COOK HOUSE, E H. HUD8ON, Proprietor, a Newly Furnished. Ann Arbor. II. R. HILL ATTORNEY AT UW. office No. S, Opera House Block. Ann Arbor. Michigan. WILLIAM CASPAKV, TAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, 32 Detroit Street. JOSEPH CLINTON, MerrhantTailor. shop over Win. Allaby's boot and shoe store, AM work guaranteed orno clj.-.rge. JOHN F. LAVVRENCËT" ATTORNEY AT UW. Ofliue, Nos. 2 and :i Hill's Opera House, Aun Arbor, Mieh. J. R. SAGE'S MUSIC STORE is the cheapest place to buv Pianos, Estey Organs, Yiulins. Guitars, lianjcs, Tainbourines, Drums, Fi(e3. Flageolet, Zitners, Accordeons, Piano stools, Violin Boxee, Lnstructioti Booka for all kinds of instrumenta, Sheet Musió (uew), Striiií;s,ii;.-t qaality , all kinds; Moutb Organs, lïridgts, Bows, Kf's and Rosin. Everythtngin themusic line from a ChiekerinR Piano co a Jews Harp caá be found at J. R. SAliK'S Mnsie Store, No. 4 Washington St., Ann Arbor. WlLLIAftTlIERZ, HOUSE, 8IQN, Ornamental and Fresco Painter. Gilduiü, t'ak-iniining, ftlftring ftnd Paper ili' All work done in the best slyle and irarranted to arive satisf aetion. Shop, No. 4 West Washington Btreet, Aun Arbor, Michigan. MICHAEL H. BRENNAN, ATTOENBY AT LAW. Office with E. D. Kiinii;. Klawson Block, corner lluron and Fourtl: streets. 'ju Arbor, Mich. S. 15. PARSONS, M. D., Successor to Stone & Parsons, OFFICE AND D1SPENSARY, Corner Huron and Fifth Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich. W. W. NICHOLS, DENTAL OFFICE, over Joe T. Jacobs' Clothl store. Aun Arbor, Mich. O. C. JENKINS, SURQEON DENTIST. Rooms No. 19' South Mnin Btreet, oppo ito the t'irat National Bank Aun Aruor, Jlich. THOS DALE, the Professional Dyer and Clothes Cleaner.third door south óf tlie Opera House. Samples of work eau be seeu at the shop. Satisfaction guaran teed. TOBACCO STORE. 1T WILL BE FOUNDthat F. S. Buck keeps the beet assortuient of CIÖARS AND TOBACCO En the o ty. Be3t brands f cigarettesa specialty. No 7 East Huron St. ANTON EISELE, DBAJUUt IN MONÜMENTSand Gravestones, niauufactured from Tcunessee and Italian Marble and Sootoh and American Qranite Shop Cor. Detroit and Catherine sts., Anu Arbor., Midi. PATRICbL McKERNAN, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Notary, Public, Real X IL Estáte agent, Money to Loan and Records Marchad. Oonvey&ncing and all k-gal documenta drawn on reasonable terins, Ofliue in tlie courthouse, Ann Arlor, Mich. E ('. FKANICLIN, M. D. Prof. of SURGERY, H0.ME0PATH1C DilPARTMKNT, University of Michigan. Residence and ofllco 41 Ijiberty street. Dr. Franklin wULattendaurgical cases here, or by eonsulttion Indifferent parts of the state. SP1ÑAL cuRVAiimjes and dekormitucs CUHKD by his Improved method. E MANUEL MANN, rjEAi.ERlN Drugs and Medicines " Toilet Articles, Dye Stuffs, &c. Prescrip tions caretully prepared at any hour of the day or niijht by cheinists. Emanuel Mann. No. 39 South Main street. Ann Arhur, ... - Michigan. Y I LSlËY7 MUSIC STORE?" PIANOS. ORGANS, SIIKKT BÍTJ8TC, Instructiun Books, Violins, Guitars, Fhites, &c. , riheapat Wilsoy's Music Rooms, east side Public Square, Aim Axbor, Kfichigaa. The lar'st and best Stock of Musical (ioods ever brouKbt into Washtenaw Oounty. Violto aml Quitar Strlngs a Bpeclftitv. X. J i. - It wUI be to jour iDtereei t" cali before purchasing anythLag ín the Music line. for insurance yourVroperty GO TO C. H. MILLEN, ijSSUItAlVCE AGENT, No. 4, South Main Street, UXS ARBOlt, - - MICHIGAN. The oldest ageney In the city. Establfahed a q aarter of a ccntury ago. Representing the f olowlng flrst class companles: ríame Insurance Co..of N.Y.,Assetsover$G, 000, 000 mental Ins. Co., of N. Y..Asset8over$3.000.0(0 Ñ'agaraFirelns. Co., N. Y Assets $1,443,400 irardef Pa., Asseta over $1.0ü0,(X)ü Ü!ent of Hartfonl. Assets $700,000 R, A. T E H L O W. llosses h'berally adjusted and promptly paid The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, (Organizeil 18ii, ander the General Banking Law of this state; lias now, includin capital btock, etc., etc., OVER 325O.OOO ASSETS. Business men, (luardians. Trustees, Ladirs and other persons will Ihnt this Baak a SAFE AND CONVENIENT Place at Tvhich to uiake Depoits and do business. Interest sAüowed on All Savings Deposits Of Jl.CNJ and iipwanl. according to the rules of the bank, iiuj interest conipounded semi-annu ally. Money to Loan in Sums of S23 to Í3.OOO, Secared by Uninoumbered Real Estto and other goud securltie!. DIREUTORS- f hriian Mack, W. W. Wines W. 1). HaiTlinun, Wllllmn üenble, II. A. Beal Uuniel Iliscockmul W. B. Smith. OFPICEHB-Chrlstian Mack, President; W. W. VVlues, Vice President; Chas. E. Hincock, ('ashier. Livery, Sale, AND BOARDING STABLE! I have opened a L-very, Sale, and Boarding Stable opposite the CourtHouse on Fourth street, where livery ñgs can be obtained at any time of Ihe day or night. A fine lot of new uarriages and good horses, at reasoni ble rates. Broaking colts andhandng track horses a specialty ; good ieierences given. P. Irwin, Ann Arber
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat