The Dual Lady
the dual lady, ta response to therequest oï a nuinber of physiciaus, gave a special receptioii to the medical profession. Tlie lecture-room was (illed rtoctors of eveiy age, school, and sex. The lady physicians saemed to be more doubtful of the true coimection of tlie marvel than their male associates. Tliey plied the nightingale with ques.ions so rapidly that both tongues were kept busy, and the male portion of the assemblage did not have a chance to obtain even a hearing lïom the four ears oí the lady. The point of -unión, wliere the two spinal columns uuite ld one, was exposed so that all had au eqii.ü chaace to aee the bien ling of the ;wo persons into one. It was i'ouml ;hat f rom a point two inckea abovethe jond of union there was no sense of Feeding as one. From examinationa nade at varióos times by Professors Pancoast, Q-ross, Agnew, Meigifs, and Dungilson, of Philadelphia; also by Dr. Bliss, the Burgebn in attendance upon Presidedt Garfield, and the most eminriil physicians and surgeons of the ►ld world, those present had all doubts rem ved as to the faet of this being a complete union of the two mental
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Ann Arbor Democrat