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The queen has ordered the court to go into mourning for ene week for Preeideat Garfield, nu unprecedented mark of respect. The Spanish cortes meet on the 21st Extensive forest tires are raging m Canada arourd the Georgian bay and neigbboring district f aud peoplb are nearly suffocated by heat and smoke. The grand jury at London, Ont., refuBed to indict the captain and managers of the steainer Victoria for manslaughter. The Scottish chamber of agriculture has planned a land bill for Scotland providing for the adjustment of rents by contribution, a change of fornis, and for giviug the tenant power to sell liia holding. It is reported that the tanants of Charles S. PvrneU's brother iu Arinagh will Beek for a reduction of rent under the land act. It is reported that Gerrnany, Austria and Russia are moving for a revisión of treaty provisions for the extraditing of criminalB who aüonipt regicide, and that Eugland audfrance will he invited to joia. The steam frigate Magicienne, of the French navy, and one of the floot detailed by the (ioTernmeut of France to come to America and take part in the celebration of the Yorktown Centennial, arrived at New York on the 22d. It is reported that the Queen wishes to origínate a feubecription for a statue of Mr. Garfield to be placed in the Capitol at Washington The Belgian court has bcon ordered to were mourning for eight days as a token of respect. to the memory of the late PreBident. At St. Paui's, London, Westminster Abbey and other churches in Englautl, Bpeclal notice was taken of President Garfielü's death in the service of Suuday, 25th. At St. Paui's a muí üed peal of bells was rung. The rules of the land court will be jiesued in a few days aud work will liamediateJy begin. Memorial services were held in the American Presbyterian church at Montroal on the üöth iu which the lord bishop of Uontreal and clergy of the English chureh took part. About 200 Americans in London, met at Exrter Hall on the 24th to testlfy their respect for President Garfield's memory, and an ress was delivered by Minieter Lowell and ppropriate resolutions were adopted. The Scotch iron mastere at Glasgow have greed to reduce the production of pig iron 2 1-2 per cent. for six months. A letter has been received in London from Stanley, the African xplorer, dated on the Congo river, July 4:th. He has been very sick ut was then in good Ir alth. Throughout Eugland, Irelandand Scotlaad hedayof President Garfield's funeral was very generally observed as aday of mourning. n Loiidon thera was a general tolling of bells and services were held in inaDy of the churches. The Mansión house was elosed and he bande played dirges. The omnibus drivers and cartmen had bits of crape tied to their whips. The Pall Mali Gazettn expresses the hope that the kiudly feeling developed by the Preedent's death may be taken as a sure indication that all the animosities of the revolution have died out, and suggests that sorae informal unión shall be arranged between Grsat Britain and the United States which will in the future prevent the possibility of an internecine strife between the two great EaglUh speaking nations. Premier Ferry said in a spesch on the 27th that there was no daDger of a revolt in Algeria. that there were only 33, 100 troops in Tunis, and went on to give a rose colored picture of affairs iu North África generally. The international social congrtss met in Barcelonia with 500 delégate, and the president and secretary havo been arreeted for expressiag approval of the acts of nihilists.


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Ann Arbor Democrat