CITY ITEMS, the advertisement of C. Blissi Sun in anollier column. Their trade is rapidly iocreasing, ;uid they have an elegant stock to select from. The tirin is well known ;iud have the roputation of, sellni f.r hut tlit'y are, and make no misrepreaentations umlerany circumstan1 1. As buyera in Iheir line of goods bare to depend largeiy on whom they bay of it well to bear it in mind. Fob Sauc. - A good sidesprimi Top Buggy cao be bought very cheap. Inquire at Xo41 Washington street. Btwients li flnd it to their tdvaatage to look througb Kearney'a stock of lamps. Kocli & Ilaller wish to purchase a large qaaotity of coin hoste. Musical iniruments of all kinds repuired at the Ann Arbor Orgau Works. lluring violin bows a ipecialty. D. F. Almendinger, propnetor. Ann Arbor, Jlich. Wir.ansifc Berry, merchaut tailors, wish to iuform the public that they have more fine imponed worsteds and woolens, than all othtr BOOMS in Wushtenaw county combimii FOB Salk - Twocarriuge horses. Apply to J. S. Jvirl. proprieVor of the 10 cent !'!., Ana Arbor, Mich. Important to truvelers: Special Inducemeita are ofíere."! yon by the Burlington Route. It will pay you to read their advurtisement to be found elsewhcre in this issue A (;enti.e ïiiNT. - Anyone wishing a custom made suit. would do well to select them at home. not from samples and then send to New York or Philadeiphia, and pay $5 or 10 more for the same quality of goods. Corn hnska will find a ready sale at Koch ie Ilaüer's furuiture store. Cadya catarrh remcdy, a sure cure for catarro is for sale at Holmes' drug store, Cook hotel block. Winaiis t Berry are making aspeciality on Scotch chiviot suitings.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat