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cook nousi:, 37 H. BüDSON, Proprietor, !i. Newly Fnrnishml. Ann Arbor. II. R. IIILL ATTORNEY AT I.AW. offlce No. S, Opem House Block. Ann Arliur. Miollijjail. ""WÏLLIAM CASPARY "AKERY AND CONFECTIONERY, 3á Detroit Street. JOSEPlT CLINTON" MerchantTailoi-. shopovi-r Win. Alhiby's boot and shoeswre, AH woik guaiiinloecl or no charge. JOHN F. LAWRENCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Nos. ï and 8 Hill's Opera House, Ann Arbor, Mich. J. R. SAUE'S MUSIC STORE is tlu Wn-npest place to buv Pianos, Estoy Organs, Yiolins, (ímtars. Banjos, Tambouriues, Drums, Fifes, Flageolets, Zithers, Accordeons, Piano Ktools, Violin lioxes, IiutrucUon tíooks Cor uil kinds of instrumenta, Hlh-eL Mnsio (new), Strings, oest quality, all kiuds; Mouth tirgans. Bridges,Bows. Keys anti liosin. Everything in the nuisic line trom a Uhiukertng Fianoto a Jew's Harp can bc found at J. R. SAGE'S Music Store. Ne. 4 Wasliinston St., Ann A rlior. williarTTierz, HOUSE, SIOX, Ornamental and Fresco Painter. GiMuiK, l'aU'iinining, Gla.ingand Paper Haiiginí All vork done in the best style and warranted to trivesatisfaotion. Shop, No. 4 West Wasbiqgton streel. Ann Arbor, Michigan. S. 1Í. PARSONS, M. D., Successor to Stone & Parsons, OFFICE AND DISl'EN'S.YRY, Corner Hui'dii and Fifth Streets, Ann Arbor, Jlich. W. W.'MCirOLS, DENTAL OFFICE, over Joe T. Jacobs' Clothng store. Aun Arbor, Mica. O. U. JENK1NS, SUROEON DENTIST. Rooms No. 1!) South Main Street, oppoite the Kirst National Bank Aiin Arbor, Mich. THOS DALE, the Professional Dyer and Clothes ('leaner.third door south of the Ontra HouRe. Samples of work eau be seeu at the sho. Satisfaction guaran teed. TOBACCO STORE. IT WILL, BE FOUND that F. S. Duck keeps the best assortment of CIGARS AND TOBACCO in the eity. Best brands ef cigarettes a specialty. No 7 East Huron St. ANTON EISELE, DEALER IN JIONUMENTS and Gravestones. manufactured from Ttnnessee and Itaiian Marble and Scotch and American Granite Shop Cor. Detroit and Catherine sts., Ann Artiur., Mich. PATRICK McKERNAN, ATTOHNEY AT LAW, Notaiy, Public, Real Estáte agent, Honey to Loan and Records searched. Conveyancing and all legal documents drawn on reasonable terina. Office in the courthouse, Ann Arlior, Mieh. E CIFRAN KLIN, M. D. ,. Prof. of SURGERY, HOMEOPATHIC DEPARTMENT, University of Michigan. Residence and office 41 Liberty street. Dr. Franklin wil! altend surgical cases here, or by consultation Indifferent parts of the state. SPINA.L CUBVJ.1UBES AND DEFOBMITIJSS CUliEU by his amoved íuethod. E MANUEL MAiNN, PjEalerix Drugs and Medicines Toilet Articles, Dye Stufts, &c. Prcscrip tions carefully prepared at any hour of the tlay or uiiht by fli-st-class ehemists, Emanukl Mann. No. 39 South Main gtreet. AnnArlxn; - MichiganWILSEY'S MUSIC STORE. IJIANOS. ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, Ilistruction Books, Violins, Guitara, Flutes. &c. , cheap at "Wilsey's Music ftjoms, east side Public Bquare, Anm Arbor, Michigan. The largest and best Stock of Musical Ooods ever brought into Washtenaw ('ounty. Yiolin and Uuitar Strlngs a Bpecialty. N. H.- lt wU be to your interest to cali before purchasing anytbing in tlie Music line. 0R INSURANCE ON YOUR PROPERTY GO TO , C. II. MILLEN, ÏNSURANCE AGENT, No. 4, South Main Street, AeïN ARBOK, - - MICHIGAN. fhe oldest ageney in the city. Estab'ished a tjiarter of a ceutury ago. Representing the fol0 .ving flrst class eoiupanies: Pome Insurance Co..ofN.Y.,AssetsoverS(i,000,flOl' Continental Ins. Uo.,of N. Y.,Assetsover$.i,OOd,0()0 N'ugaraFirelns. Co., N. Y.,.. . . Assets $1,448,101GuardofPa Assets over $!.()(!. (K0 Ovient of Hartfori! . Assets $700, (WO R.A.TES LOW. ï.osses liberallv adjusterl and promptly )aid The Ann Arbor Savings Bank, (Organized 1809, un4er the (cneral Banking Ijihof tliis state) haa now, includinfc capital Btofetf, etc., etc., OVER $250,000 ASSETS. Busirwss mm, (ïuartlians, TniBtees, Latlies and otlierpei-Kons wHliind tliis liank a SAFE AND CONVENIENT Place at which to make Doposits and do business. Interest is Allowed on All Savings Deposits Of gl.OOand upwanl, according to the rules of the bank, and interest compounded si-mi uuui ally. Money to Loan in Sums of $25 to Í5.0OO Bocureti by Untncumbered Heul K.stutc and othcr KJud aecurities. Tl DIBEUTOR-" -Christiiin Muck, W. W. Winen W. J). llarriman, Willlam Doublé, lt. A. Beul JJaniel liiscockanii W. U. Smith. . OFPICER8 ('hristian Muck, President; W. W. Wines, Vice President; Chus. K. Hlsoock, ('ushiur. Livery, Sale, AND BOARDING STABLE! I have opened a I ;very, Sale, and Boarding Stable opposite the CourtHouse on Fourth street, where livery rgs canbe obtained at any time of the day or night. A fine lot of new Csrriages and good horses, at reason4'1'le rates. Brraking colts and hajuli.ig track horses a specialty ; good teierences given. P. Irwin, Ann Arber,


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Ann Arbor Democrat