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jmn STATE BOARD OF E,nL.ATIOS, Í11I881. ed by Boards oi Joardot cd by State Uoard Supervisors, 1881. tlonof Eqnalization Alcona -- - , for 1881. Süür i as iü iLijripiH ÜIII 1 II I 11 1 1 PIPI 1 iil iiii III il ï III Cneboygan 222.5S1.00 1$ 27100 ÍIm2?? ffi Í11 '.220. 00 15 600 000(0 S?è= I f ü sus Uil p Hl Emmet., ■". 358,808.58 12 5ffi!7qñÓ i"rm",n";', A(?d 2,500,000 00 2 500 000 00 Uenesee " .640 191,714.00 fflkaBOO WSi 4,000.000 00 16000 000 00 (irand Traverse J'j7, 305,912.19 102290000 1 n'nL m .2 a 1,884,5,2 2 21.000.000 00 Qratiot „Ö.?J mm.T uïwö 2'wfttfr m 2 140,905 00 1.200,000 00 Huisriaie...., :::.::::: u-ïïg aw,o7.oo TiSraio fsóo'LS ,t74iis" 3,00000000 "'ughton :::: m 375,911.00 nsSS ïloMooAdd ■ssss twoöuoo Huron 22,47.) 4H.710.75 1,619 58 00 1619534 00 Aññ S','?? ÍX 21,000,000 00 Ii?"n 'g? 510,891.11 4 5819WI! 4 661 982 00 irirt 'mi SS 2,500,000 00 i0 S:'ÏÏI 348,SÖ.57 15,844,31800 10942200 00 AM '1 SS ,000,00100 losco ■. 881,804.28 15 480,29100 ummmTSj 5,057,800 00 1C,000,(X 00 tabella " 245 870.4" Í' 1027M1 " l'ÍS'mn m f32 1,069,249 00 16,000 000 00 isle Hoyal "I."" r.:." 12' „ 3-M.086.7! ffiraBOO 3 100 000 Idd SZ S? a.OOOOoüoo Jackson „■ Noreport. J.iuu.uou 00 Add 900,000 00 4,000,000 00 Kalamazoo. .....l'.l'. '21 432,641.60 "8,8,448"ÓÖ "9"255'3ÖÏ"Ó0 frtrt i45S 100,000 00 Kalkaska .g M9.793.00 18 901O30 00 ly 084'5-7 "HH .'at-1?99 27,0(K),000 00 Kent " .W ),7O5.52 M7599J62 2 SS J,91a,463 00 23,000,000 00 Keweenaw " "■ 532,885.00 18 0:6 258 00 180r'2lÓ aII i qÍ '- 2,500,000 CO fake 4,270 203,570.23 619,263 13 738 1W 1 "9KS 2 33,000,000 00 Lateer . 344,249.03 1,921042 00 i Iwr.'iS m 61.800 87 800,000 00 Leelanaw ;- ■ '■ 412,392.00 12i:50406 lS'o 00 a rtrt JIM9800 2.000 X 00 Lenawee .g: 18:3,231.79 693 971 oó Wo84 00 Artrt 5SS 13,000,000 00 Livingston ,34.j 886.00 26,8.37 269 00 27 045 'Sm 00 xtñ ffiff 1,000,00000 M'i'-kinac a,2i2.00 12:i55 417 00 ' 0'm'O 00 AM - m'S 27,500.000 00 Jfacomb a3,i5l.33 i , wjsr, n fKS i'-S'n90 ï oo Manistee Mg 308,055,00 16 010 8M 00 li'JK Ai éa? 1,096,044 29 2,500000 00 Mamtou ""...t"": f. K mm.oi ifimÊw ï mS w vS i Ï'JÏK? isoooooooo Marquette J'-J14 Noreport. i,bMi,0 00 Adi 1,808,750 00 3,500,000 00 Mason aV3 108,792.11 3Ï2Ï48Ó"(X) 'ö'ani'üür í'} 250,000 00 250 000 00 Mecosta.; """".V " 285842.93 WM480 3 ?b1 'S? S 2'f5'060 