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MBS. LYDIA E. PiNKHAM. OF LYNN, MASS. " i ".. i 7 'f DliCUVERER OF LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE CCMPOUND. Thp PuriUre Cnre For all Female Complaints. Thi preparation, as its name cignínen, consistí of Vegetable Propertics that are hanulesa to the most delicate UiTalid. l' pon onc trial the riU of this Com pound kW be recognized, as relief ia lnimedlate ; and when its use Is contlnued, in ninety-nine cases ín a hun_ dred, apcrmantmtcureiseffectedrasthousandji wili testif v. On account of ita proven merits, it ia to-day recommended and prvscribcd by the best pfaysielani in the country. It will cure entircly the worst form of fsJling of the uterus, Lcacorrhcra, Irregular and painful llenstruation, all Orarían Troubles, Inflammatlon and rat ion, Floodlngit, all D&placcments and the conseqnent spiaal woakness, and Í8 especially adapted to the Ckange of Lifo. it wlU diasolve and expol tumors from the u U-rus ín an earljr stag of dcrclopment. The Uudency tocanoerous humorsthtro í cbecked TerT specdily by its os. ín lct it bas proved to be the frreateet and best remedy that has crer been dlscoTered. It permeates evcry poition of the eystem, and girem ri'-wr Üfeanil vior. It reruovca faintntw,natulencyr destroys ollcrarins for Ktimulaats, and rclicre weolcnes of the stotuach It curerf Bioatlnj-, ITcftdachcs, yerrooa rrortration, GvnL'ralOehillty.Slefpk sancas, Depression and Indigestión. That feelin& of boaring down, causing pain, weiebtandbAekacberisalway[xnnancntly cured by ïts nse. It all timos, and underall circunutances, act In harmooy withtht; law that goren the f e male 5ysCem. For KidneyComplaiatsof eltber sex ttla compound is unsurpassed. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compounci Is prepared at 233 and 233 Western Avenue, Lynn. Mam. Pricefl.GO. Six bottlen lor fs.00. Sent lij luail In Um formuipill■ ■'..,■, í., on recelpt ofpr. ■:. ƒ r i -iitu-r. Mrs. rrSKHAM I iniuiry. Send tor p&m Nol..ü,r.ut I.YIilA 11VKHAM' UVEP. rn.:.s. T"..v con rinllllim. miiousoan cd Ior,ii. yotthoUvcr ï.-ciiL,irtwi. I i'. K. HohnM C o,k liotcl biock t7Ov WEKK. $12 a (iay at home easily m ade 4Coetly outfltufree AddrMs, Trie. 'Jt Co Augusta . Maine.


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