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A '.Id i i ie umi local on aecond page. Pat Kooney is coming. Dr. Smith Í8 going to Yorktowo. VV. R. liliss lias a bad boil on bis hand. E. C. Kmiikliii wal in Detroit Mon" day. H. W. Hayes spcnt Sumlay in Centerville.; „ Manly & Ilamilton's uew blockis loom ing ui. Company A will leuvc for Yorktown to-day. Art loan exhibltion from llie 13th to the 18th. The telephonn bnsinPss is steadily on the imrjase. W. E. Depew lias moved liis fninily from Clielsea. The J. L. Builcijjli Co., was in Detroit Monday evening. The new Baptist cli'.irch in Ypsilanti will cost $14.000. Jay Uiai's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co. tonight in Ypsilanti. The supervisors wil) ;lect a janitor Tuteday afternoon. SupcrintOÈulcnls of the poor are to !e elected ncxt Monday. Alonzo A. Gregory, Jr. , lias gone to work in the posloffice. The Tramp retracted and Dr. Jones witliüiew lus libel suit. Ferd Bliss, of Detroit, formerly of this city, was bere Moodajr: Litta concert compuny to-morrow , Friday evening, at university hall. C. B. Cook unci wife wili spend tbe winter in the luke Superior región. Prof. Bauer had seven variaties of grapes on exuiuition at the fair. Three persons were baptized ia the new Baptist chureb Sunday evcning. The Minnis orchestra will furnish music at the opera house this winter. Commissioner McKernan was in Manchester Tuesday taking testimouy. A largo number of patients have been received at the university liospital. H. Waples, class of '82, has been elected one of the Chroniclu cditors. Hou. Geo. BRemick, of.OeduU, speat Sunday with Jno. F. Lawrence Ksq. j[iick it Schmid are packing and shiping some 90,000 pounds of wool east. The university temperance association elects uilicers next Tuegday evening. There was a good audience preseut to Iiear Judge Cheever Sunday evening. Opening of the opera house Tuesday eveninjj. Qive the manager a boom. Bei. Wyllys Hall is ia feeble health. IIis trip to Europe did not benefit hini. Miss Lucy Chapiu has been appointed nssistant iu the oiüce of secretary Ueonctt. Mrs. J. B. Hace and Wm. 1I. Winaüs, of N. Y., are theguests of N. H. Winans. The tax in Northfield for the present year for roada and brides is about $"00. Washtenaw county bas paid $ü,90S.71 for the suppurt of its iusane siuee Jan. 1D. P. Alment'.inger fcu a number of organs on exliibiUon at the Brigliton fair. Geo. Thompson, of Superior lias rented Lis farm and will try city life in Ypsilanti. liev. Üeo. H. Drew wili divide bis Urne preaching in Manchester and Clin,on. O. 1!. Goodspeod, of Superior, Uas been ippointed guardián for the Perrin chil:lren. Kooh & Hallcr are tlie only ones wlio have kept tlieir conract with Manuncr HUI. About $2,000 Laye been collected term from foreign student in the high' school. Supervisor Cooper was initiuled Mondajr evening Into the mysteries of the I) T. C's. Clerk Clark wil] receive $45 for reporting the proceedings of the board of supervisors. Pressing business engagements will preveutllon. E. I). Kinne from going to Yorktown. A special meeting of Washtenaw chapter No. C has heen called for next Tuesduy evening. MyattKyah.a medical student, ectured n the Baptist church in Ypsiianti Sunday evening. "Oóe-Hnndrod Wives" Tuesday eve Bjng. 6fo and take your wife or somebolie's elses wifc. I. Bycraftwill have liis examination to-day for mutilating hoKs belonging to "(■iify Matthews. There will be a meeting of tlle ladie liomeopathic aid association tlus afternoon at 3 o'clock. The will of tbc late Ore,, Collier was probated Monday; ulso the will of U,e late Lemuel Koster. Regent Climie's resignatie hu beea '■;-te.l and .vgon, .t.ect lu. appomted nh the vacancy. Mrs.My(,rs of „,„,,. w;is lMiri((1 from BethWlem Lutheran cbureh in Urn city Monday afternoon. The state tax tot 1861 for Wwhtenaw park west of the city. Kcv. H. Johnson will deliver un miilnss Sunduy evenlng, befoÑ the V. M. C. A. in univcrsity liull. It took the Oourler several months to learn tbat E. DufTy had e.Dgaged