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A siiclit feiTuf rise occastODed snme anxiet) oq ttuj par: "0 the 1-ttli, iitioD favorable. He was plac-d in an iuvalid i l.aii and reniaihe:! iíire 'm a Eetui-rec intieot posi tiou for an bour ami a half. sleeping part of the time, tt M nnt fatiirued ty tbe eliant'e There is practically little ctianga ia the case, but the patiënt is holding his own. KorfSt fires are doing mucb damage in California. Base ball - Prorideni"e 4, 1'etroit 1. (ien. Bamide ded of angiaa pecioris. W. L. ] i ''iij revenue last qoartor nearl; f2,000,000. (i-D. She'.don of New Mexico writes tbat the report of Indian troablee there luve tjen exaeeerst'.!, lut urges that tiie citizens be aruiwl aí a ma'.ter of pre caution. American Iusütute fair in progre at Nw York. The lt Pittsli ■■: without diüiculty. The Northern Pacific R. R. Co. havo elecietil tfeury rülud president, and Thos. Jr'. ■ Iriee-président. The raule drivers and haulers in a numbeil [)f Boeking Talley coal mines struck yester.iajB li'ar an advanee from $2 to Í2 25 per day. Tht-B Iminere were thrown out of work and a genera ■ btrike for an adrance all areund wa threaten 1 li. but the price (f mininij was advanced tri l-iiLVUto atonaud the strike aïerted. Ia thtl Ifittsburg district the conipanies have ad ■ Ivanced tbe price of ininiug one-balf cent ; I Ibusbel in accorüance with the demand of thtl Ininers, and will charge oue cent a bushe I ■more for coal. I The surgeons in their bullstin of the löthl liay: uIn reviewing Uie case of the Presidenil ■iince his arrival at Long Branch it may be taiol l.hat in epite of various septic accidenta whicl.l ■aave 'or several weeks, and do still, complicaUl I UB case, he has certainly not retrograded, tiatl lm the contrary hs made some progres-l I owar cuavalescence." The "eptic ac-cil ■ temt" are what the public fear, and so louc l ia a liabiüty to their recurrence, aiixietjl will be but slighüy allayed. The doctors ex I prees tiiemfivcs confideut of the patiënte ui I tímate recovery. There was a snow-storni in portions of Iowsl ind Minnesota on the lOth. Forest fires 35 miles south of Buffalo art-l Jestroying dwellings and barns, and inter I -upting railroad and telegraphic commuuica lion. Ir. Lugenbeel, brother-in-law of the ex minister has challenged Mr. Christiaccy to Sght a due!, which the latter declined and ht uas eworn out a warrant for the duelisl's arreet The general average of the potato erop on he firet of the month was 70. aganst 92 od the first of August. The drouth aflected tke L'rop severely almost everywhere except it NewEngland and Wisconsin, Minnesota and ■ome of the territories, waere the loss was nol LTtüt. The towu of Rome, N. Y., had two firt oc the 16tb, causing a loss of $140,000. The Mo:avk bouse, some soap works, the union freiaht depot and about 25 dwellings were de -trojed. By anothr fire piles of woed on the :Lue of the Rome, Watertown and llgdensbuig ruilrnad were burued and the track destroyeo tor suc miles. Minister f 'hrisiiancy's room at the National tiC'tel, Washington, was entereil on the I6U1 while be was at brealcfast and f6,000 wortü ol ieweiry belouging to the Ainericin wife ol Peruviaii was s oleu. It had beeu entrusteo - Mr. l bristiaucy for safe keeping. Tlie reporta of the Preeident's condition on ihe ltith are ratber unfavorable. Tbere wa at times oiomierable acceleration of pulse: ihe cough was more troublesome and the ex uüon more purulent; the discbargvH Cm in the wound less abuctíant and i -g arnlUi; ín appearanc. He is extremelf wcakfl and thongb tlie doctors bope to elimínate theH Idood poioning Trom which the uafavorabltB mdicatíon arista , jet mach anxiety prcvid.'-H 1 ht l'rtsident stül looks lorward cbeerlully tol ot-ing talen to Mentor. ' Bise ball :- Boston, ö Detroit 4. Sergeant Masón has wrltt-n an adtiress tol be American ptoplts dfeudiug hls acaou inl irying to kill Gaiteau. Th? O. T. E. B is sellinff tickeU f rom Bostonl .o Chicago and returu, rebate plan, S10. MidsUipiuan Cooper, whos case had devel-1 lilmxi poifoning and was thought to be oiucu like Preeident', died at the Washinglou naval huspitil Friday löth. WHh Üie recent adTance for the rate for miuin iu tl. e fittsburg diiti iet from three ano t hall to loor ceuts a bushei the retail pnce o! eoal was raised to eleven cen% ano the secri-ta: y o . ihe miner's association ba9 noti6tnl th operatois that if the new pnev v;v-1 on ademand would be made for fivt ents for mining. Oa Saturday 17th the President's coodition became aiarmug. Ëarly in the niorniDg rill the indicatioDs wero quite favorablrB out shortJy before noon he had a serere! which laëted hall an honr, andl VU followed Ly considerable fevrrl peiípiratiOD. Tbe pulse ÜoctuatejS Hl -.ïrlng the day between 102 and 130. Shortl)! HafWr the rigor the tempcrature feil to a pointi .; below t .e normal. Hr. Hamütou. wlini ■aas not been expectrd before Thursday, return I Bed to Long Brauch aml eTery thiog was doaefl Kill could leTue, hut it is learjd ;bat JlLere is not uflicient Titality to euable thel ya'.ient to withstaud tbe depleting etfects ol leptiooenia. Further couiplications maj occur in the case at any uioiueuL fbat chronic pyaemia riste is hardly dnubtei Ttie President's etoinacb is agaia aciiug cad!y. iDd its failure toassiniilate lood prspeny 1 aaecessitated anew iriMUi.ei:t,viz: Uie adwiuis :rationof defibrinatri bt-.-f blood. eurcd fresb trom the New ïork slII wüippd until enürely free froni th firrmpart ut the tiu'id. Tlns ïemoïes the dau(,rcr ol dnltiag that wouïd ölhrwise attecd tlie ad iniuistratiou of lU.s reineíj. IicrciM;] t.idlucinalioc, a ttndeiicy to constant sltep, iA". peratan aad other pronounced evideoeeso! on t,ive apparent good grouud fur ihi ■nioii apprehensions. At do [ti.xj luring tti pmijress of tbe case ha? the sitúa I :en more unpromisiot; than at lutnl paitaL (en. Hancock wiil detail a court -raartial ttl try Sergeant Mason for ehootiog at (jui-l tcau. It is repnrted that Gaiteau will, under thel requirements of New Jersey law, be taken be fore the coroDert jory at Long Brancb. (er. Logan and Don Cameron state rery prsitive)y tbat an extra irasion of the seuate will Boon be callad by President Arthur. Guiteau was to!d of the Preeident's dealh the moruing followiDg its occurreuce, aniJ manifeeted no great emotion.


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