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The Citizens' Meeting

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A meeting of the citizens for the purpose of raising money for the iufterers from the flre in the northern part of the Mate, was held at the court house Friday evening. Mayor Kapp, was elected chairman, and B. C. Burt, secretary. The following committee to solicit contributions was appointed: First vrard, O. F. Webster, A. W. Hamilton; second, Dr. Kapp, H. Hutzel; third, C. E. Hiscock, H. E. H. Bower; fourth, T. J. Keect, H. B. Dodaley; fifth, Isaac Dunn, Geo. H. Rhoades; sixth, J. A. Scott, Austin Wood. While this committee was being named several hundred dollars were subscribed. A meeting of the committee was held Saturday at 9 o'clock in the council charuber, Ben Brown, who was elected treasurer the evening before, presiding. C. E. Eiscock was elected secretary of the committee. After some preliroinary business aa adjournment was had ing, when the committeemen met and reported the amount of their collections. Monday eveuing the committee of 12 elected Mayor Kapp, J. A. Scott, Ben Brown and Prof. Burt, to see that the money and other donations were placed where they would do the most good at once. The committee was also empowered to select a competent man to go with the goods if it is thouht best and to see them distributed. Every supervisor in the county has been notified by circular letter of the wants of those in the burned district. Seed wheat is very much needed, and if every farmer in Washtenaw would contribute a little, they wou'.dn't miss it, and would be giving in a good cause. Let the glorious workgo on. SÜBSCRIPT10XS. Subacriptions amounting to over $300 were made at once. Including these the following amounts have been subscribed : Company A J50 00 E.A. Spence 1 00 Dr. T. P. Wilson. 5 00 P. Bach 50 00 A. M. Bodwell „ _ 1 3 00 Dr. Power . 1 00 F. 8chmid _ __ 10 00 C H. Richmond „.. 10 00 Joe T. Jacobs . 10 00 N. W. Cheever 10 00 Wm. Wagner . 10 00 B. F. Cocker „ 10 00 T. M. Cooley_._. 50 00 T.J. Keech _ 25 00 8. Haskell „ _ 5 00 Mosea Rogers 5 00 R. A. Beal _ _ 80 00 E. Lawrence. 20 00 Alpheus Felch . . _. .. „ 25 00 Mrs. H. W. Hogers _ _ 5 00 E. J. Knowlton . . __ 10 00 E. Treadwell 5 00 Rhoda Fuller ______ 5 00 Ann Arbor Register 10 00 Register Employees 8 50 Del&nev & Hill „ 2 00 W_. Uoble 2 00 John Nowland 2 00 Ann Hogan_._ „ 1 00 Lucy W. S. Morgan 2 00 J. Herchen 50 H. Keedle..." 50 Wm. Banfield 50 Dorr Kellogg „... 5 00 J. Austin Scott. 10 00 Horace Carpenter.. _ 10 U0 J. D. Baldwin. _ 5 0 Wm. Huribert _.. ... ._ 5 00 Israel Hall ■. 