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Council Meeting

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At a special meeting of the council Mouilay eveniug the following was adopted : Wiiekkas, In view of the public safety, the coramoii council of the city of Anri Arbor have caused the cODStructtoD of two bridtjes, known as bridges Nos. 1 and 2, across the liurou river in said city, and Have made other repairs in order that public travel in the streets of said city might be safe and convcnient. And Whkreas, The ineans now provided by luw aro notsufflcient toenable the said city to keep its public slreets. bridges, crosswïlks and culverts in good repair during tUe current year. And Wiiekeas, Thure will be requircd fdr sucli puijjose over and above uie 2,000 provided by the charter, an additional sum of $8,U0O. Now therefore Ihsohed, That in accordancc with tion 4, of article No. 244, of the session laws of the state of Michigan, of 187!), mk;)i additional im qí $8,000 be raisea by general tax upou the taxuble property of the city it larra, according to law, and that S'Jch sum be demonjnatcri, "additional street fund." KKSOLUTI0N8. On motion of recorder Douglas, Uic following resolutiou was adopteil : Resoked, Tliat thc following surns, for thu following purposes respectively, bo levied and cullected by tax the curreut vaar, upon '.he cily at large, according to law, viz : For 5th coupon interest from Feb. 1, 1881 to Feb. 1, 1882, court housc aid bonds, $1,023 ; fourth installment court house aid bonds, genera purposes, $6,000 ; general street finid $2,000; general purposes additional streel íund, $8,000. And tliat the foUowiog suras be levied and collected by tax iu thc following wards respectively, the eurrent year, viz: First ward, $1,000; second ward, $'500 ; third, $1,000 ; fourth, $800 fifth, $íi00; sixth, $1,000. me mayor anü recorder wera directed to certify the same to the proper supervisors, to the end that the sanie niay be Included in the proper tax rolls. Ou motion of Aid. Luick, chairmán of the sidewalk committee, sulewalks were onlered constructed is follows: On the east sidc of Fourlh streel in front of tlie premisos owned by Esculla Green; in front of the premisos owned by B. F. Arksey, J)etroit slieet. iu frout of the premises of Henry Binder, 129 feet in length on Liberty streel, and a sidewalk 12 feet wlde and 35 feet long on Mam strect, east elde in front of tiie game premises. Aloiifr the front of premises owned by Wm. ExÍDger, Pases ad liiion: in front of the premises of Hichael Claucy on Delioit streel. The following ordinance was alao ftdopted: Ordinance Relative to Transcient Dealers Skction 1. No pereon snall follow the business or (,-upation of soliciting orders for or selMnir 8f;.d.s' ..W1ire'i or merchandie from samples within the limita of the city of Ann Albor without a heense from the recorder. Sejtion 'Z. The recorder is hereby authorized to Issue a Ueonse to uny person to follow the business of soliuiting orders for and sellinir epoda, wares and merchandise from samples on liispayinK IntO the ettjr ;treiiNliry the slim in, scnbed m the next seotion. Section 3 Any person solioitiiiK a license underthisonlimincfshallpay tlier.-furus toVow. Twenty-flve dollars for euch and even dav lushall beengagudin thesai.l bulnes of goUcitinir orders for or sellinc goodl, airs, ui, I merchaS dise from sainples, Section 4. Provided that this ordinance is not intended to apply to sales by samples to merchants and regular dealers within the city SucTroNS. Anyviolators of the provisions of tb.s ordlnanoe shall be punJíhed by a fine of not less tban U'n dollars nor exceeding flfty doüara or by Impnsonment In the Washtenaw oounty jail for a term not exceeding ninety days, JOHN KAPP, v. w. DoroLH, Mayor. Baosmter.


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Ann Arbor Democrat