It is reported that in accordance with in BtrKCtionB irom the aorthern M.E. conference Prof. Rust oí Cincinnati, has selected Littl Bock, Ark., as the site tor a new university. The Wisconsin Republican conventisn nom inated Gen. J. M. Rusk for Governor. It is reported that President Arthur wi take no action in regard to a meeting ot tb senate until after Mr. Garfield's funeral. The next Methodist ecumenical council wi be held in this country in 1887. Espoeito, the alleged Italian brigán d arrest cd in New Orleans, sailed froin New York fo Italy on the 21st in custody of offieers of tha country. The boiler of a locomotiva which was haul ing a freight traia on the Missouri Pacifi road exploded Vednesday, 21st, killing fiv men and wrecking several cara. A incendiary fire in the üregon state priso dessroyed tbe tauaery, stoye works aod chair factory. Loss f 40,000. The convicts aidin in extinguishing the fire and made no attenip U escape. Th tíarfield fund now auiounts to nearly 300,000. Guiteau was hanged in efflgy at St. Louis on IheSSd. Türee men boarded a train on the Iron Mountain road running east from Texarkan at 8 o'clock Thursday night 22J.; at Hope Ark., covered the conductor witk pistols am robbed him, and marched him through th train, robOing paesengers as they went. Iu the express car they rolibed the safe, gettiug in all about 1S,OUO. Tl]fy left the train when their work was complet and escaped. The railroad offers a reward of f5,000 and the state one of #500 each for the arrest aud cou yiction ot the robbere. The (iarfield f und ainounted to over f300,000 on the 25th. Mr. Arthur vrill not for the present make the White House bis residenoe, but will remain with hie triend Senator JoneB. The ladies at Long Brancb are preparing a quantity of clothing to be seut tq the Michigan fire suöerers in niemory of President karneld. The eommittee appointed to receive subscriptions and erect a monument to trarheld at Cleveland has issued au address suggesting that subscriptions be liinited to f 1. A furious tornado paesed over Quincy, 111., on the 24th, wholly orQuite demolisliing inany tuildings, destroying trees and doing mucü otber damoge. Four persons are reported killed and 13iajured. It is rnmored that on account of former unpleasant relations between President Arthurand the Secretary of the Nayy, Hunt, it is 'Probable that he will not remain in t; e Cabinet and JudgeThomas Sottle of Florida, is Bpokeu of as his succeBSor. The elecüon of deligates to the New York Republican convention, to be heiq ucioier oui, was generally agaiust Mr. Conkling, so far as reported. WmTH. Robertson and Chauscey tí. Depeware among those elected frouithe ñrd assembly district On Sunday 2h, a special train on the Pennylvania R. R., carrying a coinniandery oí Knieht Templersand a uunmerof preBB repeeentetives froin Washington to Cleveland truck a car on which weie a number of ection men of which six were killed. A wild story has gained currency to the flfect that the reportof the examiaaüon of the President's remains by the surgeuus was uutrue nd in particular that the Imllet vsas not fouu(i n the place where they reporttd ït at all, but was accidently discovered in a wasti bowl to which the intestines had beau removed. Cien. Swaim is given as the authority for this statement, but it appears that be expacitly demes having intimated anything of the kind and ome indignant expreseions are reported frmn he surge ons attacked. It is eaid, however, that i full statement or tho case will be made by ,he physicians at the proper time. The advance statemect of the exporta of do mestic provisión?, taliow, a.d dan y products duriug the inonth of August, 1881, just ïssiiet by ttie bureau of statistic.-, ebows the total exports to have amounted to $10,397,992 a decrease oí f507,000 as compnred with August, 1880. Tlio exports from Detroit laBt mouth were: 7,989 pounds salted beef, value, $719; 3,722 ponnds bacon, value $719; 18,344 pounds ham, 81,651 ; 13,108 pounuB lard, 1,573: 41,477 pounds pork, $3.733; 17,500 pouuds taliow, $1,050; 99 pounds cheese, $8; total value of Detroit exports, $9,069, as compared witli 8,934 in August 1880; total value of exports of provisions and tallow from Detroit duriug ten mocths ended August 31,1881, $btyrf5; saine during period to 1880, $19,85(5, au lacrease this year of $46,529. President Arthur retaine the clerical forcé at the White House and will