10 00 Lawrence Curtís 1 00 Mrs. Carey 1 00 A. r). Prescott. _ 5 00 C. K. Adams. _ 5 00 A Friend . 50 A. H. Hammond _ 1 00 S. l'roctor .7. „.... 1 00 Mrs. Condoa _. 1 00 M. Eastwood. 1 00 Mrs. Treadwell 50 Mr?. McClellan _ 50 Dean & Co 25 00 Henry Almendinger 2 00 Dr. J. Kapp __ 10 00 Dr. S. A. Jones 5 00 T. S. 8anibrd „ 10 00 L.C. Kisdoa „ 5 00 H. 8. Frieze 20 00 H. J. Brown ï Co „ 10 00 A. J. Sawyer _ _ 10 00 B C. Bun „. _.___ . 10 00 J. M.Wheeler 10 00 Z. Tniesdel _. . . 5 00 Mrs. L.C. Risdon 10 00 A. Reule. „ 25 J. J. Koch ' ■ , , , , , .....i.ï....." 25 E. Koehm . 25 Mr. Mansfield _ 1 00 Jacob Schaeberle 2 50 Geo. Feiner . 50 A. Mogkt 50 Morris Pack 50 Geo. Graupner 50 F. Rettiech _ „ _ 10 00 A. V. Robinson i Son_ 5 00 Dr. James Rouse. 1 00 Stephen Fairchild 5 00 Kmti Banr .. 25 00 Mrs. Sarah Gregg EO Mis. Whitehead. 50 Mr. Howard. 25 Cash _ 1 00 Mrs. Wheeler _ _ 50 G. W. Cropaey _ 1 00 J.G.üall 1 00 Aretus Duun __ _.__ 10 00 J. M. Swift „ 5 00 Wm. Spokes 1 00 A. A. Kellogg 1 00 A. C. Baldwin 1 00 L. B Kellogg. „ 2 00 A. Herz _ _ 2 00 John Frey „ _ _ 5 00 t'. ï. Haeusser „ 2 00 Wesley Tanner 100 C. Walker ______ 1 00 H. H. Lidyard 50 Geo. Spathalf _„. _ 1 00 Mrs. P. Mason ....._ 5 00 Joe D. Dnncfin 2 00 Mrs. Emily Clark 1 00 Mrs. C. L. Bennen 1 00 Thos. SLoae „.. _ 50 Cah „ _ __ io Wm. Bunting 50 Wm. Giave _ „ _ 25 R. L. Raynolds .„ „ 1 00 K. W. Moore . 5 00 F. Stofflet. „ . 1 00 J. FredBerk „ 50 Thomas D. Bailey 1 00 Anton Sclieffold 25 T. Algler 1 00 J. W. Johnson _ 50 A. Spokes _ i oo E. :. Bowen 1 00 -. w. Barkham ,._ 100 Jas. T. White '. 50 Thos. Walker 60 G. W. Smith ____" 100 Mrs. Uarlinghouse ..._ 50 Mre. FUer " " 50 Mrs. 9. N. House " 50 J. C. Taylor _ 1 00 U. H. Taylor _.__ 25 Mre. A. L. tireene, 1 00 Isaac Dunn 20 00 T. Alber _ 2 00 L. F. Alber _ „_._ 1 00 Antoo Teofel 1 00 Wm. Arnold _ _ _ 1 00 Jack Roth „ _ _ 50 John Heinzmau 5 00 Q. F. Lutz „ ....ilü.'.H 1 00 H. Binder __„____ 1 00 Jacob Back _ 100 m. H&iier :.:::.':.;.:.::' í John Koch 1 00 Jacob Hoffstetter 1 00 Emanuel Zigler _ _ 1 00 James Kitson 6 00 O. B. Alexander 50 A. Mueilieg __ 50 Wm. Kennedy. 25 O. M.Martin g Jne Lindenschmite 50 Jas. Burg __ 1 00 Chas. Spoor „ . 00 Jno. Gates & Son „ „ „ 10 00 F G. Schleicher 1 00 Mrs. E. D. Kinne " 1 m Mra. J. 8. Henderson ___! I 0 w. A. Benedict _!ZÜ 1 00 " H. SesaionE... : 2 00 " B. B. Morgan ..." 50 ■' Dr. Jackson 2 00 ' Calvin Blus 1 nn M.D. Beers ! . cah „ ;;.;;; 'S Geo. 8. Wood. _ o 50 Mrs. H. L. Sackett 5 00 Kasquelle JZ 5 00 „ AM-,Dawoa 5 C. A. Jaycox _ 5 00 " H. A. Hammond 00 " R Price " 5 Si J. D. Williams ___ 3 Mre. R. 8. Smith . " ] O J. W. Langley _. ZZ1 5 00 Austin A. Wood ' 5 00 H. Richarda .'