in the groceiy butineu in Detroit. The balloon used by l'rof. Hogiu was mónufsotard by lnmself, and Wednesday was his first ascensión in it. W. E. Walker & Brn., of this place will bulld the foundation for the new Baptist church in Ypsilanti. The stone for the bridge near Swift'n mili arrived Wednesday, and the iron will be shipped froni Toledo Mouday. The dance given by proteclion hose conipany Thuisday evening at the armory was a succoss financially. Coiiipaiiy.'A will.take a sleeping car f rom fackson to Yorktown and return. They ay % 100 for this extra comfort. A. Wilsey doesu't complain partiuulary of business, but he did deliver tiiree upright pianos in the city yesterday. The business of the M. C. R. It. in this ity in August and September, was er than in any two months for years. The passengere on the Toledo road north, were belated six hours yesterday ou account of the breakiug of uu axle. Saline Observer: Those of our citizens wiio attended the Ypsilanti fair report il snniewliat devoid of its usual interests. Haller & Son will take possession o their iiew store about the 20th inst. The; have somethiug to suy in to-day's paper, llogan.lhe uiaking his sec oud landing last Thursday, came down in Price's colli liehl near the Catholic cemetery. Juo. V. i reeman is the first colored man uvcr uuuuoued to serve as a jurymaa in ihu circuit court fioni the third ward. Mis. Fannie Johnson gave bail to appear before juslice Winegar io-inorrow to auswer to the charge cf assault and butlery. Sume one stüle a vioiln box from Sage's music Ktoie Friday afternoon. If the person knows wlieu he is well oiï he will letiiru 11. Just tü bee how Uie tliing works the ward schools wil) be convened at a (iuarter to 2 u'clock and disniissed ut a quai ter of 4 o'clock. Several bridgos on the blghways in Northneld havo been broken down trom the effect ot dnviug steam lliresbing engines over llicm. l'. Jiwiii's lenbnno(iolddu.-it look linst mouey and diptotau in tlu; lUlltoa race, bealing lJu.sliu Chief attd 151a':k iJeorge in tvvo straight heals. Win. Dell tot forging time vouchers has been arrested by the Toledo railroad oommuy and is in jail awaiting trial at the ïuxL term of court. Jno. Mclntyre, of Norlliiield, over "Jl years of age, buíkéd tliree .snocks of corn Monday aftuniooti. Pretty gooil for the oid KCütlemau. lluniy üarduer and Edwin Bailuy, iwo trauips found ia a Micüigan Central car, were seutenced to louia Monday for turee monlus eacb. Miss Edith Webster, daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Oraue Webster of Adrián, died Friday. Mr. Webster resided iu this city sume years ago. We notice that many of our exchanges go iu for abolishing the medica) schools. Tbere is no doubt that if oue goes the other will share the same fate. A butcher nam' d Smitb, from Macou, was runaway with last Thursday Dear Webster'sphice üii the Saline road, aud hul bis head baiiged up consideiably. Clias. Tesimer has sold bis pla;e in the mxamú ward, aud ie buildiiag a house on his lot uu South Main street which hu purchased leceiitly of Muck Je Schmiil. Chas. O. llopkins, a gradúate of the ." uoparwueuv, nas Deen appomted elurk of tlie supreine court, A good fat job worth froin $4,000 to $ti,000 per year. The demócrata kutw wüat they were about wlic-ii they elected Senator Bayard president of the seu.Ue. It was aU riglit, and he will make splendid preiidiog office r. The report of the county treasurer trom January lst to October lst shows the loilowing: Jteceipts, !?lUi,247.45: (iisbureomeuts, 1Ü1,üü;J.Ü5; balance on hunci. 3 - 8;j.o. The senior Lomoeopatliic rtudeut.s liave elected the following oflicers: President, J. W. Videll, Pu.; vice prcsideut, Miss E. Churchill, lud. secretaiy, W. J. How ;ird, Detroit. Up to Salurday lust tte following numbcr of students had enterei in the different departments; Literary, 440; medical, 359; law, 46; dental, 40; pharmaey, 101; homeopathie, 58. A man wno will visit a house wheu the head oí the lamily has just died, and importune the widow for probate piinting, is about the smallest specimen of liumauity that the Lord permits to live. Mre. Carrie Braetliwaite and I. M. Garrison, of Kast tireenbush, N. Y. , were married Sopt. 88 at the resideáce of Dwight Leluud, iu Mudison, K. Y. The brido foruierly resided iu tuis placu. From a conversation we overheard a few nightM ago, wu wouldn't be iurpriaed to litar oí lbo destructioo oL the alaughter bousesinthefiftU waru, if tlie uuisunce is uot abuted by the board of liealtli. Patriek Donovaii has resigued his position as a member ef the school board, and bis sicessor will be elected at thé next meeting of the board. The caudidates are ex-ald. Kellogg and . Stottlet. A díiughter of the late Wm. II. Perriae, who soine years ago was pastor of the JH.' n. cuurcn, tuis city, lias been eommilted to the Kalauiuzoo asylum. Over study issaid to have causcd mental dernagemeut. The following officcr have boen elected by the univcrsily musical society for theeusuingyear: Prei,idei,t, l'rof. VVinchell; vice-president, l'rof. S. L. VValter; secretaiy, Prof. Ikmun; treasuier, Prof.' C. K. Adams. Mrs. Johanua Jcweil, for14 years i tw(kut of this city, dwd Friday night ut the age of 75 years of general debility. Bhe WU bont in Dt-vtmsbire, Eng., and for maiiy yeam ])revitus to coniing here lived in CauaUa. While tho fair here didn'l amount to much, the Ypsilami papers oan't wow over their exblbltttmy for.accoriing to the Observer, Herald aad Enterprise, who sent representative,. the Ypsilanti fair was a tamo affair. J. llenry Stolsteinwr, son of E. Stolstcimi-r of FreeiVom, who gol fcs leg n a I Mircshing machine about two weeks ago, died last Saturday and was bu ried frora the Scio church Monday afternoon. lie was about 21 years of age. The books of tlic W íshtenaw agricultural society are public propert, and wbeo the Tramp refiued llie reporters pcrniis.-iiin to look at them last Saturday he exceedud his authority, and proved hiniself unfit for secretaiy. During the summcr manager llill has lieen to several thousand dolían expense in filüng up the opera house, and as the house is lo be opened neX Tuesday night with the play of "100 Wives," the com pany should be ffreèted with a full house. In order to increase the telephone iness and to accoiumodale & number of new subscribers, a large nuniber of poles are being put up in different parts of Uie city. These poles ate to be painted. What will the grumblers have to say now? Dr. ,T. A. Beebe, a gradúate of Westfield college, class of '80, and Miss Mary A Shurtleff, daOglKexof S. W Shuitk-ff Esq., of Ann Arbor towa, will be married on the 19th iust it the bride's dence. 1 hey will be giveti a receptioo at Westneld. Ittnager Keecfa lias put telepbones the past weck in Jno. Iveck Si Co's. establishment, and Luick Bros. sliop. 'Ho will also put one in Moore's branch book store on State sti cel, and those wishing to send messages can do so for a small consideration. Zion Lutberan Sunday school elected the following olïiceis Thursday eveuing: Superintendent, Frederick Schmid; vicesuperintendent, Win. Morkle; socrctaiy. Amelia Lutz; troasurer, F. II. Bclser; librarían, A. D. Bey Ier; assis'.an' übrarian, Miss R. Bross. Kev. Mr. Sunderland 13 expected home ibis weck from a six weeks' abseuce in Boston and New Englanu. He will occupy the pulpit of the Unitarian cliurcb next Sunday morning and evjning. The morning service will üe the unoual harrvest festival. The church will be decorated with fruit and flowers, and the Sunday school will take purt in rhe exercises. The total number of scholars Bttending lie liigh school is y90. Of ibis mimbei 310 reside in Michigan, 109 are rciidents of Aun Albor. The remaiuing 80 come frora the foüowing different states and territories: Iudiana, 11; Illinois, 18; Wisconsin, 5; Iowa, 7;Ohio, 8; I'ennsylvauia, 7; JiOuisiana, 2; New York, r; (Jeorgiu, 1; Ttxas, 8; Massachusctts, 1; Vermont, 1; Weit Virginia, 2; Colorado, I ; Washington Territory, 2; Montana, 2; Alabama, 1; Indiau Tenïtoty, ; Ontario, 2. The foHowiüg is the list of membera of Cunipaiiy A wiio are gomg to the YorktoWB centennial: Cuptkj Manly, Lie'ut, Schub, Lieut. Hiscock.Sargeants Olirien, Keveimugh, tíoig, Uuath und Chase. Corporali Uiet., French, Farrell and Calvin, Priviites, Gen. JJIuni, Frank Blura, J'ljilii) IJlum, ij. il. Buchoz, üeo. üintfler, Wui. Gerstuer, John Ilowley, Iloebick, John Kauoe, Sidney Millaid, Eil i'itkin, Giliie I'itkin, Louis Holaud, Schlinker. John Keule, Hugh Koss, John 8weet, Andrew Sweet, Teufel, Geo. Weruer, Wui, Watts, Wm. Wauzock, Greeniiig, Jacob Boerelzhfiiner, Chas. King. The Lansing Kepublicau says of the GoBcbe-Honper Co., ia their rendictionof "lüü Wives:" character is a study. Hopper, as JMcGindley f orces adiniraüon by his fldelity to nature, but the applause giviiii to Miss Gardner is a spontaoeoue offering to as pretty ana piquaut a little actressas now trends the American stage, wbeüier Sophroaii McGinley "or auy other wotiian." IÍÍ8B Elbridge as Elsie Bndiord 8 natural aDd pleasing, Uudworth as llung LI is China all througli, and little Vivia Ogden, as Bessie, enliste the sympathy of the house at once, lt is a good company and a good play. The Eastern Michigan agricultura! and horticultural society elected the folluwing offleers: President, J. H. Campbell, perior; secreiaiy, Frank Joslin, Yp.üaiiti; treasurer, William Campbell, Aun Albor luwn. Executive comrnittee, iiew members, Samson Parker, Lodi; J. Everett Smitli, Ypsilanti town; 0. B. Koot, Plymouth; Win. Lpwden. Augusta; E. M. Cole, Superior. The following nuraber hold over ; Wm. VanDuyn, York ; W. II. llawkins, Ypsilauti; Win. Lee Yost, Van Boxen ; Joliu Ilanison, Wajne; C. M. Fellows, Manchester; J. S. Nowland, Arm Albor; S. Sober, Salem; J. 8. Wood, Lodi. Some weeks ugo it wi:i be remembcred that a deaf and dumb man named Geo. ttboades, losi bis eyesiglit l)y wiping bis eyes uu u rag throwu fram tlie university hospital. As Ilboaies is a poor man and was obliged to woik for bis living, Jas. Appleyard, in whose employ be was wben be niet with the misfoitune, lms starled a subscription paper and signed $25. He ia In hopea to realizo a nice little sum tot tbe blind man. llere isari opportunity for the charltablé to show their benevolenee. Just think of it, here is a man now deaf, dumb and blind, and to bis cominiseratioa his relativos as well u.s himsclf haven't a dollar in the world. A mee little sum should be rctilizcd. The students' lecture nssociation proposes to have a oumber of íirst-class eutertaimnents and lectures tlie coming 3'car as follows: The Litta grand concerl company; A. P. Burbank, humorous and dramalic elocuü; Kellogg concerl compsny; Slaylon star company; Hon. üco. R. Wendling, lecture, subject "Voltaire;" Cary concert company; Miss Emelie Gavin and the Swedish lady quartette; Rev. Geo. C. Miln, lecture, "Beauties of Hamlet;'' President Jas. i. Angelí, subject of lecture to be announced hereafter; Arbuekle concert company; to close with Edwin Booth, Jno. MeCullougb, or some eminent tragedian or grand opera company. The Litta grond concert company is the flrst on the list, Oct. 14. A very large gutlicrin of members of tbeJPai Upsiion fraternity oceurred Frlday evening, the occasion bei Dg the iniÜalion of the cboMo meabén of the cIdm of '85. Araong the gradúate nicmbers present froui ubroad were O. F. Barnes of Lansing, P. B. lioomia, Win. M. Thompson, F. L. Bliss of Jackson, Chas. C. Wlutacré and Krank Day of Chicago and the Ber. Kufus W. Clark, A. P. Jacobs, C. II. Jacobs, C. II. Liiílitiier, Joba N. Ostram and E. S. Sherrill of Detroit. The naraes of the iaüiates f rom the freshuien class are as folio ws: Charles tí. Bruce, Iiurrisiíle.Mieh. -fjeÊk M.DenniH, Chicago, 111.; ('hiulcs McCtoUao, Ann Arbur; Ilorace 8. Oakley, Chicago, 111.; Itussel M. Seeds, Colurnbus, Oliio; AVm. P, Tyler, Napoleon, Ohio. Aa the list of .donors in the south-west corner of Northfield for the lire iufleföfi ha never been publishea, we give the namcs of thosc who subscribed: Itev. Fr. Waterspoot, 5; Mr, .