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DRAKE'S OYSTERDEPOT 20 East Huron St. Qysters Always Fresh and Cheap. '.Vines and Liquors for medicinal pnroaes. Cliiiici-st ljriuidoLCiKars always on lian 1 FRED SORG, PAINTS, OIlEvARNISHES BRUSHES. W1ND0W GLASS, Vi"! all I'ainters' Supplies of the Best Quallty SHOP AND STORE 26 and 28 East Washington Est. AKN ARBOR - MICMIOAK RINSEY "& SEABOLT, No. 6 and 8 Washington St., Have on hand a complete stock of everytbinginthe Grocery Line. Thsybuy thstr Toas, Coffees, a.xifH&xifgajcn In largo amounts, and at 0OO Andcanseli at Low Figures. The loige invoice of Teas they Bry and Solí, is i good prooi that in Quality and Price they Give Bargains. TbyRoat thelrown Ooffeea everrweek, ano none but prime articlos are used. Tbeir Bakeiytum out excellent Bread, Caket and Crackers. Cali and see.them. JACKSONTfRE CLATCa Manufacturera of Stone Sewer Pipe - AND-IDI?,Jk.I3Sr TILE. All our Drain THe are made of Fire Clay, are f unusxtai strengtb and litht u-ciylit. whlco ma terially reduce the breakage and eipenne of transportaron. Tlie dltchlng fonthisclass "f tilingialessexpen sive. as thoy do not require tobe laid belowfrost, butonly leep enough to escape the plow. Wbilethlftlfl more economical it also aids in obtaininga botter 'f all" or grade to the drain. A full assortment of all sizes, for sale in smatl qnantities, or car load lote, at tho FERDON LUHÜ YARD. JAS. TOLBERT, Agen. B5 TofiïC IS A THOROUCH REMEDY In evary case of Malarinl Faver or Fever ind Ague wblle for disorders t" the Btomnch, iorpiatty of the Llver, indigestión and disturbances of til animal f orces, whi'-h debilítate, it lias no equivalent, umi eau have no substituto, n Bfaould ik t oonfounded ith triturated confpounds cf cheap spirits and essentlaj oils, often soid under the mime of Bitters. FOK SALE BY C. E. Holmes, Cook hotel block. KENDALL S SPAVIN CURE. The most successful Remedy over dtscovered, as it. is cortaln In its effecte and do6s not blister. Reacl Proof Below. PRESEVERANCE WILL TELL. Stoughton. Mass., Harofa lath, IH80. B. J. Kendall & Co.. Oents;- In jus tice to jon aiuliiiyself, I (hink ï OUght to lt-t yu knovf fluit I have removed kwo bone Bparins with "Koudall's Spavin Ourei" one very lafgv one; dont kiiow now long spavin had boen tbere. i haviowned horse elght months. It took me four months to take the lance one off and fcwo f ir tlie snmll one. I have used ten bottles. The horse is entlrelywell, ruk at all stitT. and no bunch to be seenorft-lt. 'l'hisisa wonderfnl medicine. It is a new tbtog1 here; but Iflt does for afl whatit has done for me itssaW' wili beven freat. Eespectfully youi-s. ('has. E. Paukeb. Kkndam.'s í-'j'avin po e la sure In lts effect, mUdinitsactíonasit doeo nol blister, yet it ík poiiftratiiii? aiul powerful to reach every deep Beated pain or to remove any bony growth r other enlargpement such as spavins,spunts, ourl. caUous, spraïns. swelUogs, anj lamenev and all enlarKementa of che joints or llmbs, or rbeumatism in (aan and for any. purpose for whidi a liniircnt is uscd for man or beast. It is now known to be the best Uniment man ever used, act ing mild and vet oertaln in its effects. Sein! address for tlhistrated Circularwhieh we think Kivos positive proof of ts rirtues. Ni remedy hius ever mH w ;i n Bach troqualified success k our knowledge, for beast osweU as man. Price$í, ptrbott!e, or six bottles tor $ AJÍ Druggiste bave it oroan gel it foryou, or it wiil be sent to any address on recelpt of prlce by the proprietore. " DR. B.J. KEXDALL & CO., Enosburh Kalle. Vermont S 0 LD BY ALL DRU&GISTS IñT.h" dITI VEGETABLE BALSAMiC IelimirI 2 Is a sure cure Sor Cough, Colds, B H Whooping-Cough, and all LungiQ R Disease, when laken in seaion. ? People die of coiibumptioii H 5i 1 v because ot negiect, wiien the B j timely use of tiiio reoied wouMM have cured ihem ai once. l'tt tij-inii ytarg ot con-H stant use pnVCk Vu, fact that im f cüugh retned Lat lood theteslH likt Do . ittxir. I'ric 3.fx,. &uc ui.'ianK int bottlo. Dr. Baxter'b Maadrakei BJBlTTEll! Will cuit J.i.udice, Dyspepsia, 9 Liver Cunipliiintka In(iigestio:i, 8 and all diseases aris-ing l'rom n ioufciieb.. Pnce $ ets. perbottle. ■ HKHK1 JOIINSON'S ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENTl For Jflnu eind Beast. The most pei fort liniment ever 9 cOmpounded. l'rici" r,c. and 50c. M Kor Sal Km t ninH'.


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