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COOK HOUSE, EH. HUDSON, Proprietor, . Newly Furnisued. Ann Arbor. H. R. HILL A TTORNEY AT UW, office No. 3, Opera J House Block. Ann Arbor. Michigan. "WÏLLÏAM CASPARY, T) AKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, 32 Detroit Street. JOSEPH CLINTON, Merchant Tailor. shop over Win. Allaby's boot and slioe store, All work guaranteed or no charge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, A TTORNEY AT LAW. AOffloe, Nos. 2 and 3 Hill's Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mich. J. R. SAGE'S MUSIC STORE is the cheapest place to buv Pianos, Estey Organs, Yiolins. Uuitars. Banjos, Tamtx 'uriñes, Drums, Fifes. Flageolet, Zithers, Aocordeons. Piano Stools, Violin Boxes, litstmetion liooks for all kinds of instrumente, Sheet Mnsic (new), Striugs,oest quality, all kiiuls: Mouth Organs, Iiridges, Bows, Keys and Rosin. Eyerything in the music line from a Chickerinf; Piano co a Jew's Harp can be found at J. H. SAGE'S Music Store. No.4 Washington St., Aun Arbor. WILLrAM 11ERZ, HOUSE, SIGN. Ornamental and Fresco l'uinter..Gildme, Calcimining, Olazingand Paper Hanging. All work done in the best style and warrauted to irive satisfaetion. Shop, No. 4 West Washington street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. MICHAEL H, BRENNAN, A TTORNEY AT LAW. Office with E. D. Xjl Kinue, Stawson Block, corner Huron and Fourth streets. A_an Arbor, Mieh. S. B. PARSONS, M. D., Succesor to Stone & Parsous, OFFICE AND DISPENSARA, Corner Huron aud Fifth Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. W. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL OFFICE, over Joe T. Jacobs' Cloth"ng store. Ann Arbor, Mich. Ö. C. JENKINS, SURGEON DENTIST. Kooms No. 19: South Main Street, oppodite the t'irst Natioua! Bunk Ann Arbor, Mich. THOS DALE, the Professional Dyer and Clothes Cleaner.third door south of the Opera House. Samples of work can be seeu at tho shop . Satisf action guaran teed. TOBACCO STORE. IT VVILL, BE FOUNDthat F. S. Buck keeps the best assortinent of CIUAHS AND TOBACCO in the city. Best brands Of cigarettes a specialty. No 7 East Huron St. ANTON EISELE, DEALER IN MONÜMENTSand Gravestones, manufacturad from Tennessee and ltalian Marble and Scotch and American Granite Shop Cor. Detroit and Catherine sts., Ann Arbor., Mich. PATRICK. McKERNAN, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Notary, Public, Real x_ Estáte agent, Mouey to Loan and Records earched. Conveyancing andalllegal documents drawn on reasonable terms. Office in the courthouse, Ann Arbor, Mich. E. C. FRANKLIN, M. D. Prof. of SURGEBY, HOMEOPATIIIC DEPARTMENT, University of Michigan. Residence and olttce41 Liberty street. Dr. Franklin will attend surgical cases here, or by consulta tion in different parts of the state. SP IA Ai VURVA'l URtiS AND JJtHrORMlTUüS CUR&D by nis improved method. EMANUEL MANN, nEALERiN Drugs and Medicines Toilet Articles, Dye Stuffs, &c. Prescrip tions carefully prepared at any hour of tlie day or night by flrst-class chemists. Emanuel Mann. No. 39 South Main street. AnnArbatr, - - - - Michlaan. WILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. PIANOS. ORQANS, SHEET MUSIC, Instruction Books, Violins, Guitars, Flutes, &t, cheap at Wilsey's Music Rooms, east side PuVo Square, Aun Arbor, Michigan. The largest and best Stock of Musical Goods ever brought iiiio Washtenaw Countv. Violin asd Guitaí Strlngs a specialty. N. B. - It wHl be to your interest !o cali before purchasiug auytliinx in the Music line. FOK INSURANCE ON YOUR PROPERTY GO TO C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT, No. 4, South Main Street, Uffi ARBOli, - - MICHIGAN. The oldestnüency in the city. Established a qaarter of a century ao. Representing thefo! O'.ving flrst class companies : Home Insurance Co.. of N.Y.,Assetsover S6.000, OW" Continental Ins. Co.,of N. y.,Assetsover$.!.00ni(i(K Niágara Fire Ins. Co., N. Y Assets $1,4-1'.;, !('n iirard cf Pa ■ Assets over $1 .X),00( Grient of Hartford, Assets SiOO.ÜUC RAT ES LOW. tiosses liberally adjusted and promptly raid The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, (Organized 18i9, undcr the General Banking Law of this state) has now, including capital btock, etc., etc., OVER $250,000 ASSETS. Riioinaofi ttimd f4iifri1iiïn Tmt,pps Tjj.íHp; and DUsnuHSS mt:i. vxiifti mullís, i rusice, l.íiuics mu other persons willfind this Bank a SAFE AND C0NVEN1ENT Place at whicii to make Deposite and do business. Interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposits Of $1.00 and upward, according to the rules of the feanlc, and interest compounded semi-annu ally. Money to Loan in Sums of ?25 to $5,OOO, SecHred by UnUicuuibered Kaal Estato and other good oecuntiei. DIBEUTOng- 'hristian Mack, W. W. Winee W. D. Harriman, Willtam Denble, R. A. Beal Daniel Iliscuck and W. B. Muitli. OFFICEBS- Christian Mack, President; W. W. Wines, Vice President; Chas. K. Iliscock, Cashier. Livery, Sale, AND BOARDING STABLE! I have opened a I.ivery, Sale, and Boarding Stable opposite the CourtHouse on Fourth street, where livery rigs can be obtained at any time of the day or nigtt. A fine lot of new arriages and good horses, at reasonable rates. Brcaking colts andhanding track horses a specialty ; good íeíerences given. P. Irwin, Ann Arber,


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