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Silver Creek, N. Y., Feb. O, 1880. Gents: - I bave been very low, and Lave tried tverjtuing to no advautage. I heard your Hop Bitters recommended by so many, I concluded to give them a trial. I did, and now am around, and constantly improving, and am nearly as slrong as ever. W. EL WELLEU. SUFFEIUXG WÜMEX. There is but very small proportiou .of the women of this natiou tbat do not suffer from some of the diseases for which Kidney Wort is specifle. When the lowels have become costive, headache torments, kidneys out of lix, or piles distress, take a package and its wonderf ui tonic and renovating power will cure you and give new life. - Watchman, WORTHY OF PRAISE. As a rule we do not recommend patent medicines, but when we know of one that really is a public benefactor, and does poslively cure, then we comskier it our duty to impart that information to all. Electric Bitters are tru!y a most valuable medicine, and will surely cure íiliousness, fever and ague, stomach, iver, and kidney complaints, even where all other remedies fail. We know whereof we speak, and can freely recommend hem to all.- Exch.- Sold at fifty cents a bottle, by Eberbach &, Son. An Established Remedy, Downs' Elixir ïas been widely known and used as a cough remedy for fifty years. No other cough medicine has stood the test half this length of time. Tne people stand by that which is good. Dr. Baxters Mandrake Bitters are purey vegetable - the product of the hills and valleys. Warranted. Henry & Johnsoa's Arnica and Oil Liniment is warranted to pluase all who use it. PILES!" PILES! PILES! A Sure Cure Found at Last,- No one Need Suffer. A snre cure for the Blind, Bleeding. Itchingand .'lcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Willama an Indian remedy). eaUed Dr. Williams ndian Oin:ment. A single box has cured the ronst chronic cases of 25 and -iü years' standing. o one need suffer five minutes after applying his wonderful soothing mediciue. Lotions, Intruments and Electuaries do more harni than good. Williams Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching (particularly at night af t?r getting warm in bed), acts as a poultice : :istant and Dainless relief, and is prepared i only for Piles, itching of the private parts. and , nothing else, Read what the Hon. J. M. Coffinberry, of Cleveand. says about Dr. Williams Indian Pile Ointment : I have used scores of pile cures, and it órds me pleasure to say that I have never found anything which gave such immediate and permanent relief as Dr. Williams Indian Pile Ointnent. For sale by all druggists. or mailed on receipt of price,$l.üU. Jas.. Davis & Co., Wholesale )ruggists. Detroit. Míoh.. Agents. For sale by H. J. Brown & Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. FlFron are a mñB jlfyouareaM of business, V man of ■M W ened by the strain of m tere toüín orer midI youx duties avoid ■ ■ nuri.t work, to resI stimulants and use 1 F tore brain aerre and I Hop Bitters. Iwute, tue Hop B. I If ycu are younp md H suffering f rom any in■ discretáon or dissipa ■ tion ; if you are mar■ ried or single, oíd or H young, sanering f rom ■ poorhealth or languisb ■ log on a bed oí ck■ nesa, rtly on H o p Bitters. Whoerer roa are, jWfc Thousands die anI whenfever jou feeí ■ ■ nuaUyfrom orne ■ that your sytfem Hjl form of Kidney ■ Ing or rtirmii&tinj?, H Fl hare been prevented I wühoMtintoTicating, ■ Hbjt timely use of I take Hop HOv HopBItters I Bitters. n I Hare yon fluj BftS. , . , use oí opium, ■ Tou will be niTTrnn tobacco.or I cnred if yoauae I III' narcótica. I Hop Bitters K [ft) I fiííi&yS? NEVER I '.'kJèyuï CA I I ■'-" I has lAIL " CO-. I aved hunRicltr, H. I. ■ dred. i . tTaroem, OjU I MRS. LYDIA E. PINKHAM. OF LYNIKI, MASS. DISCO VE REB OP LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE CCKPOUND, ie Po?itiYe Cure For all Female Complaints. Thlj prcparation, as íts n&me rigulfle, consiaU of Vegetable Prortiee that are hinrilw to the most delicate inralid. Up.-n on trial the nieríU of thla Com pound will be recofroixed, as relief Is lmmedlate and when lts uae la continued, tn ninetj-nine caaea ln a han. dred, apermanentcureueffectelraathouaandji wíU tetiy. On account of lts .roren merits, it Ís to-day recommended aad prescribid by tne best physidaas ln the country. It will cure entlrely the -rrt fonn of falling of the atenu, Leacorrhcem, irregular nrA painful Kenstruation, all Orarían Trouble, InflAnmatlon and riceration, floodlns, all Displacement and the consequeat splnal weakness, and is especlally adapted to the Changre of Life. It will diasolre and ezpel tumors from the uterus lnanearly etage of derelopment. The tendency to c&ncerous humors tare ia cbecked very speedily by its us. In iict lt n&s proTed to be the g7atest and bes remedy that has erer been dlacoTered. lt permeates erery portion öt the system, and giTesi newllfeandrior. lt remove faintnew.ftatulency, destroys aüeraring for stimnlunM, and reUere weaknes of the stomach It curea Blotlng, Readaches, Nerrous Prostratlon, Oeneral DebOity, SleeplesBneas, Depn-asion and Indi gestión. That feeling o bearinff down, "Ting pain, weiffht and back&che, Ie always perma&ently cured by lts use. lt will at all times, and ander all circumstanees, act ln banooay with the Uw that eoreres toe fenuüesystenx. For Eidney Complaints of eltber sez tbls compound Is unsurpaased. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Is prepmred at 233 and 235 Western Arenue, Lynn. Mass. Prioe $1.00. 8ix bottlea for $5,00. Sent by mail in Uu formof pills,aLointbe form oflosenices, on rooeip of price, $1.00. per box, for eitfatr. Mrs. PDiKHAM freely answers all letters of inqulry. Send for pampbieC Address as above Mentían Au paper. No family abould be without LYDIA E. FIKKHAX' LJVKKPI1XS. They cure ConstípaOon, Jttlloones ■id Torpiu. ty of tne Liver. 25 cents per box. 8oW by C. E. HolmesCook hotel block Examples of the injury luffered by the pcople, and the loss of tlie goverunitntV ability to protect the people's riglits are not wanting. Railway and telegraph cnmpanies bccome singly powerful, or powtrful by the combinstion of two or thrce or more companics. tbe combiuation being made expressly to prevent healthy competition. and tbus créate a monopoly whicb shall be able to tax comraerce and iudustry as ït may please. - Harper's Weeklv. ■,A, 9k fct : B R WK YPSILANTI_FAIR WEEK ! Opera House Attractionsü C. E. BOGARDUS, - - Mnmger. Wednesday Evening, Sept. 2S, First apiiearance in this city of the Distinguished Shalcespearian, JOHNL. BURLEICH, JOHNL. BURLEICH JOHNL. BURLEICHJ Under the auspices of C. J. Whitney, of Whitney's Grand Opera House, Detroit, In the Celebrated Five-Act Tragedy of "OTHELLO," "OTHELLO," the Moor of Venice. "OTHELLO," the Moor of Venice. "OTHELLO," And a First -class Dramatic Company. under the Management of B. FRANK BÖWER. The appearance of Johs L. Birlkigb and a rirst-olass Company in Shakespeare' Great Tragedy, is anoteworthy event of the Dramatic 8eason in this city. SEPTEMBER 29 Xxd 30. The Beautiful Young Emotional Star. MISS FLORENCE GILLETTE, Supported by the celebrated actor. Mr. WX. IV. GRIFFITH, And her own magnifi:ent dramatic company. Thursday Evenixg, September 29 ZETzrcrcL HTzcotx, AND Friday Evkning, September 30, TVo Elegant Plays. POPLXAR PRICES: ADMISSIOX 75 and 50 ets. Seats for sale at E. Bamson's Drug Store aod may be secured f rom Aun Arbor by Telephone. I, Xol Forget Fair Week, September, i and 30, ai IA, YPSILANTI OPERAHOUSE Dr. Merwin's Electro-Mag-netic Battery. A newty discovered for all Diseases oí Womea Seod at once for bock givLng full Information free. Address, .W. R 1LERWIX, M. D., Deteoit, Mich. THEANN ARBOR BAKERY We have secured the services of a first-class baker and pastrv cook, and we are furnishing a quality of bread that has never been excelled in this city. We are also making some of the nicest articles in the line I ot pastrv, many of them entire novelties in Ann Arbor, A good assortment of groceries and provisions vvill be found at our store. All orders for goods in our line will be filled I and promptly delivered to any part of the A liberal discount will be made to clubs. HALL & MOSELEY. Xo. 23 X. Main St. THE CREAT BUL'LIXGTOX BOUTE. F.Vo othcr line rung Three Through Pa senger Trains Daily between Chicago, Def Moines, Council Bluff?, Ornaba. Lincoln, St. Joseph, Atchistm, Topeka and Kansas City. Direct conncctions for all points Al Kansas Nebmska, Colorado, Wyoming. Montana, Nevada, New Meiico, Arizona, Idaho, Oregon anc California. The Shortest, Speediest and Most Comfortate Koutc via Hannibaí to Fort Scott, Denison Dallas. Houston, Au-tin. San Antonio, Galveston and ail points n Texas. The unequalod Induoements offered by thif Lin.' to Travelers and Tourists, are as íollows: The celehratetl Pullman (16-wheel) Palact Sleepínir Cnrs. run ouly on this I.ine. C. I. & Q. Paloce Drawing-Hoora Cars, with Horton't Kecllning Chaire. Nu extra charge for Seat? in Hpeliuiíiu Chaire. The famous C, B. & Q. Pnlare Dinint' C'ars. Oorgeous Smoking Carf fltted with Elegant Hít'h-Bncked Kattan Revol vi o Chain f.r thn exclusive U3e of flrs dasfl pa-;engerfl. Steel Trac and Superior Equlpment, eon bined with tbeir Great Through Car ment, mate thi. aíxive allothers, tbefavcritt Koute to the South, South-West, and the Fai West. Try it. and yon will flnd traveling a luxury in?tead ot n diseomfort. Thn.ugh Tickets via this Celebrated Line for sale ut all ofliees in the United States and Canada. All information ahout Hates of Fare. Sleep ing lar Acoimmo4ations, Time Tables, te will be cheerf ully gen, and will gend Frtx te any uiidress au elegant Countu Map of United titiles, iu colors, by applying to. PKRCEVAI. LOWELL, i General Passenger Aeent Chicago. T. J; POTTER. General Manager. Chicago L0K 'K'EEK. $12adayat homeeasilym ade íC.istly outfitsfree. Addres, Tbie & Oo. Augusta, Maine. ÍCC week in your&Jrn town. Terms and $5 í)OO..utfit.sfree. Address. H. Hillktt V ' Portland, Maine i


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