S.OOOóüoóó Menominee " JW 343,773.00 286707580 3 'ór íw w Ï1 ,' 165.244 80 3.000000 00 Mldtand ; 1.8 722624.44 lWr'R62 25 1757XK2 ? ít i,?,'20 3,500000 00 Missankeë 6.84 32206.92 8118100 i'nu'SS SI iü 742,187 76 2,000,000 00 Monroe " - l.JW W,W.S 1,51958844 Í-VmS'I ,137 00 3000000 00 Montcalm Sj.3 :l,314.00 wWSBOOO MSf 262,44158 1800000 00 Montmorency ". „„ M'M8 446,517.00 9366 71 8 nS m a 23 786,723 16 000000 00 Muskeiron..:. " g .--.,, 2S0M7. Y.SuViln, iSL1?0, SS Wi 1.010,000 00 9.500000 00 Newaygo av 279,236.2 8 688 68900 -"ïiiAó' , ,2, ,127 00 1250000 00 Oakland . . 527 704.00 2,608M8a ISmí 3,179,897 75 0,500 000 00 Oceana "J 41.S37 540&0.00 21432 277 00 23 SM OT M ÍS3 1.8ÜS.708 00 4 000 000 00 Ogemaw " . 88&8U62 j ?a6 898 Ou WS Add 2,744,723 00 26 WoOO 00 Ontonagon ." 319,190.02 905 :m I'ÍÍf'ÍS 2 AJl} 1224,407 00 3,0000 00 Osceloa 2.886 7aBaOB.2i 141478 00 i na?Í S A5 883,066 68 1500IW0 00 Oscoda..... ..; 10,777 359 177.00 897 220 00 ír'-wn ï Í" 978,442 00 2000000 00 Otsego ; 467 SaOao WOO Km 592,78C'OO 2500000 00 Ottawa ; 1.974 302,486.00 1108548 00 i ÍÍqqS m A'J 250,532 00 1,000000 00 Presquelsle .! 341.(K.4í H TOor 00 '■IÍb'sÍS m A1í 380,052 00 1500 00o 00 Koscommon ?,113 ai4,910.34 10M'8S6 ?'oot ot A11 2,183,38100 8500000 00 Sagtfnaw L45 278,0282 limniu i'H'iq I. Ah' 220,174 01 1250,000 00 Siinilac... ;.;; S,?M BO7649.OB 30,91410100 iqq'í r'im m aI' 423,867 86 1500000 00 Schoolcraft .341 55,742.61 S9's7800 S b'Ï S f3á S,063,969 97 25,000,000 00 Shiawassec... " hm ■ 7&%VZA1 2481 034 41 f S'-m S A1á 1,093,746 00 5 0(0.000 00 St. Clair " 27,ft 3W715.27 11937 044 00 línfom m A11 565.295 00 2 500 000 00 St. Joseph -17 432,464.00 8'6M'868OO !}'?l?'r " 2.490,000 00 13500000 00 Tnsoolai 26,i 312 3fi..00 5 W W? !, 1' ÍÍh n, ' 3,858,922 00 15000000 00 Van Buren 25,73 501,006.00 7713647 00 I' M & A$ï 1,896.152 00 18000000 00 Washtenaw "; SJ-fOT 384 684.21 12'9748800 ,.Sf,; t 843.042 00 9.000000 00 Wayne .V;..'.".::: 1(4'.'ÍS 4.U493.19 SSÍKa S'ooooó W u00.000 14,000:00000 Wexford MM 3(W,415.00 11069818000 1 7XM Tvi ÍS?2i?7U 30,000,000 00 :::z - && s ss j-r s H. R. PRATT, Secretary. PtlOREAU S. CKOSBY, Ctaalrman. on aiffffiiïaï1 'aSt COlUm" 8f tllC tahle covrect tva„script of , L?iSÏÏÏ&ÏÏiLaWte f KoxTheattentiono, the County Xreasurev is ,,„„ to section 302, oiL2f " '""" "ZfíZT


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