Special Speed Premiums
The following speed premiums are offered for tüe county fair next week : WEDNEÖDAT, OCTOBEIl 5. No. 1 -Trotting. Purse $80. For liorses oL the tliree minute class First $40: second, $25; third, $15. TIIÜRSDAY, OCTOBEK 0. No. 2- Trotting. Purse $85. For genis' dnving Jiorses owned in Washtenaw, Wayne, Oakland, Lenawee, Livingston and Monroo couuties, to road wagon and driven byowner. Pirst, $80; second, $25third, $15; iuurth, $10. FBIDAT, OCTOAEB 7. No. o- Trotting. Purse $150. For horses in 2:30 class to harness. First $80; second, $45; third, $25. Horses takiDg these premiums must beat 2:40. No. 4- Trotting. Purse $100. Forstallions to barness. Stallions taking premium must beat 2:40. Firse, $50; second $30; third, $20. No. 5- Running. Purse $40. Half nnle beats, catch weights. First, $20; second, $15; third, $10. Dedication of the Baptist Church. The dedication exercises of the First Baptist church will take place this afternoou aud evening at the church, on Huron street. The following is the order of exercises : - Keport of the Building CotnmiUee by Prof. Olney. 2.- Doxology : Praise God from whom all blessmg ilow. 'ó. - Responsivo Reading. 4.- Hymn 828. 5.- Reading of Scriptures and Prayer. 6. - Anthem: Arise, O.Lord. 7.- Sermón, by Kev. B. Graves, I). D. ti, - Prayer of Dedication. 9.- Hymn: Written by Mrs. S. C. Wilkinson. 10. - Benediction. EVENINCi EXKKCrSES. 1. - Hymn 55. 2. - Reading Seriptures and Prayer. 3.- Hymn 307: The Children's Hosaana 4.- ermor. or Address. 5. - Prayer. 6.- Hymn 1300. 7. - Benediction. Tlie church is entirely iinished, carpeted with a liandsome carpet, and pews of ash and walnut, upholstered with cardinal. Tlie church is bandsomely decoraled. The pulpit and center are decorated with flowers and floral olïcrings. Are you going down to liear Burlelgh to-night. Col. Burleigh will appear again this evening in the Vpsilanti opera house in the play of "ÜtUello."
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat