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Real Estate Transfers

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The following are the transfers ef real estáte for the week entling Wednesday, September 28: WARRANTY DEEDS. Chas. Ilarris to Gt'O. Hariïs, 80 acres sec 12 Ai' gusta, $2,475. 1)1 iza and Catherine Miller to Frank McCounell, lot in Ann Arbor, $200. Hannah Morse to Jno. Laughlin, property in Ann Arbor, f2,600. Michael Stephauswske to Thos. Keniahall, 9 acres sec 30 Manchester, $500. Monrot E. Swartout to Jane A. Lewis, lot in Ann Arbor, $700. LucyT. Pilkin to Isaac D. Covert, lot in Ypsllanti, $400. Iïandy K. Jane to Bobt. Mostley, 40 acres sec 32 Manchester, $700. James and Ella Galick to Lovel Harrison, lot in Ann Arbor, $1,250. Ardella Braman to Wm. Easterly, lot in Milan village, $200. B. W. Bliss to W. W. Bliss, lot in Ann Arbor, $400. Cyrus and Lyilia Fisk to Norman L. Conklia, land in Bridgewater, $600. Cornelia S. Ayers to Thos. Phillips, property iu Ypsilauti, $700 W. II. Whitmarsh to tí. and A. M. Callis, property in York, $225. Thos. Braman to Wm. Hansou, lots in Milan village, $205. Wm. II. Hauson to Asa Whitestead lots 13 and 14 Braman's add Milan villaje, $220. Franklin Spaford to Barnest Geetekeenst. lot Id Manchester village, $400. Mary E. Costello to Deubel Bros., Scio Mili propeity, $11,000.