tranaact all public business there. tien. Carr reporta tbat on the field of the late Indian flght he found the graves of the dead soldiere violated and the boüies hombly mutilated. They were reburied and giveu military honors. In Chicago there was a monster procession on the day of the Presidenta funeral, with memorial exercises in Farwell hall. Onlyooe Wholesale house reinained opeu, aod places of business öf all sorts were closed, dowa to the fruit stands on the streets. District Attorney Corkhill has notified Guiteau that the grand jury would take up bji case next week, and tbe aseassiu 6aid that he was ready and would get counsel. It 18 expeeted that Guiteau will be indicted aad tried without delay. Attention is called to the fact, suggeated by the llon. Hamilton Fish soma dajs ago, that the term of ttie postmaster general, unlike that of the other menibers of the cabiuet, terminates on the 19tü of üctober, oue uionth after the President who appointed him ceased to hold bis office. Iu St. Louis the railroads handled nothing but perishable freight on the 2ötb. Services were held by Preebyteriang, B.iptists, Methodists, Episcopaliaus, Cougregationaliet?, Unitariaue,Uhristiaiis and Hebrews in their plsces of worship, and the bells on all Cathutic churches were tolled by comuuud of AiCh)ishop Kendrick. A disastrouB cyclone de6troyed most of Ui villageof Caruden 111., on the 26th. Oaly 2 dwellings were left uuinjured. By au accident to a ferry boat at the Canada Southern Crossing part of i he train was throwu nto the river and three passengere are 6upposed to have been drowned. Base ball- Datroit'll, Worcester 6. The rder dircting the court martial to meet on the 2bth to try Sergeant MaBOii ior shootintt at Gui'.eau has been postponed ior he preeeut by Gen. Haucock. Tho captaingtneral at Kavaua has auppresaed three newspapprs, an i the prqprietors of two of them have been sent to Spain. Th reaseu given for the action is that the papers were calummiousand mischiof-iuakiBg. Thirty young Iudians who have beea at the Hampton normal school for three jrears have left ior Dakota and, it is hoped, wül becouae teachers in tbeir own tribes. It is intonded to tak uiore InJian studente at the school in tbeir places. Mrs. Garfleld and her ehil.iren with the granámother amd the family frieuds went from Clsveland to Mentor the day after th fuaeral. Crowds eontinued t linger about Monumental park and to prees through tLe patilion where the remaias lay Menday. The place waa lighted the fUowing evening and at a late hour pólice were necessary to prevent oonfusion and to direct the thousands of curious people present. It is 8id that the treatment of Guiteau in jail, the denying him tke right of couiBiunicating with his friends and even yet not letting him know certainly whethsr President Garfield ia living or not, will give abuudant gr jund for a postponement of bis trial for preparatioi, and that the assassin will probably not be arraigued until Deeember. Crimiaal trials in the District of Coluuibia cannot be appealed froui tho court in which they are held and no change of venue can be given. President Arthur sat up until 2 o'clock on Monday night dictating correspondence and arrangiug law papers preparatory to the dissolution of his law partuorship rendered neeessary by his elevation to the presidency. His law partuer speut the day and evening with hini. He did not rise tiil 11 the next niorniag and saw no one until 2 p. m. He remuined iu in the afternon and had a number of callers. Attorney General MacVeagh called about 4 and bhortly fft-rward Aa;Í6tant Secretaiy of State Hetf. Secretary Hunt later had a long conference with the President. The lsgal authorities of Monmouth conaty, N. J., have addressed the altorney general of the state and the attorney general of the United States mpon the propriety of filiag coHnts before the grand jury of MoDmouth cunty against Guiteau for the murder of Presideut Garfield. It is held that the wairer of a coroner'j iuquest by the state does not deprive the grana jury of its power to indict the crimmal. At Washington the project for a carnival in hoior of the foreign guests who come to attend the ïorktown coleuration bas been abandoned anif a military and civic processisn will be tubstituted. President Arthur is said to oppoBe any delay ia the electioa of a president pro tem in the senate.
Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat