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Real Estate Transfers

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The following are the transfers of real estáte for the week ending Wednesday. September 14: WARIIANTY DEEDS. Jane Kendall to Geo. Suhlecht, property in Ann Arbor, $500. Burkhardt & Aldrich, to Jno. A. Hownstien. lot in Saline village, $U00. Chas. Moore to Fletcher Moore 60 acres sec 25, Saline, $3,800. Fletcher W. Moore to Marvin Davenport, 20 acres sec 25 Saline, $1 200 Bdward Whitaker to L. W. and Jas Smitu, 100 acres sec 12 Salem, $i,000 W. A. Chamberlam to Calvin Vroman lot in Ypsilanti, $550. Eugene Donovan to Wm. P. Groves 40 acres sec 13 Northfield, $2,500 O. J. Howell to Catharine McManus, property in Ann Arbor, $2,300. Wm S. Leele to Arthur S. Congdon lot in Chelsea, $1,100. Susan F. Dillon to A. W. Hamilton lot in Ann Arbor, $450. Jno. J. Schaffer to F. J. Allmand, land in sec 30 Ann Arbor town, $700 Orange Woodworth to Wm. Parks 2 acres sec 15 Salem, $180. QÜIT-CLAIM BEEDS. Geo. Rosier to Johnson and Ira C Backus, 80 acres sec 34 Webster, $6 32o' 26 webiS SSS: Rosier' 40 aores 8ec