts, mild in its actiën as it doefi not hlister, yet it is penptratint; and powerfa] to reach every deep seate pain or to remove any buny growth or othei enlárdeme!] t Bltcll as spavins, splints. curlts, i-allous, sprains. swt'llins. any lameneos antl ftll enlargenients of the joints or l&lbs, or rheuinatism in nian and for any purpoae for whk-l a liniment is used for man or east. It ík nmv known to be the best lininit-nt for man OTOT USOdi actíng miUl and yet certain In Ita effects. Send aiklress for lUuatrated Ürcular vhicfa wo think gtvea positivè proof of is rirtues. No remsdy has ever not with such unqualiiied succes to oor tcnowledge, for beast aa wtH as man. Prioe $1. per bottle, orsix bottles for $5. AU DrugistB bave it orean get U for you, or it will be sent to any H'lilrcss on receipi ofjnc6 b the proprietoxs. " DR. ü. J, KKNDALL & CO., Bnogburgh Falls, Vermont. SOLD Bï ALL DRUGGISTS ■ ñTh. TjoüsI VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR ís a sure cure for Cough, Col Whooping-Cough, and all Lung'l Diseases, when taken ir. beatón, f People díe o( coukumptioii y because oi negiect, wlien the ' . ti lime] y use of Uit reniedj woulil.J B have cured ihem ai once. Ftfty-one years ot ■ Hstant use yrovc tin. fact that no 9 H cough rmed l.a stood the tesl 9 Hlike I) o un ' M.lixir. Pric '5c. QUL ii.ii ;i ií [ni bútUo. BDi'.Baxter's Mandrake i Wlll Curfe Jauíutice, Dispepsia, H Livor Compluint, Indigestión, Haiiü all discast-s arising from f. H lousneso. Pnce cts. perbottle. fé iii;mí a. .H)ii.soN'S I ÁRNICA AND OIL [LINIMENT For .flan iiml Miras!. ■ The most perfect liniment ever j ■ compounded. Price -5c. and 50c ü Fur Kvi-iywUre.


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