(is. Kelly, $2. The following gave $1 earli: Miss Lizzie Clancy, J. Qaio, Jno. Jobukoy, Edwird Scliliinincr, Wm. DonOfTao, .Jas. Hanlin, -Miss Katie ICcQrabe. Miu Kaie Murphy aud Tbos. VVallace gave 50 cents each. J. G. Zwinck, ('lias. K"aliMbacli, ö. Sears, G. Ludwick, Jas. Iloward, Thos. lloran, Jno. Conlin, T. P. Kearney, T. II. Kearney, Jno. and Jas. McKernan, Wm. Ma son, Jacob Schweckert, Jas. Wdlk, E. Clancy, Jas. Huiler and I'. Donoan, dooftted each two bushela ot wbeat. John Schanaban and P. O' busheleach, and W. aml ,). Walsh two mul a half buahelí). Keport of the amoiints receivcd 1)3' Jacob Knapp, county trouwer, from Jan. oth, laai, (o Scpi. 30th, 1881, inclusive, as ihowa by the duplícate teMtU on file ïu the ollice of the oounty clerk, loduding alto tüe aiaounta apportioued to tinBtveral funda at the Jauuary meeting of tbc board : Contingent, $U,4?0; couniy warrants, $3,004.32; State of Michigan, 89,SS0.S9; casten, insane asyluin. #i H09.64; poor, $21,Ö32.Ö; interest, $1,S09.88; insurance, $Jüli.4O; iurors and witness, m,OSH.W; priuiary scliool, $13,660,06; temporary Jouu, $10,247.88; court house bonds, $8,000; fine niouey, $205.95; teachera instituto, $118.00; utlariet oi ccranty offlcera, $4,150 stcnograplier, $000; Ann Arbor city, 5, 107.20; Vp-i laiiti city, :;2,(J75,l(i; MaDobeater village $(51.09; Cbelsea,t&36.9; Uexter villji.' $791,01; Saline villaje, fSg&W Bridgewater, $368.88; Freedoin, $194.01; Lima, $04.67; Lodl, f138, 18; Maocbester, $8083; Nortüfleld, $04 07: 8cio, $12J.Ü4; Vork, 1198.99, Total, $81,448.56. Heretoforc the secretarles of the Wssbtenaw county agricultural and horticultura] society have been obliging and accommodiiting geutlemen. They were always dispused, tor it was their duty to reuder every assistanee in their power to reporters ana newspaper mën gencrally, by pcrmitting thetn to examine lüe books and papers of the society to niake out their reports for publication, that tlie people of the county might know the result of fair matters. We repeat that in eveiv instance exept one, since we have had anything to do with newspaper work, the secretarie of the society have been gentlemen. But the self-couceited ignoramus who has occupied the position for nearly a year liad the elírontery to deny a simple requeit to look it tlie books ot the society. Fools caimot b(i held responsible ior their actions, and perliaps we should tlirow tlie mantle of churity over Joliu N. Pailey. Kot only did he refuse us this privilege, bilt otiier reporte were similarly treated. Tlie officers of the society conderan his course, and think he has ibown himself to be what many citizens have long knowii, virtually non comjrn inentÍAs. Two weeks ago last Saturday John Duffy of New York, carne here to visit liis urotliers, Edwsrd and Michael Diilly He atlended the fair at Ypsil.mli and look ii severe cold am! was laken down witli pneumonía. 11e conliinied tO grow WOTse and died Friday nifilit at .5 o'clock. IILs wifo, wlio was u New York, was telegraplieil for hut did not arrive at tUe uence ot jMicliucl Uutly, where lier husband was visiting, until after his death. Mr. Dulfy was a very prominent and inrluential citizen of New York, and was very wealtby. During the war he was prcrrost marshal of New York city, aud ifterwards a candidate for congress. [t was daring the administration of President Pierce that lie was appointed United Batea minister to Galway, Ireiand. At the breaking out of the rebellion he was ïapUtfn of Company F, (iOth regiment JNew York) acd when President Lincoln malled for volunteers, Mr. Duffy ginled n his armor and went to the front wilh lis regiment, where he remained until ït tns ordered home. As a war democrat uu iook. a üeep interest in the cause of the unión, llis funeral was lield ïuesday, and was the Jargest ever seen in Northfield. Rev. Dr. Reilley, of Detroit, asisted by three priests ofBdsïed. Fr. Reilley preached the funeral sermón and paid a high tribute to the deceased. llis remains were deposited in the C'fftholic cemetery at Nortüfield.


Old News
Ann Arbor Democrat