..'.'.'.'.'.'.' 25 Mrs. Goodrich and daughtere.... 2 00 A. French Mrs. B. Cady _ „. " 1 m Mr. Seeord..._ M Stephen Moore S Wm. Brie s m Henry HaskeU ? Wm. Beach Mrs. Martin Cash „ ____!__ SS 8. D. Lennan " 9 00 Mre.Tnpp , . '[[[[Zi 1 00 Mr. Clearer _ Mrs. Geo. W. Remiek i oo MissLadd ƒ .Mrs. Hum '.!..... """.'"- 1 o Krv. Mr. Kyder 50 W. I). Hamman in o J. H. Pattengill „ LH " 1 00 E. Beebee 5 Mrs R Fuller ....." 5 00 Seth T. Otü „ 5 00 Theo. DeForesL „. 3 o Robt. Popkins 5 J. C. Allen ."■..■. '- 50 Cash 25 Stranger 25 N G Gates 2 T. Baker .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. """" " Dr. G. E. Frolhingham (more if needed)... . 20 0 M. Weinmann „_ 1 00 B. J. Smith 1 oí E. C. F'eer 1 q J. B. Thomas „ mmma 51 Jsrob Vemor & F. S. Bech 100 W. W. Whedon '" 2 00 E. B. Lewis _ 1 00 A. W. Ames _ 1 00 M. S. Pulcfpher 51 C. F. Buckfand 50 G. 8hUppacasee _ .. 1 00 A. W. Hamilton 3 C. Blias i Son 5 o( Winans Berry 251 X. Y. Z .".V.r.ïZ 50 J. Geo. Grossman 50 N. D. Gates 1 oo Mrs. D. L. Gates "" 60 D. L.Gates. 1 00 Mrs. Geo. Pulcipher ..." 100 Mrs. B. Christman 25 Wm. Murbach m ] ' 25 Germán .7) Mattie Hangsterfer .........ï..............] 25 Marjr Hangsterfer 50 Cash _ _____ 25 cso „ i oo Geo. L.Moore ' 1 (X Mre. Dr. Harüey """ 50 B. B. Parsons....? i 0C ;. F. Stein „ 50 E.H. Hudson . .' '. 5 00 Cash se Wm.Ludholz _ _.. 1 0C E. J. Stonns „_ 5c Tice Bach 1 oc Gregor Nagele "."lOO Jbo. Henriech 5 00 Mre. Dalke 1 00 Libbie Mogk 1 00 Enlisten Lutz 50 Jno. Walz . 1 oc Henry liatthews 3 00 Jno. W. Hunt 500 A. H. Hunt 100 Eberbach & Son 10 00 J. Halier & Son 300 Wm. Allaby, $5; J. J. Ellis, $10; A. & F. Besimer, $10; Jno. W. Knight, $10; L. D. Taylor, $1; Emanuel Mann, $5; H. A. Neuhoff, $1 ; P. Beek, 50 ets. ; Jno. Schneider, $1; C. S. French, $1; Geo. A. Waidlick, $2; C. (iauss, 50 ets; C. Walker Bros, $1 ; Ross Granger, 40 ets. Mrs. Vetter, 50 ets; Jno. Geo. Koch, 7.5 ets.; Gotlob Bucholz, $2; Andrew Birk, $5. Making a total of $1,075.59. In addition to the several cash subscriptions, the following donations have been made by the business men : A. D. Scyler, boots and shoes. $20: Mack & Schmid, dry goods, $2.5 ; Sheehan & Co ., hats, f 23 ; Wines & Worden, dry goods, $30; C. A. Lewis, boots and shoes, 10; Wm. Wagner, clothing, $25; Rmsey & Seabolt, groceries, $10; A. Bell, groceries, 1.8S; Crnivell Bros., casimeres and flanuels, $84 ;L. and shoes, $7; Douglas, Henderson & Co., clotuing, $25; Little Mack, clothing $5. A large amount of second.hand clothiug and underwear has already been donated.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat