Additional local on second page. Fair next weck. The rcgents are in session . The schools were closed Monday. There was a Boaking min Stonday. Council meet8 next Mouday evenlng, Prof. Demmon is back fiom Europa. The pólice were out in full forcé Monrlay. The frescoers are at work in the opera house. Company A was inspected Salurdny by Gen. Sage. There are l0 acholara Kttending the Milan school. "Over $5.000 were rpceived for students fees Tuesday. Eclward Dufty spent Sunday and Monday in the city. Ilenry C. Murrand, U. 8. aimy, was in the city Monday. Weather permitting, the sewer will be fiuished next week. The iion bridge neiir Swift's mili will Boon be completed. 2'i'he pump in the court yard wel) ought to be kept in repair. O. A. Tanner of the Daily New-, was in Chicago Monday. Treasurer Brown senl öaturday $400 to Ilie mayor of Detroit. Ypsilanti issaid.are soon to erect a school building. Mrs. B. B. Blissof Eiist Soginuw is in the city for a few days. The banke, couuty offices and saloons T(;re nll closed Momlay. Geo. Johnson, of the JacksoD Patriot, was i u the citj' yesterday. Prof. Bellovvs of the Normal school ia getting Qut i new algebra. Jno. V'. Hual and Albrecht, Gwinner wore in Cleveland Mondiiy., Business men fiml il to their interest to advortrse in The Dkmockat. Justice Clark isdisabled by abad touch of rbeumatisun in his lefl arm. The Florence Gillette company disbanded last Frulay in Detroit. Cliuic3 in the homeopathie college every Wediiesdiiy and Saiurday. Mrs. Eüzabeth Mahar of Superior died Saturday at the age of 62 years. This city was well repiesented at the theatre last evening in Ypsilauti. We would be pleased to have our subscribers a;ive us a cali fair week. Grand ODonine of Jno. Keck's new nilure cmporimui nextMonday. Yestenlay was the flrst day of the fair in Fpstlanti. It will close Friday. Jas. Deubel of Ypgilanti bas purchascd the Scii di i 1 1 properly for $11,000. Mis. E. O. Pranklin will not return f ruin liiili;iii River for a monthyet. The J. L Burleigb company r.gain tonight at the Fpsilanli opera house. TUey teil a goot) joke on Fred Iluson who was at Ihe state fair last week. Meeting of the bee keepers' Msociation atUiecourt house nexl Wedaesday. The late president Garfield was a membet of tlie Delta Upsilon iraternity. The chicken pox has inake its appearuiee in the western part of the city. il. R. II il 1 is putting down a tar walk on the nortb side of the opera house. The sturm Tuesday night played the dickens with a munber of telephones. If the weather is ñue there will probably be an immense turn out lo the fair. Engine No. 5 on the Toledo road has reseived a new covering of sheet iroa. A keg of beer was stolen from in front oí an Aun street saloon 1 uesday Dlgtt. Thereure #87 cbildren Id Salive townBhlp between the school age of 5 and 20. Jas. Douegan lias opened a blacksmith stiop in the oíd Quee place on Fourth St. Annual fax sales occur next Monday at 9 o'clock, in the county treasurer's office. The superiu tendón ts u( the poor will settle vvith the county treusurer Saturday. The Catholics of Dexter sent $34 to the mayor of Detroit Tuesday for the sufferers. Mr, and Mrs. C. Büss celebrated the 4üth anniverbary of their marriage Öaturday. Mr. and Mre. W. A. Moseley spent the last of the week visiliug friends iu Union City. The riew department of Engliah and elocution in the high school is working well. 'illiam Haiigslerfer is atteuding the Easteru jMichigau fair at Vpsilanii, this week. Temper anee meeting iunday afternoon at the usual hour, li o eloek, in the club room. There was a large nutnbcr of people in the city Monduy trom the Burrouoding towns. The furniture for the Gregory house was purchased of Jno. Keek and Koch & Haller. A unión prayer meeting was held at the M. E. chureb Mouduy morinng al 10 o'clock. H.A. Thoyer, advance agent for the John L. Burloigh Co., was m the city .Monday. Jno. Sweet look second prize of $40 on second best exhiuition of poultry at the state fair. There are someJIO more transient studeuts m.the high school than a year ago at this time. Richard Murphy, who had Iived with W. lv. (Jliilds for a number of years, died Saturday. The work on university ha'l is about finished, and the scalïoldnii; has been taken down. The steam heating appaiatus in the Cook house is bei Dg repaired at au expense of $200. Moses Hogers has put down a new sidewalk in front of his place of business on Detroit street. Capt. Allen and C. K. Whitman ad dressed the opera house meeting in silanti Monday. Tbc rcgeuts havo approprittted $250 for the equipment of tbe eye aml ear ward of the university . _ Patrick Dignan and fatnily, of Ypgflauti. have gone to Ireland to pay a visit to tlieir old home. Jas. Galirk paid $1,000 for tbe Kelley property on the corner of Madisou and Thayer streets. Prof. Simonds wbose headquarters are now iu Detroit, makes a visit to this city every Saturday. Tlie South Lyon Excelsior has been enlarged to a geven column folio. This sbows enterprise. Wm. Sterns, of Dexler, has rento:! .his place, 44 S. Ingalls street, to F. L. Warner, of Lansmg. The high ratea of insurance paid by the university, rere discussed by the regents yebterday. Loren Hall M. D., bas been appointed Prof. Dunster's assistant at a salary of $200 per annum. We take pleasure ia callfog the attention of our readers to tbe advertisement of C. Bliss&Son. Misses Lottie Millen and Mollie White of Port Iluron are visiting Miss Julia Millenof tlieötb ward. Mothers who intend to exhibit their babea at tbe fair must be on hand next Thureday at 2 p. in. Rev. Dr. Steele delivered an eloquent discourse Sunday morning on tbc death of president Garflold. Col. Crandall, who spokc in the reform flub room Sunday cvcning, was under Garfleld in the anuy. The literary department of the uuiverslty opened yestérday, the professional BChüOla Dext Monday. Jacob Boerelzheiner, of Kalamazoo, was iu the city Monday, and carne out WÍtli his oíd society. Jno. Sehmidt is a guest of Sheriff Wallaca. lie was sent up 10 days for laking too mucli beer. Itevenaugh, the artist displays a handsoiue üuoof pilotos ou the corner oí Hurón and Fourth streets. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis of California, are in the city. Soine years ago Ellis was in the drug business here. The old veterans of the late ; war in the procession Monday, were commanded by C'apt. J. H. Starks. H. S. Vernor, who has been running Andrews' book store in Jackson, will return to tliis city this week. B. B. Williams is president of the Dexler school board, J. T. Honey, director, and Geo. S. Sill, treasurer. Work in the Gregory house is being pushed. lt will probably be opeued in a week or twout the outside. Miss Juha A. Millen returned froin a two months' visit to Port Buron and Farwell, last Tuesday evening. Prof. Donald Maclean who has been to Canada on a visit to his old home, returned to the city Tuesday. tProf. Adams will deliver.the opening lecture before the school of political science next Monday at 4 p. m. Jas. Tolbert the big lurnberrnan, who has a yard in tuis city, lost G, 000,000 ïeet of timber by the northern fires, Audrew Smith, of this township, at tended the state fair, and lie was out just $30 by having his pocket picked. B. and Sarah II. VanSlyke, of Ann Aibor town, raourn the loss of their liltle chihi whose death occurred Salurday. August Henz has purchased the Monalian properly on the corner of Fountain and Cherry streets, third ward, for $900. E. II. Iludson, Steve Moore, and Oapt. Fairchilds attended the reunión of the 20th regiment yesterday in Eaton Rapids. Secretary Blaine will not remain long in the cabinet, for Conkling wants the place and Arthur will sec that he gets ït. The Washtenaw county medical socie tv held its first meeling in Milan yesterday. Severa] doctors f rom this city attended. A public meeting was held in the Ypsihurti opera house Monday aftemoou, and business suspended frotn 2 to 4 o'clock. On accouut of tlie crowded condition of the high school, J. M. Thompson has been einployed to teach arithmetic and algebra. The man Kennedy who tore his foot by getür.g it in i frog at the M. C. depot, died at the couuly house last week of lock jaw. The railroad war is now raging in Detroit. Tickets are sold for $4 to New York and Boston, ind it only costs $7 to get back. After five months hard work P. W. Carpenter, deputy ieister, has completad copying the index boots. The work is well done. Regent Shearer and daughtor wlll sai! Irom New York, Out. 15, on the City of Berlín, for Europe, where they will spen.1 six months, Siuce last Friday the relief fund has been increased by the following suuscriplions: Prof. Olney, $10: Dr. V. C. Vaughn, $5. A litlle son o: Geo. Plowe, on Fourth street, feil trom a chair Saturday and broke his arm. Dr. öuiith attended the httle sufferer. There is to be a conference of greeubackers of this county at the court house uext Saturday. It is proposed to reorganizo the party. Dr, W. C. Jones, homeopath '81, was in the city this week. He is now located at Blissfield, Lena wee Co., and reporta a good practico. There was a mission service in the German Bethlehem church last Sunday m which a number of clergyinen from abroad took part. Chas. M. Watson, of the town of Seltna, who came here to be doctored, died Moudy. His reinaius were taken lo Wexford Co., for burial. The Enterprise thinks some of the people of Manchester nced a coml)ini,r, and that Combs, the new Methodist preacher will do it up brown. All donations of goods for the northern sufferers, must be given lo the committee before next Katurday, as they will close up their books on that day, A cunous advertisement in an English paper reads, "Ministers and others are requested not to marry Isaac tíampson, as he has a wife and family living." S. C. Andrews, who has been running a braucl) book-store at Jackson, will close it out thia week, and eonline his whole interest to nis store in Aun Arbor. Persons intending to compete for the special prizes oifered by Prof. J. I{. Sage at the fair nexl week, are requesteü to ad dress box 097 Ann Arbor postofflce. Finger nails two inches long are the pnde of a Baltimore womau. - [Exchange. Just an inch longer than is worn bv a prominent society lady in tuis city. Dr. Henry S. Sewell, of John Hopkins university, lias beun recommended by the faculty of the department of medicine and surgery, lecturer on physiology. Jas. Imus' colt kicked himself clear of the buggy Tuesday, but before he liad a chance to run far was stopped near the culvert corner of Main and High streets. A nutnber of the old members of the 20th Michigan regiment trom here attendcd the reunión in Eaton Iïapids yesterday. The Minnis band was also present. Col. Burleigh was well received last evening, and his old friends weredelighted at his success. He captured the audience who were loud in its praise of his "Othello." Miss Anna Brennan and Miss Kate Bmkley, dress rnakers, have gone to N. Y., to altend Prof. Longston's grand opening, and learn his system of cuHing and fitting. Hereafter the same questions for 3xamining candidatos for admission iu the honioeopatluc college and department of medicine and surgery, are to be submit ted to applicants. The monüily meeting of pomologisls wili be held at the court house Saturday afternoon. Fall planting, the county luir and miscellaneous business generally will be discussed. A Detroit detective was in the city Thursday, aud took back with him a railroader, who was subpo-naed as a wit ness in a burglary case on trial iu the Wayne circuit court. Only two Street lamps in the third ward betweeen Main and Fouutain streets were lighted Tuesday night, and we hear of complaints of Jike nature from diiïerent portions of the ward. The funeral of the president took place Monday and tliere was an awful turn out. The crowd was so great that it was almostimpossibleto get within seeing distance of the procession. Amos Spokes who has been in the employ of Swift &Co., for a long time, is going to work for the Beubel Bros. in Seio. Rev. Mr. Bourns will take his place as book-keeper. The Monroe Democrat thinks it is too bad that Venoris not an American, for then with Bliss, we'd have a precious pair. One to make predictions and the other to issue bulletins. The Ypsilanti hose boys will accept the challenge issued by the Ann Arbor company only on conditnn thal a trial of steamers between the two places cin be arranged for $100 a side. James Carr, who has oeen arresled sev eral times the past 12 months for setting drank, was given the run Saturday by justice Winegar, on his promising to take the first train for Detroit. At the Unitarian church Sunday morning ]lev. Mr. Barber, of Boston, editor of the Unitarian lteview, preached a discourse on the death and cha-acter of the late president Garfield. The :öd annual meeting of the gao military rifle associaüon, occurs íit Jacksoo nu tlio 12th and 18th of Oct. Conipany A wifl not be represented on account of Yorktown ilrills. Thesemi-annual conference of the Deíroit Presbyteo' was held Tucsday evening and yeslerday, in the Presbyterlan chureb. Kev. Ilenry Gelston of Northfield delivered the opening sermón. Chelsea's donalion to the relief fund tbus far is as follows: Cash, $584.74; graiu, $459-13; new clothing, boots and suoes, $73.25, making a total of $1,117.12. The village has done her full share. The township of Northfleld contribu ted over $500 in cash, seed wheat, oats, barley, potatocs aüd bedding, and a car load for the sufferers was shipped Friday eonsigned to mayor Thompson of Detroit. There is a washout on Millcr avenue in front of Jas. Tom's place, which ought to be rilled at once. Unless it is done the city may be compelled to pay damages. for an accident is likely to occur anytime. The examination of Petit, who was arrested in Detroit Saturday, and brought to the city by a deputy sheriff on the charge of obtaining money under pretenses, ;was continued until Monday next. Loren Henion, formerly with Bach & Abel, but iiow traveüng for an Albany house, was in the city the fore part of the week. He thinks of reruoving his family from this city and taking up lus residence in Lansing. The little difflculty exisling between S. A. II. Sinitli and C. V. Peek, of Powlerville, relative to a claim wliich Sniith presented before Ibe commissioners in the Peek estáte, has been fixed up, and tbe claim allowed. Tbe following named gentlemen acted as assistant marshals to Col. Dean Monday : Erastus N. Gilbert, Henry Laubensrayer, Jobn Nowland, O. Jf. Webster, Dr. V. B. Smitb, James K. Sumner and David M. Pinley. Frank Lose, an engineer on the new road.was arrested in tilia place, and takeu to PontiftC lor undue famlliarity witb Ben Force's wife. - [South Lyon Excelsior. He is evideatly a Lose feílow and it all comes froin the Forcé of habit. As tbe question is often asked bow tbis cily can support so many newspapers, we refer to the answer given by a Virginia editor in reply to the above. "It doesn't" calmly replied the journalist, "tbe newspapers keep up the town." Mr. E. C. Freer, of this city and Miss AddieBliss, of Detroit, weremarried on Wednesday evening of last week in tbe lalter place by Rerv. Jno. Alabaster. Tiie Democuaï was kindly remeinbered by a box of wedding cake. It was excellent Smul), the man wbo ruu the Toledo & Anu Albor roai in the ground during his hrief management, m his svild attempt to make business for the D. H, & 8. AV, R. ' K. will retire from the last ïianied rund, as by the change liis services are dispensed with. It cost the tax-payors $202,1345 to refur1 nish and repair the executive mansión during Grant and Hayes' term of office, I and it is now proposed lo "refurnish and repair" again at an expensé of $100,000 or more. If this is not a, svviudle, pray tell what is? Martha W., wife of,the late Sylvester D. Noble, died Monday night of general debility, aged 78 years and 4 months. ín 1825 she carne lo Uiis state and for many years lived al Mallet Creek, in the town of Piltsíield. Soine 30 years ago she carne to this cily. She leaves several cUildreu. The Excelsior says it is dífflcult to explain the workings of the youthful mind. A boy who will listen indiiferently to the sublimest truths of theology, will be aroused to the acutest interests by the progress of a Caterpillar over the collar of the baldheaded man in the pew in front of htm. The parties who put in the gas pipes in the capítol at Lausing, will put in the steani heat ing apparatus, and do the gas fitting and plumbing in the new library building. Tne cObt will be $(i,000. 11. Kilredge will furnish the stone, sand and gravel. Plynn Jiros., will build the foundation. The regenta met Tuesday. Act ing president Freize presented his annual. Jle retened to the prosperity of the university, the exccptionably good conduct of thestudents during the absence of president Angelí, and in closing paid a haudsome tribute to the late ex-(iov. John J. Bagley, ex-president Haven and Prof. Geó. K Williams. Emanuel G. Wildt was overeóme by the heat Tuesday afternoon. lle starled U come down town with liis team, when be dropped over and his team stopped. Dr. Smith, vvlio attended li tui, itiinks he bad a n atluck of paralvsis. lle was o the procession on Alonday and DSCame very mueh fatigued, whioh is thought to be the cause of' his sickuess. Thougli be weru tiend, vet símil he live is an illuxtralion of whal manhood and brains and couragu can accomplish. It is a long distaiice trom the log cabiu to tbe Wbile House, but General Garfleld's career sliowed tbe nations of the World wlñit can be accomplished under a government of the people, for the people, ly tbe people. - [Chicago ínter Ucean. Mrs. A. A. Tuttle, of this place, bas just completed a bed spread which represente no smnll amouut ol' labor. It is knit of No. 12 uotton, of vvhichit required 56 1-2 ordinary balls, and is composed of 154 blocks, euch containing y,C3(i stiches, making a total of 559,944 stitcbes. lt will beexhibited at the coming faire al Aun Arbor and Ypsilanti. - [Saline Observer. Joe Eckles tells tbe following on the postmaster at Logansville, Ga: A letter was addressed to a man who once lived in Lbat place, and marked ou tho envelope "picase íurward." After several wtieks' standing in the office at that place it was sent to the dead letter office witb the following notation: "Can't ïorward; the durn kuss is dead and down trains all abaudoned." General Garfleld's pall bearers were obscure men, all of tbem. One was a treasury clerk, auother keeps acigarstore al Washingtou, another is a clerk in tbe pension office, and a fourth is a grocery merchant, on small capital. They were uot the pall-bearers of the president, but the pall-bearers of brother Garfleld, aud were associated with him in the temporal and spiritual aü'airs of the little Disciple church that he attendcd. The tCalamazoo Telegraph ad vises the farmers not to destroy any black ash timber that may be growing in their swumps. It promises to become very valuable in the near future. The big knots or "burl.s' that are frequently i'ound growing ou this timber makc bciiutiful veneering, uod furniture makers are beginning lo find out tliat the grain of tlie wooci is neaiiy as handsome as wliite ash Black ish luniber, hitherto considerad wortuleís, will sell fox $20 and $25 per thousand in liveyears from now. We heard many complaints from country people that they couldn't get a drink of water in this city Mondty without a great effort. Tlie council was to bhune for riüt having the court house pump lixed. It was well known by the members that a large crowd was expected lierc, and it was their business - 01 ralher the cliairman of smn-e committee to have liad it done. Business men Complain Ihat thcy are compelled to go several blocks tor drinking water. Let the pump be lixed by all means Ih appointing E. B. Fond to see to the distribution of the goods at Vassar, the relief committee did what it thouiiht was best for all parties concerned, and'it was in vcry poor taste for the Courier last week to attack the gentleman referí cd lo. üther ci:ies sent agents, and what harm was there for the committee here to do the sume thing? Perhaps if they luid del egated a repnblican the criticism would not have appeared. At least the Courier was dumb conr.eruing Aretus Duan, the ollier member of the committoe. The son's kiss, inauguration day, the heart-broken cry of the mother over "my baby," when the strong man, high in place, was sliot down, tho solitary letter which the weak ringers of the president found strength to write in the weary weeks of iüness- these are tlie things for which (lie man ind the mother wül be remembered. Llkened to an euiotion and a momory which comes home to the hearts and bosomt of men and women, the lusting remémbranos oí president Garfleld will rest secure.- [Ithaca Express. A Buffalo lawyer writes to the Detroit Evening News that he thinks tlmt the body recently fouud in a hazel copse near Ypsilanti was that of Mrs. Eleanor Pike Lord Trssk, forraerly of Buffalo, and who has been insane many years. 8he has been missing for some time. The correspondent States that she has two sons and a daughter by the name of Lord living in Detroit, and thal a detective took her from her friunds in Buffalo, locked lier up, and tlien sent her olí in a destitute eonditiou. Since then her Buiïalo relations had vainly tried to flnd her. Policeman Millman bas taken the deptu of water in the city reservoirs, and the following is the result of his measurement: street, near the Catholic chnrch, 9 feet; Washington street, near the M. E. church, 7 feet; Church slreet and Enst University avenue, 12 1-3 feetcorner Fifth and Jefïerson, empty; corner of Fifth and Washington, near the Zion church, 7 1-2 feet; corner of Main and Liberty, 11 1-2 feet; corner of Main and Washington, 10 feet; corner of Huren and Main, 11 1-2 feet; corner of Fourlh and Ann, 7 1-2 f eet; court yard, south-east corner, 7 feet. Detroit Evening News: Didn't we teil you so? The lirst case biought into court at Grand Rápida to compel a man to obey the stale law forbidding billiard tables to be kept where liquors are sold, resulted in the acquittal of the man who owned the tables and the bar room. The acquittal was upon the grouud that the law was uot constitutioual, ioasmuch as itdeprired parties of rights giveu them by the comnion couucil, which body had been given the power by its character i'rom the state to regúlate the using of billiar-.l tables, and that the respoudcnts had complied with such charter regulations. Chas. Fiske, a well to do farmer of Au gusta, feil from a lliird story wiudow iu the Hawkins house, Ypsilanti, Friday night and was instantly killed. He had been to the state fair at Jackson, remming late Friday eveniug, said he was uot feeling well and wou ld go to the Hawkins house and retire. He sat iu the office and chatted awhile, and told the clerk he feit sick and would like some matches as ue might have to be up in the night. llis habits were strictly températe, and the suppositiou is he went to the window for air, lost bis balauce and feil out. Mrs. Ralph C. Whiling of this city ia a sisteriu-law. Manchester Enterprise: There bas been considerable talk of late among the farmers and merchants of this village, of the propriety of holding a district fair here, the first exhibitiou to be given next year. The idea is a good one and the plan can be made to work by a little elïort to get the ball in motion. The sheep sheanng festivals wliieh have been held here the past two years are iocreasing in importance, and we liave assurances that more will behere nextyear from a greater dis ta'nce than this. Manchester is well located, and with a liitle effort the district fair business cun be made a success. Let us try it. Captain Holden, of Cincinnati, has the bosscollection of spiders,numöBringnearly 2i"),ü00 specimens, and embracing 4.ÜU0 species. They are arranged iu glass bottles, with labels giving name, collector and locality. California fumishes 5,00ü specimens, and New England as many more. One species is represented by 108 specimens, froin all parts of the United Btatea, showing iiow mach effeat environment bas in modifying l'orrn. The collection ís supplemented by a full and complete catalogue of the literature of the subject, compnsing about 70,000 references on 10,000 cards. This valuable contribution to the study of this little known branch of natural history he hopes to complete and publisu at an early day. The Clinton Independent makes a correct estímate of the importance of agricultural fairs. "It pays," says that Journal "toattend the fairs, for there you exchange views with, and learn what your brother farmers, mechanícs and tradesmcn are doing. And tben again, it pays to keep posted iu relatlon to the new kinds of implements and macbinery that are yearly being brought out and iatroduced at these fairs. And it is a pleasure and satisfaetion to look at the flne horses, cattle, sheep, swiue and poultry which the country is yearly producinir. It is a duty you o'we yourself, your wife, your sous and daughters, to take a few' days of recreation, and there íe no bet ter nor more profltable place to do tb Is than at the fair." Please bear this iu mind farmera of Wauhtenaw county, Ypsilantian : The lease of the Detroit Hillsdale & Southweatern by the luthoritiea of the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern will necessitate gome changes, For the present the road wil] be rununder the direction of the otliccrs of the Lunsiüjc División. Agent Mailory of ihe Central Will aet as agent of the Luke öhore. The office in the Gilbert bloek will be closed, aud all business done at the Central otlices. Of the present office employés of the Hillsdale, probably all will be released except Mr. Fitzsimmons, who will remain here for the present. We underStandthat Messrs. Smith and Patker each have business ia prospect. A oew timetable will be into effect soon, aud general repairing will be pushed rapidly forward Although a matter of conjecture simply wc see througli a dim mist the outlines ot' a separate depot, a through counection aun -
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat